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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Ah, thanks, so I should seek my answer over there. I am not using any of these two mods right now, I am adding one new challenge in each new save (after bigger patches) and a lifesupport will be most likely in my next career in .23 (after all my mods have had an update if necessary). Energy consumption is another thing though, so good to know! How does TAC LS deal with solar panels on inactive vessels? If two Kerbals leave a three man pod, is the third guy left to die?
  2. Does anyone have a goog looking part for the short range anomaly identifier?
  3. The memory usage of a plugin like the toolbar-thingy should be unnoticable really, it has no parts/big textures.
  4. Is it possible to deactivate certain parts of this mod, namely the heat management?
  5. I converted the "8k Kerbin" file to a TGA - gave me black continents ... PNG worked fine though, without twinkling (at least in observatory map mode, did not check ingame yet).
  6. Currently I am envisioning a community manager hovering his finger above The Button going "Shall I now ... noooo, lets see what they come up with next! *snicker* " ...
  7. OK, thanks! Directory Layout The textures to be replaced should be put into `GameData/TextureReplacer/Textures` and have the following names (plus .tga/.png/.mbm extensions, of course): kerbalHead // Kerbal head kerbalMain // IVA suit (veteran) kerbalMainGrey // IVA suit (standard) kerbalHelmetGrey // IVA helmet EVAtexture // EVA suit EVAhelmet // EVA helmet EVAjetpack // EVA jetpack kerbalMainNRM // normal map for IVA suit (standard & veteran) kerbalHelmetNRM // normal map for IVA & EVA helmet EVAtextureNRM // normal map for EVA suit EVAjetpackNRM // normal map for EVA jetpack GalaxyTex_NegativeX // Skybox -X GalaxyTex_PositiveX // Skybox +X GalaxyTex_NegativeY // Skybox -Y GalaxyTex_PositiveY // Skybox +Y GalaxyTex_NegativeZ // Skybox -Z GalaxyTex_PositiveZ // Skybox +Z suncoronanew // Sun corona moho00 // Moho Eve2_00 // Eve evemoon100 // Gilly KerbinScaledSpace300 // Kerbin NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse // Mün NewMunSurfaceMap00 // Minmus Duna5_00 // Duna desertplanetmoon00 // Ike dwarfplanet100 // Dres gas1_clouds // Jool newoceanmoon00 // Laythe gp1icemoon00 // Vall rockymoon100 // Tylo gp1minormoon100 // Bop gp1minormoon200 // Pol snowydwarfplanet00 // Eeloo
  8. I didnt notice any noticable (...) reduction in quality. From what I am hearing you could instead try increasing the ingame setting again.
  9. Some things my slow brain does not swallow easily ... Does this make rbray89's Active Memory Reduction Mod redundant? What does this mean for the diffuse Kerbals? In UR there were often two files per planet/moon - was the second the normal map you are talking about? Can someone explain to me please, why it was used if it does not make sense to do so? And: Which compression level would be best (using IrfanView to convert PNG to TGA), as TGA files are 10 times larger ...
  10. And OP wrote about skycranes, so basically it could be used for base assembly - he seems to want to limit its usability at high altitudes, so maybe not for orbital skycranes or dropships.
  11. Do you "carry" the tower over from the VAB? Have you tried anchoring it in the ground with KAS before launch?
  12. My Duna probe finally arrived. Aerobraking at 10km (3500m above ground ) over Duna's south pole did not change my AP at all ... with fairings and FAR I seem to have a problem here. Good thing I did not drop the insertion stage, had enough fuel to establish an excentric orbit. But the whole thing proved to be a hell of a collection of design flaws anyway! Staging got a bit confusing as I originally planned to decouple the insertion stage before aerobraking, the ground probe sat on top of the whole thing and when I started to jettison the fairings and opening parachutes and had to move stages around, the whole thing broke somehow - not the craft, the staging column. Had to rightclick myself through the landing ... The orbiter - satellite for connection to Kerbin - had to change its orbit to stay in range and view of the ground probe till touchdown. Maneuvering was mostly guesswork and navigation by the stars, the probe body was set at a useless angle ... so I rotated the mapview, looked at the constellations and then rotated the craft for the engines to point in the correct direction - anything but clean burns along the six major axis was impossible, but it worked. On top of the ground probe was yet again a smallish assembly to take surface samples with a cute little robot arm - yet the Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 is not a good (landing) base it seems, it exploded on landing, cant say at which speed as I launched it from the main probe body during the final stages of the landing. Transmitted some 1000 science - did not get to do much during the sling around Duna while aerobreaking due to the comm disruption on the far side and it was an "old" design lacking a few science gizmos. At least the mapping works, no Kethane scanner though. Next up: Moho flyby at high speed - didnt think of adding dV for braking into orbit ... and: waiting for .23 while randomly fooling around designing crafts.
  13. If you need another heavily modded install as a testbed, feel free to PM me a download link.
  14. If Squad changes something that breaks the Toolbar plugin or a more exotic mod creates a conflict with it, it would be good to have something to default to. *pulls blanket over head at thought of anything breaking MM someday*
  15. http://de.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/485462092
  16. Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te. cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare. Vade, Satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis. Humiliare sub potenti manu dei, contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine, quem inferi tremunt. Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te. Cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire te rogamus, audi nos. For later reference.
  17. MMUs and SAFERs use Nitrogen as fuel - so the RSC monopropellant seems to be a misnomer? Because one thing I learned from Europa Report - and follow up research on wikipedia - is that you do not want your suit to come into contact with hydarzin if you plan on reentering the vessel (and take off your helmet).
  18. Something of which I am always wary of is the "active vessel" setting. If you use it while flying to another planet it will work. But as soon as you put your satellite (with the long range dish) into orbit and try to control the lander, the dish at home will target your lander and not built a connection to your satellite - your lander has no long range dish though. Might be the case here? Question: How did you land??
  19. e.g. .../gamedata/SergeantBlueforce mycfgforamodtoworkwithremotetech.cfg
  20. The body would still age I think and I do not know if the cells would "live slower". But the effects of a prolonged coma are dangerous by themselves. Actually its the water in every single cell - every defrosted a strawberry? Multi-generational ships would be the way to go - but practical for an only month-long trip to a neighbouring planet? If it were a one-way trip, the crew would need the means to maintain themselves at the destination anyway. So why not built the ship with everything needed to sustain the crew on the voyage and then landing the ship as a whole or at least the different compartments to establish a permanent base/settling.
  21. I strongly recommend a new file, you can put this into your own folder under gamedata - together with anything else you might change in the future - so if RT2 updates you do not loose your changes to the other mod.
  22. If a sentient being makes the voluntary decision to go on a oneway trip, living the largest part of his lifetime in a spacecraft and enduring the (due to technological constraints most likely inevitable) effects of living in a zero-to-low-g environment, facing unpredictable dangers without any prospect of outside help ... But to designate individuals that are not even born yet for such an endeavour, ignoring their right to a self determined life and free will, letting them be raised by robots and sentencing them to life on another planet ... Not even close to being the same thing! If the argument were that the robots are really intelligent and empathic, then response would be, why not send them without biological crew members? The only exemption would be a voyage to an inhabitable planet to safe the species from extinction. No hard feelings though, the idea just broke my heart.
  23. It would be great if Kerbals could transmit their reports to the box from EVA. Sidenote: I have been pondering this question several times about how cheaty this mod might be (in my eyes for my personal etc.) Basically it saves us bringing multiples of an experiment/doing a mission repeatedly/using lots of energy for different (pod) crew reports. Curiously all these thoughts might become void as soon as Squad implements something similar.
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