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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Last SquadCast reminded me of a wish I had for some time: Put all altitude records into one contract, like the Explore X contracts, it would complete each altitude record step by step.
  2. http://www.twitch.tv/yargnit/profile/past_broadcasts
  3. Yup - to a small degree I regret not having disabled reverting (quicksave - never, not with the ever present possibility of bugs, power outages, UFO alarms etc. ) - noticing an error on the pad is no problem, just recover the vessel - but after launch it starts to feel like cheating to me.
  4. Some bugs may be weird features then? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96222-Fundraising-Campaign-strategy-at-100-commitment-results-in-negative-reputation?p=1466526#post1466526 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96162-Administration-strategies-bug
  5. I think he is refering to the large planes that crash the runway just by spawning.
  6. Late to the party, I know, but: Could the capsule seperate from the deep space hab to return to Earth while the hab slings around Moon to park for a while, maybe to be reused after bringing it into LEO with ion-drones or something?
  7. "The Indy sector, where original game ideas get a chance to prosper" ... or something along these ...
  8. Either a hidden feature or ... Could you repeat this and check the exact amount of funds you get? What were the original rewards for this contract? Maybe the calculation is wrong in the background. e.g. contract: 1000 funds + 10 rep policy: 100% rep to funds, 1:9 -> 10 / 1 * 9 = 90 possible error: reward: 1000+90 funds + 10-90 rep or something like that, not likely, but possible.
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96228-What-Happened-To-The-Mun-Texture?p=1466420&viewfull=1#post1466420
  10. The names of the part folders have been changed (to sort the parts more logically in the editor). If you downloaded the new version and copied the contents over your old installation, you will have multiple parts now. Try a complete fresh install.
  11. One of the requirements is EVE - which last time I looked was not updated for .25 and seemed to had problems still.
  12. I too had the feeling that parachutes have become more fragile, but I cannot say if it is something new in kSP or FAR, DRE or another mod - or just that I got used to have RealChute available. Try opening them at lower speeds, 200m/s seems to work most of the times - and 100m/s for fully open chutes (<500m).
  13. After following another thread and deleting RealChute, this error has not yet appeared again.
  14. Hmmm ... Yo Jeb, stop running, since when do I have to force you into a death trap rocket?!
  15. Lowering the science reward can lead to very slow influx of science and technology at the start of a new career - mostly only to avoid getting to much science from other/later bodies. Might I suggest this little gem instead? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80220-Celestial-Body-Science-Multiplier-Editor
  16. Does the "kerbonaut flings up the capsule ladder when exiting or grabbing" only seem to be worse than before?
  17. Correct. There are factors for every planet/moon, these should be lowered drastically, especially with the upcoming biomes for all remaining bodies in .26 the science points influx will become a deluge otherwise. At least I am almost certain that these also govern the contract payouts. A two-edged solution, but I agree in so far, that the Plant Flag on X contract should be a one shot mission like Explore X. Science contracts could be narrowed down, like "take a something-device reading from biome X on Y", and only work once/as long as it has not been done (transmitted/returned) before. All physical experiment contracts (goo, materials, samples) could have a "return to Kerbin" requirement. Fiddling in the requirement for processing the data in a field lab would be nice too. But. The downside of this is, that all that is left to do (after every contract possible under these rules has been fulfilled), will be "test part under circumstances" contracts, at least until new contracts are added. Lowering the maximum percentage and lowering the exchange ratio might be an easier step first. Although science MUST be completely sellable for funds at all times, because otherwise it will just sit there after the tech tree is complete. What became of the idea to give the player a limited amount of test parts for free, letting him bleed funds should he not return the part (OK, not possible for most decouplers, at least not easily done) in one piece? At least the payout on success should pay for the part, not adjusted by any other settings, plus the usual scalable benefit. The custom settings seem to be designed for players to torture themselves ...
  18. So for the last two career tries (with varying mods composition) as soon as I leave my first craft to reach orbit and pick up new contracts and return to flight mode via the tracking station: Kerbin is a white grainy blob and my craft (two different designs each time) has lost all its parts but the capsule. Any ideas what might cause this? (I lost the logs, will make a new one this afternoon. ) Playing KSP-Win32bit - Mods installed: Toolbar (newest version, but throws a version error, but works) PreciseNode (newest version, but throws a version error on startup) KerbalEngineer FAR KIDS DRE RealChute ActionGroupsExtended (in the first save only) RemoteTech (added in second save only) and some smaller ones (will complete list later)
  19. Quite right. The standard "landmark" contracts (reach altitude x, get to space, etc.) also pay to well, I think - but lowering the funds income via the difficulty settings makes lots of contracts mere sub-par reputation sources - although it prevents the game becoming a "launch x and test at y and z" grind. Balancing the numbers across the game after all features are in will be fun for the devs ...
  20. Working for me, atleast the EVA-chute part, I do not use the ejection etc.
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