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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Human spaceflight takes humanity's effort - meaning multi-national - but as long as we are thinking as nations at all instead of as a species ...
  2. It would not make any sense if you were allowed to use and modify the code, but were not allowed to redistribute the compiled mod - but still had to credit the original author - for yourself only - because noone else would ever see it ...
  3. TAC Fuel Balancer for really balancing fuels, this for crew - no something like this here for transfering science data from simple instruments and between pods ... ? Ship Manifest has its merits, but for me less windows is more.
  4. And why did he not kill him on the first trip Poole made to recover the part for inspection?
  5. "What is it you say you are? Hew-mons? And you left your planet, made yourself visible in the galaxy, came all the long way to our NEW HOME and probably led THEM right back here too? Great ... guys, dig out the old ship, we are leaving ... AGAIN!" Maybe the reason we never heard something from outer space (SETI etc.) is that there is a damn good reason to keep a low profile?
  6. I read somewhere that the solar wind would create a radiation shield infront of the Earth by itself after mere minutes even if the magnetic field collapsed. You mean like the artificial-organic super-AI drones we sent back from our future, which those morons mistake for grey aliens?
  7. You might want to spawn your equipment on the launch pad first to check for things like your drills - also true for ladders, landing lights, ...
  8. Some are really young, others dont look like KSPers actually.
  9. Imagine a whole world collaborating for the common good ... or at least for advancement in space: UESA - United Earth Space Agency Crews comprised/rotated according to the amount of funding as an incentive, cooperation unimpeded by political circumstances, members of the agency to be fired for violating KSP forum rules on their jobs/in public.
  10. For we have a jetpack with quite good precision and really good fuel reserves. Reminds me that I still havent watched more than the first episode of From The Earth To The Moon - Game of Thrones and double XP event at World of Tanks got in the way here.
  11. Huh? I thought the only thing scaling with atmospheric density in the stock game was fuel consumption? Scaling thrust would actually be realistic, but is not done without modding (for rocket engines at least).
  12. I think we will see a rennaissance of space stations to redock your ship, refuel it and send it off again; as well as an increase in modular build ships that can be upgraded as the tech level increases and modified for different mission objectives.
  13. Have you tried ALT+F5, ALT+F9 yet? And will you continue reverting launches for clean up after budget is added with .24?
  14. HAL was programmed to work with his crew openly and truthfully; the success of a mission has top priority (as always, no?). He received the order to keep the crew uninformed regarding the real background of the voyage, unable to question his orders or deviate from them like a free human mind could, this created a conflict with his programming. I am not sure how to take his false prediction of the failing of the comm unit, but lets assume HAL was indeed in error, maybe out of his confusion. His denial afterwards and blaming it on "human error", was then equally an attempt to cover his "mental" situation and also quite the truth, as the human orders were responsible for his struggles. The crew sensed something was fishy and "conspired" against HAL to shut him down should anything get out of hand, which endangered HAL's ability to complete the mission. Unable to reveal the truth behind his strange behaviour, he could do nothing else but shut down the crew to prevent them from acting against him.
  15. I am sensing a new player? For some experiments data cannot be transmitted 100%, you have to return it to the surface of Kerbin and recover the craft.
  16. I am fond of the stocklike parts in this pack - others only have placeholder textures and none have IVAs, but still. It also has some other station parts, e.g. a 2.5m "central station cube connector thing" ... or something of similar name ... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34664-Large-Structural-Station-Components-20-Compatible-Release-Thread
  17. I think it is strange not to use quicksave at least to protect my work against software failures or stuff - personally I also use it to undo errors on my part, but to not use it to backup hours of work feels crazy. Now that I think of it - could be fun to play a perma-death/destruction game, with more funds invested in test flights - now that I have one year of experience, which basically equals a master degree in space engineering, does it not?!
  18. Did anyone create something for the rest of the stock engines, especially the smaller ones?
  19. Rivalling corporations engaged in patent law suits?
  20. I tend to "simulate" launches until they are successful - and I also use the EVA parachutes mod - so I dont have lost any Kerbals for quite some time. Bill was AWOL for a while because his parachute drifted from Jeb and Bob, but after a tour of drunky he returned in a better mood than he was after the their craft popped during reentry.
  21. Was there ever a challenge to built cute little orbiters? I think it is just that I do not use the smallish parts that often, but I like the design of this one very much.
  22. I use them to mark craters on Mun I already visited, as a form of ILS to find the KSC airstrip more easily and for the screenshot of any "meaningful" landing (be it for my KSP career or the Kerbals in my current save ) - I tend to only fill in a headline describing the occasion and nothing else, and they usually get deleted after some time ...
  23. The sooner all major powers turn their eyes towards space exploraton the better - if you get my forum rules conform drift?
  24. KerbMav

    .99 problem

    We also have this in Germany - as well as the .99 on almost everything.
  25. He cannot fly the Odyssey home without HAL, so being there close to his actual mission objective all alone ...
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