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Everything posted by Benie

  1. [offtopic] So this means the Dead Space series got it wrong during its Vacuum parts, since you can hear your gun going off when you fire, and the sound of stomping corpses. But he does say in the OP, that not all games get it right. [/offtopic]
  2. Another thing you can do is use this. It can help you find anomalies on Mun, and all other planets that have known anomalies. I used it to find the anomalies on Duna.
  3. I'm looking into the part.cfg files of the rover wheels, trying to figure out how I can increase the tolerance so the wheels won't blow or rip off. Unfortunately, It looks very confusing to me. There's two "crashTollerance" figures here and I don't know which to set. There's also impactTollerance. I know I can have a Kerbal fix a wheel. But say it happens on Eve and I come in too fast on my landing, and all my probe rovers tires pop. And since Eve has a killer atmosphere, it would be suicide to send a Kerbal down to fix the wheels. Note that I've never gotten on Eve (just heard what I've heard in Youtube videos of how to land and take off on Eve). I've been close enough to it to have an Eve Encounter, but at the time, I didn't know how to do the capture burn. That noob moment is history now.
  4. I'm not sure about having no sounds at all in space. Surly rockets have some sound in space, being all powerful. They should be quieter, but not completely muted. And also having no stars seems more unrealistic than the way it is now. Surly there's stars out there.
  5. First off, what do you mean by "HyperEdit a rover" specifically? Which HyperEdit feature are you using? - Edit an Orbit to get it to a planet, then use the Land your ship to get it down to the planet surface. I have to get it down on its wheels or landing legs. This takes time. I have to have it hit the planet surface enough so it'll flip over, so the landing legs are facing down, and I really wish there was a "Land Upright" option that makes sure whatever you're landing is in an upright position. What do you mean by "gone"? Are they removed entirely or just broken like from G forces? - All there's left is a small box of where the panel was attached to. I don't know how to explain it. What is the exact sequence of steps required to recreate the issue, from starting the game to the problem? 1. Made a simple habitation module for my Kerbals to live on Duna, then did what I said of "HyperEditing a rover". 2. Opened the panels once happy with where it was. 3. Went back to Kerbin, and spawned my rover on the launchpad. Then also HyperEdited it. 4. Went to where the habitation module is. Panels are gone. Have you tried a different rover-panel combination? Can you send us a copy of your .craft file? You can paste it into our Contact form on our website. - It doesn't matter. It happens to anything that has a solar panel. The thing is, I haven't seen it happen to the really large panels. Just the 1x6 and the 1x3 (the small ones). Does it happen on other planets like Kerbin? - It only happens if you HyperEdit something to a planet that something else has a panel. I never have a problem of panels falling off of mobilizing them (moving the modules to other places). Only when I use HyperEdit to land something from Kerbin.
  6. I support the idea above. It can serve as a staging area for rovers on planets.
  7. HL Airships look really fun, but they kind of defeat the need for rockets and spaceplanes. Surely if you had enough air, you could get out of Kerbin's atmosphere.
  8. Hey, Ezriilc. Got a problem. I was trying to HyperEdit a rover on Duna. When I got it up to my base, the solar panels I have for my modules are all gone. How can I get them back? I'm 80% sure this has to do with this mod. I don't know how, but the same results keep on happening. When panels are in their retracted state, they stay there. But it's like they've been snapped off by unknown forces. I can't get my Kerbals to repair them, as they are unclickable. There doesn't seem to be a way.
  9. Hmm. All I get is how much RCS Fuel the kerbal has. Didn't know there was a sweet spot of unbugging them.
  10. Well the problem is, there is no "Leave Seat" option when he is bugged out, which is what I said in the OP.
  11. I used to use HyperEdit to get stuff to a planet, but for reasons. Reasons as in "I don't know how to get this thing off the ground or have it not spin out of control", and "So this rover is bugged again. I need to get it to this certain location, where it last was." Even HyperEdit isn't perfect when it comes to landing something. I have to make sure it lands correctly. Normally I use MechJeb's Autopilot for pretty much everything I do "legit". Sometimes it's not as helpful as I want it to be. Other times it's a godsend.
  12. See the title. If a Kerbal in a rover seat gets hurt (falls over, say the rover flips over and causes the Kerbal to "crack his head open") and then gets back up, the Kerbal becomes bugged and can no longer control/leave the seat. The only way to fix this is to remove the rover (from what I've seen). Is there another way to fix it? Because this really sucks. Also, hilarious (but annoying) picture of what I mean by a bugged Kerbal (damned Krakkens)
  13. Ah, thanks. I will try this. I was confused on the difference between Docked and Undocked.
  14. Question: How can I recharge a ship's power with KAS? I tried connecting a standard connector with a detatchable Connector Port to a module designed for power, and tried to right click on the winch for that, then hit ALT on the connector, and it does nothing. Any ideas? This is for a base I'm setting up on Duna. I need to have a staging area for my rovers to refuel and recharge.
