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Everything posted by inigma

  1. In order for ASC to be the least restrictive of the dogfighting challenges in the challenges forum, should I drop the manned aircraft requirement and allow lone probe cores?
  2. thats perfect! thanks! I'll use that at the logo for now. Can you bold the text by double just to see what it looks like? I'll ping you over PM on this project. Thanks!
  3. Been lovin' the submissions. Getting closer to what I had in mind. I actually spent time to hash out the general concept on paint. My skillz are terrible. What can you art guys do with this concept? Needs texturing and embossing, and maybe whatever else you think it needs to really look cool, and not 80s ish. Heh. Feel free to re-make it in your image. and
  4. inigma update. creator of GAP contract pack too.
  5. You guys are amazing. I love watching all the shuttles and people rank up. Congrats to all the Shuttle Commanders who have succeeded where few do.
  6. There are some mods that allow you to extend the offset restrictions of parts... where you can have a wing be 20+ meters away floating in space. See my Phantom above for an idea of offset: https://kerbalx.com/inigma/Fighter-Papa-1-Phantom Any offset more than what stock offers could be considered cheaty since bullets would literally pass right through.
  7. Ya by horizontal slits I mean see how the airforce logo has straight white lines for differentiating its feathers? Just do that... horizontally on your blue wing block and you'll have what i mean. It gives it a modern wing emblem look. Sorta like this horizontal white space for the feathers. To prevent me from hunting through the thread, can you post the exact line the way you want you and craft to be listed in the OP for me so I can just copy and paste? see the wing design in the upper right:
  8. No worries. Your spot on the roster is reserved if you come up with something better. Let me know if/when you decide to update your craft link.
  9. Just a note to competitors. I've noticed that when using Camera Tool's BD mode, that it sometimes bugs out the canons - until I toggle the BDA menu on. After which the AI on both teams begin using canons appropriately. I'll be mindful of this in future battles:
  10. I'd say... um... ok. but if it lags the round, it will be disqualified. In 1.1 I don't see it being an issue, but this is 1.0.5 for now. I'll add you to the roster. btw kudos on sporting a scythe. from one scythe pilot to another. VS, Emerald. GotR. We are your only salvation.
  11. Once @YargJay9991 posts his final draft, I'll let the people decide in an OP poll.
  12. I saw no errors in the log, but I don't think it is verbose. Using the vid above, do you think you might be able to duplicate it in your environment? Let me know how I can test, and what you need so I can get you data!
  13. I think I've been able to duplicate an issue with AI canon fire and Camera Tools use. Apparently if you switch to BD mode in Camera Tools, and flip around through a few 2v2 ASC contestants, sometimes (almost all the time) the AI forgets it has cannons... until you simply toggle the BDArmory menu back on. Then all the AI begin using cannons. Weird. And it's consistently the workaround fix for this. See this video bookmarked for you at the 3 min part. The Stealth Weasel that you are following has a gun range at 1000m, and the pair of X-38s he's sandwhiched between have guns set at 2000m. Essentially in this scenario, the Weasel should be firing at the target he's chasing here, and getting fired at from behind by the other X-38 that is chasing him, but nothing happens but acrobatics until I toggle the BDArmory menu on and off: It happens every time when using CameraTools, BD mode and when you cycle to a plane and back again while in the same mode. any thoughts @BahamutoD?
  14. No restrictions on craft file editing, except stock offset. I like it. Now... lets make the wing blocks into wings by adding straight horizontal slits. Then you'll have it. Thank you so much for working hard on this. All links in OP updated. Thanks guys! New entries will require either a KerbalX or Dropbox link.
  15. Currently I enable ECM for all contestants manually since this is a bug in BDA. Radically different competitive changes will have the current leaderboard memorialized in a ASC Series I list, and a new ASC Series II thread starting a new line of succession. The host will then select the first two craft to vye for the title (he has privy to enter his own as a first match contender if so desired).
  16. updated OP entry requirements from this point forward to require KerbalX or Dropbox only download links. currently listed craft are exempted. KerbalX hangar link: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/7430 feel free to add your submissions there after posting about them here in the thread. added to OP and ASC hangar!
  17. One entry per person. Do you want to add this as as second craft on your current entry? no. stock and BDArmory only. With all these craft change updates, I'm of half a mind of forcing everyone to submit their craft to KerbalX (you can update your craft on KerbalX to the latest versions really easily) and I can just reference the KerbalX download link in the OP. All this OP editing is getting to be a bit much. heh. With KerbalX, all you have to do is replace your current craft with a new file (drag drop) to update it on the fly. Thoughts? I'm a big fan of KerbalX as well, and really think having KerbalX hosted ASC competitor files would be the best way to go... and to make it easy to find all craft ever submitted to the ASC without me having to keep a running library.
  18. close. can you modernize the wings to not be so curvy? on second glance it look uh.. feminine. heh. everything else, style, and colors, perfect.
  19. Next Match Filmed! Round 1 was considered a bugged round as one of the contestants blew himself up at range (I blame cpu physics processing on this). So... I give you 4 rounds... and man was it a close one: My apologies to @MrZacbot. I totally missed your entry on the roster. You are next up to combat!
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