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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Back in .21 or something, I used to alt tab out while waiting. But now it seems that alt tabbing actually pauses the loading, so I just sit and wait. It's not that long, if I load up something on my phone, the game will be loaded by the time I started doing something else. Maybe I pour myself a drink, but that's it
  2. That's a pritty smart way of getting down the hole.
  3. No, unfortunatly there is no inclination readout in stock. And thus no way to get a specific inclination without already having a reference in orbit
  4. Not so much a not read problem, as simply a stupid problem. During a part test in orbit, I always put the to test part on a tiny probe, slap a rocket under it that can just get the thing up to the desired height, test, and let it all crash. So I did for this one to, only I lost control halfway through. Nothing responded. Revert, try again. Same thing. Revert, try again. Took me 4 times to realize that the probe ran out of power. Aparantly the engine I used didn't produce electricity
  5. Well, traditionally, we have first developed large scale versions of a technology, and that has shrunken over time. But I don't think that tradition would translate to relative/quantum principles. I don't know that much about FTL related theory, but what I do know would suggest to me that we'd develop FTL comunications before actual travel
  6. Most of the things in the thread is old, out of date. Read only the first post (that's usually updated to contain the latest information), and the last page, maybe last 2 pages. To see if there are any frequent problems people report in the current version
  7. They don't actually have to work though. Just stage to activate, and succes. Than report that, according to your testing, a Turbojet won't work on the Mun, without any fuel feeding into it. SCIENCE That's exactly what they wanted to test. They are Kerbals. Someone wanted to make a boat, and they needed to check the different engines that already existed to see which one would work best
  8. You can indeed put the claw on your fuel rover. If you connect to something else with the claw, it will count as docked, and you can transfer fuel. Offcourse, always quicksave before trying, but it should be fine. Just gatta make sure you don't somehow push over your lander and get stranded even more
  9. You want some way to 'land' crafts on a platform in the sky? Sounds pritty cool
  10. Really? I don't recal hearing off any plane crashes in recent years except that. Must be that plane getting shot down that draws all the attention to the other plane related stuf. And yea I know it's still the safest way of travel. Just didn't know that it was relative to flying also the safest this year
  11. Hmm, it really shouldn't give you those contracts before you unlock panels
  12. This looks really cool, and I'll definitly be trying this out. In the meantime: Several of the links at the bottom of the OP (FAQ, Wiki, that stuf) links to an empty site with a redirect link. No big deal, but looks like the link needs updating
  13. It sure was an unlucky year for airplanes. Damn
  14. Taking Skyrim as example: It's still pritty tame actually
  15. Not that realism is relavant in a game... No it doesn't. New planes/plane parts (the closest equivilant to testing contracts) are flown by a specialized test pilot in real flights to test. And they have to stick to some VERY strickt altitudes/speeds/other conditions during the tests
  16. A better place for this would be in the mod section, since this is a mod question http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/19-General-Add-on-Affairs
  17. If you don't want people to use a topic, maybe try NOT being the first person to bring it up
  18. Why not just keep them attatched while decending? Even if you could switch and activate both parachutes, they'd probably drift apart until there's more than 2.2km between them. In that case, the one you are not controlling is outside physics bubble, and will be deleted once it reaches a certain altitude in atmosphere
  19. And how exactly is the AI EVER supposed to keep up with a player in designing NEW crafts? That's a rethorical question. It's not possible. AI can't make new ships. This is one of those games that are impossible for an AI to succesfully do. To many variables
  20. Once all conditions are met, activate the part. So you spash down, THAN activate the part. How is that confusing?
  21. It's not to easy, you are simply so much better than when you started. So you THINK it's easier
  22. Yeay! One of the most popular youtube game critics, permanently recomending people to stay away from Early Acces games, thinks KSP is worth buying. As genre, he listed "State sanctioned Kerbal genocide", so you know he's a real player to
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