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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Possibly a contract specifically written for a mod but lacking an argument to check if said mod is installed?
  2. I am a simple guy in this case. We have options for LOS and probe control - another for KSC receiver only for a touch more realism and done.
  3. Can we do something against man-able but currently unmanned vessels showing up in the overview? And: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SaveScumming Careful, do not get lost on this site, I managed to surf and click around like it was youtube or imgur!
  4. Where does it say "bury"?
  5. Launched the same resource scanner satellite model into Mun and Minmus orbit - thought I would need more dV for Mun, but forgot I had no contract for it and ended up taking the next best polar orbit on arrival. Launching with stock fairings and short upper stages is still tricky and flip happy - larger lower stages seem to help the most for now. Also note to increase ejection force for the fairings, leftover bits bug out vessels to be landed in midair ... Enjoyed the easy stock aerodynamics and flew a plane towards the pyramids to fulfill a contract from the Anomaly Surveyor pack - fuel was not nearly enough, although KER told me it was good for 18h of flight? Hit several biomes in low flight for atmospheric analysis, so no loss here. Some even fulfilled sub-tasks of a contract from the Field Research pack! Tried hitting the north pole with a one man rocket expedition to take some readings for the same contract - second launch got me there, but both times the aero analyzer burned up during reentry ... no way around the bewitched service bay it seems. Yet: surface scan of polar biome: Check. Renamed several asteroids in Kerbin orbit that either will come very close or outright impact the planet; included the day of SOI change in the name and am now pondering about some missions. Build a launch vehicle for my station core, but game crashed when I reverted to VAB to throw a nosy Kerbal out of the probe controlled craft, so no launch this time as it was late enough. As always: Either forgot to take screenshots or did not give myself time to upload them after my KSP session and before sleepy time.
  6. You cannot pick which experiments to take out of a pod, all you could have done was to leave the readings in their instruments - useless if you want to take more than one reading/not carry around x of the same gizmo. One more reason to rework how the available data influences the conversion rate. Maybe ask in the ShipManifest mod thread if the creator is able/willing to put in a funtionality to do this.
  7. Does Mantle do anything for Linux? Or am I way off track here?
  8. I make a point to not paying extra for 3D movies whenever possible, rare exceptions for friends' birthdays etc., but this one time was really worth it. Training is one thing, the mulch hitting the fan something else entirely - how many real men were reduced to a sobbing mess (nothing wrong here) by their dog dying, their child missing, their first enemy contact ... Although I kinda doubt that NASA's psych evaluation would have missed her trauma - but would that have been reason enough to exclude her from the program?
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80220-Celestial-Body-Science-Multiplier-Editor Will use your data to verify if the standard config of this still correct in 1.0.2 - so basically posting for future reference but nice chart, makes me think about a second monitor again, all this usful information in so many different files ... and I really do not want to waste paper on everything to only clutter my desk more.
  10. He first added a level 1 and later a level 3 scientist. Numbers look reasonable to me. About .2 to .3 per scientist level?
  11. Try using the large docking ports or two/three of the medium ones at the same time - part count though ... The thing is a top heavy rocket flies better - so I think the Taurus generates to much air resistance which is what pushes the thing around. Experiment: Take the troublesome stage into the VAB, activate center of mass and center of lift, tilt the whole thing a few degrees to the side (shift-leftclick anywhere, shift-d to rotate - just in case ... )
  12. Did you notice at some point a difference in the rate displayed before and after starting the processing? Some players reported discrepancies between these too and I also have seen this once.
  13. Eh, yes, that was what I intended to say, but monday made my words all wrong. To then put these experiments into a rocket and load their data into a space station before finally returning them for the original science value.
  14. It only becomes a grind if you insist on sucking dry Mun and Minmus and to land in each of Kerbin's biomes. Nothing stops me from sending out probes as soon as solar panels become available and transmit lots from science from all over the system. Also, if you do not wish to launch a new lab after the first has evaluated every experiment you fed into it, you will have to gather new experiments elsewhere anyway.
  15. Flying over KSC - which this thread is about - will give you flying over Kerbins's shores though.
  16. While in the atmosphere KSP (now, since 1.0) keeps calculating vessels up to ca. 22km away. So if you manage to time the opening of the parachutes or better the landing of your booster stage with the ascent of the rest of your rocket you might get lucky. But most of these users most likely use the StageRecovery mod which refunds your lower stages as soon as KSP unloads them (below ca. 22km in the atmosphere). If you do not want to mod your game, you can try to build rockets that take there booster stage high up into the atmosphere and while your next stage is on its way to a high APoapsis or maybe even after it has reached a stable orbit, you can switch to your booster stage and watch it land - might require you to add a probe core to the booster, but activating parachutes at the same time as seperating the stage should work too.
  17. The EVA scientist does not get a bonus, EVA kerbals are just not subjected to specific multipliers for the experiments' data values. On Kerbin's surface data value gets a penalty of 90%, you only receive 10% of what you would get elsewhere as a negative incentive to launch your lab at least into Kerbin orbit and not just park it on the runway. Also kerbals on EVA do not get the 25% bonus for being in the same SOI the experiment was taken originally. It is considered a bug. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123784-Intended-Behavior-MPL-LG-2-Mobile-Lab-EVA-vs-Cockpit-Science-Activation?p=1986714#post1986714 This has no obvious influence on your findings regarding data to science conversion of the lab though. Have you run tests with more than two scientists in the same vessel? Also keep in mind that the amount of available data influences the conversion rate by some obscure math-magic.
  18. And I do not want to fly every experiment as soon as it becomes available in the tech tree to every biome on Minmus/Mun in x repeated missions to get parts making trips to Duna and beyond viable.
  19. Bringing us back to the question: Do you want to only sit in time warp while playing and not do anything else? The difficulty I see is in finding a balance between the MPL contributing to unlocking the techtree and not making missions meaningless. Also the MPL was meant as an alternative to science grinding, using both systems will give you more science points in the end. Maybe the science gain in normal difficulty mode is to high now that we have the lab to get science points too.
  20. Is the refinery (I am not there yet) that heavy, that it makes such a significant difference to take it down to the surface or not? As ore and fuel weigh the same, the weight of the refinery is the only thing that counts I think; I gather it would make a difference to reuse fuel tanks and engines for landing and travelling as much as possible, also combining the mining and crew lander. Tyring to use a ship of that size without going modular sounds unhealthy and brainfrying! Please do not forget to make a mission report with screenshots! I cannot follow. What did Kethane do differently? The way I see it, orbital refining seems to make sense if the weight of the refinery is big enough.
  21. So if I have a payload built between both a bigger tank below and nose cone above, the nose cone will become more draggy if I put in struts starting from the cone down to the tank, even if I then encase payloads and struts in a fairing.
  22. What does your contractor care about what happened in real life? They want what they want for their money.
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