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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. I too have the Steam version, I run it outside the steam folder though and via the launcher - I have a patcher.
  2. I think the scaling is for making it more difficult to send back data from high sci-value areas? Something to do with the time an antenna needs to transmit? Yup!
  3. Sorry, question was aimed at blizzy. The patcher is in the same folder as KSP.exe and Launcher.exe - at least in my Windows/Steam install. But here regex talks about that he changed the cfg to yield less science. The link in his signature lets you download several different ScienceDefs.cfg files, one which is the default version.
  4. I am almost positive that the patcher will change back any tempering with the original files (even bugfixes), but will it also temper with any mods?
  5. Now this would really call for maneuver nodes for landed crafts. What I noticed yesterday: If you place a node on your orbit while approaching the surface, the node somewhat hides in the ground in mapview but does not vanish - with precide node mod at least. As Kerbal Alarm Clock can save man.nodes (one at least), could this be used to plot a course for a lander? Make a node prior to landing, save it as an alarm in KAC to recreate it as needed and put in vectors with precide node?
  6. The color of a gas giant does not have to be indicative of the possibility for life or not.
  7. Quick fix: Set the transmit value for the sample module in the probe part to 0.0 - I am still dreaming of a way to limit the transmittable value of the physical (not pure data/readings) experiments and let the whole pool only be available upon return.
  8. Progression is a bit fast, in the end you are very quickly at rockets again. Starting with "cars", developing to planes and then rockets like a game of civilization is really hardcore, but I somewhat like the thought on the other hand. But again getting lots of science quickly and building large manned crafts but not being able to send a small rover early seems strange. Maybe planes should take a different path along the tree and Kerbins biomes give a little bit more science, giving the option to either perfect building planes and gathering science for basic rocketry to advance Kerbins Tech Level to spacefaring or to concentrate on rocketry first and add the plane parts later for space planes and Laythe gliders. Both paths would have to be a bit more expensive in the lower parts to really make it a distinctive decision. Though the not yet implemented purchase costs for individual parts will give further options to tweak possible progression paths. Different antennas capable of transmitting different kinds of science reports? (Queer thought.)
  9. I have the same problem, but I just let the whole thing drop and slow down, open a single chute do increase drag and slow down more as soon as it is slow enough to not rip anything off. Yesterday I could even delay my impact by pressing controls really hard and keep the top of the 3-man-pod above the horizon - 23km up, 2,3km/s fast, coming in from Mun to a PE of 34km initially. So, it really is true, wings are not the only things creating lift! Going to try to place some small control surfaces and see if that keeps me pointing the way I want to - could end badly in thinner atmospheres if I could not burn to slow down.
  10. Did you misclick in R&D and canceled the purchase? Did you reload inbetween? Funny that some things never work for just a few players ... Windows, Mac, Linux, ... ?
  11. I can use the launcher, but I copied the game out of my Steam folder - maybe..?
  12. Put control surfaces as low as possible - stages for higher atmosphere cant use them as efficiently anyway. Have only the center engines' gimbals active. Have a low CoM - the higher your CoM the later you should start your gravity turn, throttle down when you do so. Add some more reaction wheels. RCS is only really doing something useful here in thin air/vacuum. Procedural Fairings could help too, especially when using FAR. Try building a less wide lander/smaller lander Dont forget you can turn the lander upside down if you cant figure out how to put it onto your launcher - you may want to install a probe core upright and control from there though, as your pod's navball will be flipped 180 deg.
  13. With FAR: Test setting one reveals similar behaviour, booster assembly leans towards the side with nose cones and finally spirals out of control. With SAS firing 2-2-1 boosters in stages the control body reached Kerbin escape velocity. Firing all four boosters lead to flip-over even with SAS on and built in reaction wheels. Decoupling and descend test was rather inconclusive, yet coned booster seemed to drop faster. Test setting two was equally similar, coned boosters flew a bit longer before dancing to the ground. Conclusion: Weight seems to matter more than slightly reduced drag. Even with FAR's updated aerodynamics.
  14. KSP being a single player game and not a subscription MMO, there is no reason to punish players in such a way to keep them paying more/longer. Edit: Meaning, Squad would have no reason to deny us, so we just will have to wait.
  15. I remember reading some reasoning why Squad would not un-wobble rockets completely - but where?
  16. Landed a probe each on Mun and Minmus to take seismic readings (and other stuff) from two locations each. (hop-hop) Launched a somewhat heavy Mun lander with lots of science equipment. Munar insertion stage was almost full still, as Munar transit stage had 1/3 to much fuel. (*takesnote*) Therefore establised a polar orbit first to get some EVA above X reports - but Kerbsor, does Mun rotate slow ...
  17. Is there a policy at Squad concerning acquiring work from modders without alright hiring them?
  18. Looks like we need a middle part between science equipment and antenna. A computer built into pods and probe bodies preferably and with a limited capacity, to buffer all data and let the player flip through the stored reports and decide what to transmit and what to keep until back at Kerbin - like we already can with EVA reports and samples. Still leaves open the debate if physical experiments should be (100%) transmittable (at all) and if pure data shouldnt be.
  19. Were these test with or without FAR?
  20. Evidence points to: Eclipse is calculated by checking for alignments, not the size of a planets shadow (in the distance). But the daily eclipse of Kerbol by Mun on Kerbin must be the reason for the patch of "sub-tropical" Tundra just north of KSC ... ?
  21. Maybe my question was badly worded. I meant a cfg file for MM with all stock parts listed, so that this lazy player would just have to add/change the tech tree entries for each part. If someone already has such a file, I would not have to open every part.cfg to note down the names.
  22. Does anyone have a cfg file with all stock parts in it and would like to share it? Planning on building my own tech tree and some other stuff. Yes, just asking because I am lazy, but asking almost never hurts.
  23. Probably a different module name - open the ModuleManager cfg file and change it?
  24. Interesting - wonder what I would like better - any way to tell it to use a specific seed? (If it can be recovered it from a previous save that is ... ) Or copy the positions from one file to another? To reveal the deposits for interstellar if the planet has already been scanned for Kethane? You mean more "pings" per second in time warp to leave less gaps in the scan?
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