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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Got a stray Kerbal home, so thats done. During the rescue operation I realized how simple and small a rocket can be and still finish the job. Think I will keep building and experimenting in this direction to learn more about the game mechanics. Also will think about a hover-rover design for an extensive Mun expedition after the update - will start fresh and with small steps again.
  2. What I always keep forgetting myself: press F2 to toggle the UI before taking a screenshot - at least if you do not want to show specific data.
  3. Today - after years in space somewhere between Kerbin and Eve - Shellin Kerman gave his fuel- and powerless craft a slight push with the remaining RCS fuel. A mere 4m/s got him a Kerbin encounter! After a rough ride in the lower Kerbin atmosphere a mere 31000m above the ocean, Kerbin - home - got hold of him. With his last ounces of monopropellant he pushed his periapsis to 80000m, yet the apoapsis still is far out. But rescue is on its way! Saying goodbye to the ship that was his home for 16 years - and watching the sun set for the first time in 16 years! Im done, all men are back home, 0.21 can come!
  4. Cant really help but by offer my symathies. I have a ship with no fuel in a weird orbit around Kerbol crossing Kerbins and Eves - and the irritating nag in my head telling me I have to rescue the pilot with an ion propelled craft ...
  5. I might be up to do this once - but I am actually not above using some kind of solar-power-to-fuel mod before "grinding" gets unnerving.
  6. I wouldnt even mind if they rebuilt the Kerbol system a bit! Added a few things too maybe. Im also in for a slightly different Kerbol systems, one with a more "difficult" starting point like tilted Kerbin axis and inclined Mun orbit?
  7. Voted the 4th option. As much as I enjoy the game it still feels like something is still missing, some aspect of a greater idea still not there. Actually I watched - which made me reply in this thread after all - and if the demo I tried out last month had lacked all that was implemented in 0.18 I think I wouldnt be here anymore - maybe coming back in a year, but not being here.
  8. To report a post click on the triangle-icon. And you can contact the admins by the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.
  9. Is there no free open source video recording software available?
  10. To decrease part count: There was a post somewhere with a pic of a very innovative use of structural panels to make/force two docking ports to align perfectly. I think it would be possible to half the number of parts from 8 docking ports + 2 quad-couplers to 2 ports and 2 + 1 plates - depending on the number of docked modules this might make a difference in the long run.
  11. I think that would fail the presumably intended goal for immersion.
  12. Got this thing into orbit (finally) - have no clue, what I will do with it, was more like a test, most unwieldy payload up until now for me. One orange tank I undocked and RCSed away from. Fed all fuel (useless jetfuel anyway, look at the "wings") into the second one, started spinning real fast, then decoupled and whhhhheeed away from it.
  13. What about using a gravity assist to slow down the vessel - what was it ... flying past infront of a body to slow down, behind it to accelerate? Could this be factored into this?
  14. Just burn them and make corrections as you go. Might take a bit more fuel, but you cannot align a vessel that exact and keep it that still during burns that you will have absolutely no deviations from your planned course. Use quicksave at Kerbin if you feel you wont be lucky today, but just give it a go - worked for me so far. Edit: Im getting slow these days ... Yes, it is tricky, thats one big part this game is about! Actually getting anywhere is always the same - the inclination just adds another factor to deal with. Use all six directions on your maneuver node and try to move them ever so slightly when you are still far away. It gets more precise as you get closer to your target, but the farer away you are the more you can influence your angle at arrival and how you approach the target body.
  15. Strutheavy sections are where my payload connects to the lifter, especially if this payload is long and/or widens after a smaller connection point. Oranges get taped too and everything attached by any radial decoupler - but not so much as I once did.
  16. If you are using the enhanced nodes mod you might want to try out the cones set to 0 and focus your view at your target body. Zooming and rotating your view so you can see your node-cross-pull-thingies and your encounter orbit at your target body. Pro and Retro wont help that much, but the other four directions can give you a gravity assist that may change your orbit to a more desirable one - as well as an aerobreaking flight path (if you are good at it, I usually dont feel the atmosphere really and shoot right through it or end up landing ...). Burning precisely while still far far away is nearly impossible though, as even tiny changes to your flight path (rotating with RCS or just torque even, or just the wobble during the burn) can end up changing your course by several thousand or tens of thousand meters depending on the distance from the target. But burning this far away is really cheap (dv / fuel) and any deviations can be corrected when the vessel is closer to the target. (so it took me 22 minutes longer than tomf to type and post - I work to much while in the office it seems! )
  17. Thank you - not being a modder I rarely visit this part of the forums other then reading up on a certain mod. ... I agree with.
  18. If you want to keep the rocket on the launch pad you should be able to just ESC and select space center. In one video I saw lately the player liked to drive his crewmen from the airfield to the pad in a rover and let them climb up to the command pod.
  19. How does the debris limiting option work exactly? Anything without a pod/core is declared as debris and deleted on a fu/fo basis? (first up/first obliterated) So a fuel tank parked in orbit or a transfer stage needed for a return trip must have a probe core or gets deleted?
  20. Will all mods definitely be unusable with a new version of the game?
  21. Having a trustworthy probe delivery system I also gave Laythe a shot and did it after some ... difficulties - speed when entering the Jool system is quite ... FAST! Intended to aerobreak of course - aiming for Laythe got me into a wide orbit around Jool which I could not lower for lack of dv - orbited Jool for a few weeks and got another Laythe encounter, a few dv got me into the atmosphere a few quickloaded times: first got me into the water, second a visit to Tylo who shot me out of the solar system, third was meant to correct my Jool orbit but ended with a perfect landing spot (sometimes being unable to correctly choose a Pe height for aerobreaking can pay of). album
  22. Until now I prefered mounting them under the landing module and docking them upsidedown onto the stage below. But for a planned bigger "bus rover" I will have to think of something else - most likely the skycrane option.
  23. I set Solars to 0 - because I can easily reach 1-5 with my wasd-hand - usually for toggling thrusters (fore/aft) on my docking tugs or other mission relevant commands. Lights go with L and have there own command group, as have gears, although they are not always assigned automatically.
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