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Everything posted by Kruleworld

  1. I'd imagine that would be extremely difficult to implement in-game. I guess part creation will be left as Mod additions.
  2. yes, saving the crew roster to the ship's file would be a good idea, since it doesn't remember who's was in the pod last launch.
  3. yes. it is annoying to try and set the node when you are zoomed out enough to see the other side of the solar system. a picture-in-picture could work, maybe...
  4. you (sometimes) can't do this if your craft are close together. i think you need a separation >10km before the map view can discern both craft.
  5. I've noticed the crew screen sometimes shows camera shake even when the craft is in stable space orbit. it'd be nice if this were made more specific.
  6. yeah, its' ok as is. it's not a 2001 style simulator (it's an idea for someone doing their own game tho)
  7. in case you haven't noticed, 23.5 adds BLUE and PURPLE effects to the flames!
  8. I'd like it there so there's something to do while your Kerbal is walking around on the surface of another world. why not take a surface sample? :-)
  9. me too. it would be a better use of kerbals, using their gas to convert it to kethane to very slowly build up some keth. Are you listening Majiir?
  10. Yeah, that was the second thing i tried with it.... :-(
  11. I love how the asteroid flyby has an 'engine noise', lol. also, that command pod totally ripped off from ksp.
  12. you might be upset your Kerbal his died although for Kerbals, someone dying is probably not considered a "failure".
  13. static position camera...hmm, good idea. it could default to be at the KSP, so you can watch the take-off from the ground.
  14. ah, yes. that would save some embarrassment (i put a few lights on with symmetry and one on the other side ended up on the hatch)
  15. I think he means the Kerbal you are currently focussed on. I totally want this. maybe when not in a ship, replace the EVA/IVA buttons with RCS/LIGHT buttons.
  16. I agree with Killerdude8, while it would make the tech more authentic to real world considerations, i feel it would also impact on enjoyment, as Kerbals start dying because you've not had enough power to keep their life support system functional.
  17. would it be possible to make a 'red zone' around the hatch to stop things being stuck on it? nothing worse than getting to outer space and finding you can't get out because i've stuck a light on the hatch. yeah, noob mistake, but one that only impinges on the fun.
  18. the biggest issue with Satellite scanning that Kethane has highlighted for me, is the need to 'let it do a few orbits to scan'. to do a complete planetary scan takes hours. it can't do it when you're not focused on that ship.
  19. I managed my first asteroid intercept. it's actually the first intercept I've done in Sun's sphere of influence (as opposed to other bodies). One thing i found most frustrating is the inaccuracies in the map view. These new missions have highlighted it's shortcomings. it's either vastly inaccurate or doesn't work very well in some instances. It's particularly annoying when it won't let me add a new maneuver node. If there are overlapping paths, i sometimes can't place one on the blue line, only allows placement on next (purple) line. the map view is usually ok in Kerbin-Mun-Minmus SOI, but beyond that, it becomes unwieldy. the lines randomly disappear at different zooms. I know the dev team are working on many things, but it's time for a map view overhaul. In this view, my ship is close to the target vessel (DDi-176) but the blue line is WAY out of alignment.
  20. i'm surprised no one's mentioned Space Engineers or Take On Mars (both of which i bought and both of which are in development early access like ksp).
  21. it's probably just your mind playing tricks on you. you think you're looking at the real sun.
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