  15. Got the download. Going to try it out. (yes I made sure I removed the old version) Yep, it works. And it stays in its Opened state after leaving and re-entering. Thank you very much, Farnsworth.
  16. Sorry, but there's one more thing I see. It's more of an animation glitch, but with what I've told you about ships on the launchpad with it "closed", can be a problem. So, say the ramp is down and the sphere is "opened". The ramp will be seen sticking through the top of the sphere, and also under it. Attempting to retract the ramp will cause the sphere to spaz out. What I have to do is close the sphere which starts its closing animation. Then I raise the ramp. This stops the animation of the sphere closing, but the animation of the ramp folding up remains. Opening the sphere resets the animation to "closed", then starts its opening process. If I lowered the ramp before it completes, the sphere stops its animation, but again the ramp doesn't. Hope that makes sense. Still love your mod, even despite its modest bugs. Your pad is the only one as of now that has a ramp for rovers, which is exactly what I need for my Duna base.
  17. This looks exactly what I need for my missions to Eve and Jool to get data on their atmospheres.
  18. *rubs chin* What about support for EL? Like, make the thing in VAB, then send it to my launchpad on Duna? I hope I haven't misunderstood you about this.
  19. Wow. The Tractor Beams sound really awesome. But how well would they work on low gravity planets, and Eve? My mind is thinking "actual honest for goodness spaceship that can hover over the planet surface, land at certain POIs without leaving the atmosphere". Maybe not even needing parachutes? Sounds too easy, though. But I'm thinking of the possibilities. It'll be almost like playing Spore's Space Stage, without all of that bullcrap. (actually tries the mod and watches failure after failure) Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I was playing with the Stinger, and when I was hovering, the plane sunk when it went over water. And I unfortunately can't get it to go as high as I want it to. I tried 50,000, and it turned and went into a mountain nose first.
  20. Not sure if this is known, but Crew Manifest will not work on other planets except Kerbin. I had used Sphere Launchpad to "teleport" a habitation module for my Space Station crew to live there, but it already had two Kerbals in the landing can. Tried to use this, and there was no option to remove them. But the more I think about this, I think this isn't a bug at all. I mean, how are Kerbals supposed to get back home if you "kick them out" via Crew Manifest, on another planet? It's not very realistic. Is this the reason?
  21. Alright. Want to report another issue. When you have a sphere opened, go to the Space Center, go back to the sphere, the sphere will be closed up, yet still be considered "opened". If you tell it to close, it will suddenly go to the Opened animation, then close up. This is bad if there is a ship spawned on it that hasn't been launched yet. As I did (trying to get my Kerbals homes setup on Duna by using the launchpad as a "teleporter") There was Kerbals already in (needed to be empty). Tried to use Crew Manifest to get them out but it apparently doesn't work on other planets except Kerbin. So I kicked their green butts out by EVA and aborting. Then I had to get to the Tracking Station to terminate them to get them off the planet, then went back to the sphere and the habitation module was inside the sphere. I tried to fix this by activating the ramp, and it caused the sphere to spaz out and spin. A work-around, don't go to the Space Center with the sphere opened. But this needs to be fixed. One last thing. A GUI to set the height of the rover ramp. The way you had it and I copied it, my rovers are too low to go on the ramp to access my landers. And I don't feel I should put everything under the sun (rockets, RCS Thrusters) to just get the rover up there. It's bad enough for my rovers to veer off when I'm trying to approach the ramp. And when trying to put RCS Thrusters on, it makes the rover heavier for some reason. Some kind of control is needed here. I'm going to try to "mod" the stock RCS Port and see if I can't make it more powerful. I even tried to use a winch on another rover, to pull a 4x4 plate that I spawned using the sphere. It didn't want to act as a ramp to cover the gap.
  22. I can answer that one for you. The author of EL has debug mode off by accident. Even if you tried to switch it back on, it won't work. The next version, whenever it gets released, it'll be back on. The debug mode is so you'll have unlimited resources. I unfortunately can't find an earlier version of EL that has debug mode working. And since this mod requires EL to work, we're out of luck until the next version.
  23. I tried to do something similar to what you showed in that picture, and got to build one of the landers, with 19.5% fuel. But what concerns me, are two things. 1. I have to have launch clamps for my landers, because the lander will get stuck to the launchpad without them (even with Landing Gear it gets stuck), which worries me of spawning another ship that would destroy it because of the clamps still being there. Perhaps a "Clear Launchpad" option? I haven't tried this on Duna. This is just sitting ontop of the launchpad on Kerbin. And 2. "sphereLaunchPadMedum was damaged by engine exhaust". Is this going to be a problem?
  24. It to fold realistically would be nice, if possible. Also, I cannot connect a KAS connector to a KAS Radial Connector Port that's attached to the sphere. There's like, no option. What am I doing wrong? Obviously that's not where I'm supposed to put them. I'd like to know where. Nevermind the Quantum Struts. They're needed to hold the sphere steady because of the weight of 4 Large RocketParts canisters.
  25. Thanks! Attaching them directly to the base works. That's one less rocket to Duna I'll need to do.
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