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Everything posted by Kragrathea

  1. Alas, sorry I left so many roaches behind. Delighted on the other hand that Kerbals have finally discovered that there are more than 32 bits! If someone knows why PF has problems with 64bit and/or could provide me with a patch I would be happy to apply it. So as to tide the intrepid Kerbal over until Kopernicus or Star Systems gets up to feature parity. Krag
  2. When you do explode what does the mission log say happened? Crashed into what? Krag
  3. Using Hyperedit to go between planets can cause bugs that are not experienced without it. When you use hyperedit "things happen" and even tho it works most of the time it isn't the same as actually flying there. Ever see planets in the map view orbit backwards or pop in orbits when using timewarp? Thats Hyperedit. Krag
  4. Thread isn't closing AFAIK. And I ain't dead yet! Krag
  5. I am not saying there isnt another problem that causes the Kaboom. But if you are seeing spurious collisions with launch pad stuff (the cause of any explosion should be in the mission log) then i'll bet its this bug. I was getting all kinds of explosions until I put that code in and then almost none. Try the repo steps. Fly from KSP launch pad past SOI without any reloading and try high time warping. If you kaboom then that is the problem. This sounds so familiar I could cry: Krag
  6. Possibly. Maybe disable/enable the collision once the ship is above a certain altitude. Or even based on the distance between the collider and the ship. There aren't many. EDIT: Or just disable/enable planets collisions once you enter/leave hi-warps. I wonder why I didn't do that...
  7. I fixed this bug when PlanetFactory included extra time warps. It was a real pain to find. The problem is there is a bug in KSP where physics collision is not disabled when you leave a planets SOI. If in your mission report you see crashed into launch pad (or similar) that is why. I found I could reliably reproduce this bug by doing this: Launch from Kerbin and fly all the way outside its SOI without loading or leaving the game. Timewarp 1000000x then slow down to 1x and Kaboom! The fix was to disable all collision when you leave SOI. Call the function UpdateCollision() every frame and it should fix it. private void SetLocalCollision(string planetName,bool enabled=true) { var localPlanet = PFUtil.FindLocal(planetName); var cols = localPlanet.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>(); foreach (var c in cols) { if (c.enabled!=enabled) { print("Updating collision " + c.gameObject.name +"="+enabled ); c.enabled = enabled; } } } private string currentBodyName; private void UpdateCollision() { if (FlightGlobals.currentMainBody!=null && FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.bodyName != currentBodyName) { print("Body change "+currentBodyName +" to " + FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.bodyName); if (currentBodyName != null) SetLocalCollision(currentBodyName, false); currentBodyName = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.bodyName; SetLocalCollision(currentBodyName, true); } } Krag
  8. Hmm. I felt no "force"... Did I miss something? As for shared toys. Full source code has been shared since Jan. License was basically ask-and-you-shall-recieve. And I said yes to everyone who ever asked. Only difference is now you dont need to ask. Yawn. But I must thank you for bringing up fish. I LOVE this clip. SEEK to 1:23 for the SNAPPY bit!!. http://youtu.be/ojydNb3Lrrs?t=1m21s Krag
  9. Hi MrHappyFace. May I call you Mr:)? Mr:) lets not derail this thread with ancient history. Ask on the PF:CE thread and I will answer (maybe). <I would add a happy face but it seems I have ran out> Krag
  10. Yes! It was gobbledygook just like that! Stopped me cold. And well.. thats why Sentar is where it is. Still I liked it. Fun to watch it orbit the sun with high time warp. Krag
  11. Yep, that is why Sentar is in that orbit. Much better screen shots. I tried Teknomans idea but someone (astrophys-something) dinged me for not having the rings around the equator. I think the "right" way to do a tilted Gas Giant would be a script that would transform the GG mesh to make it look like its tilted and rotating. No one will ever land so it doesnt matter if to the physics engine.
  12. The CFG reading code is one part of the PF code that might actually be worth reusing. It uses reflection to Create/Delete/Modify PQS mods on a planet based on a CFG file. I was in the process of expanding it to work on any GameObject/Component. The function is public static void LoadPQS(string bodyName) in PlanetFactory.cs in the CE branch The tricky part is creating a PQS when you only have a string of the type. This also supports CFG loading on custom PQS. Krag
  13. I posted a status update on PlanetFactory here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE?p=1336014&posted=1#post1336014 Dont get too excited. Its only a license change. Krag
  14. Hi all! I am afraid I have moved on to other projects and I don't know if I will be able to get back to working on PlanetFactory any time soon. So I have changed the license to straight GPL. That should make it easier for other plugins to make use of the code and even the textures and planets. PlanetFactory source at Source with new License The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. Kopernicus Krag
  15. I somehow missed this plugin had a release! Looks really cool. Going to try it now...
  16. Thats good info! I had no idea why it didn't work and I despaired of figuring it out. Maybe there is a special asset for the science planet?
  17. Not dying. Just resting. New version almost ready but got side tracked by shiny toy. Krag
  18. Probably not going to get back to Qbik any time soon. Someone asked for the heightmap so here it is. Love to see what others can come up with for this unique shaped world. The physics are a trip. http://sdrv.ms/1bxdPfS Krag
  19. Ah, that makes sense. So does FAR work with the stock planetfactory planets or is there a dup in there as well? The history on flightGlobalsIndex was that I though if every planet had a fixed index number it would allow planets to be added without breaking saves (saves use an index to indicate what body your ship is orbiting). Turns out that isnt the case so exposing it in the CFG files was something of a mistake. The only purpose it serves now is to determine the order planets cycle in the map view and display order in things like hyperedit. I will see if I can replace it with something less problematic. Krag
  20. There is a bug in squads code. When you leave kerbin (or any planets) soi it does not clean up the planets collision. Here is a way to reproduce. Take off from kerbin, fly outside soi, warp past normal rates, drop to 1x again and you will almost certainly crash into something on Kerbin and explode. Quicksaving while outside soi will fix it. If you want a better fix look at PlanetFactories AntiKaboom code.
  21. I finally understand what you mean here. This isnt UltraWarp it is the KSP time warp altitude limits on new planets that have been scaled down. It goes from 1x to 10x warp because the game thinks your ship is higher than it is. I will supply a fix next version. Krag
  22. Those are the curves used by the Mun. They looked good so I haven't tried changing them.
  23. Is this the only problem on Linux? And what is FAR and how does it fail? How EXACTLY does it not work? There is no Science on any of the planets and I have no idea how to add it. Unless it actually breaks something it is not a priority. Go for it. Addon forums seems to be the place everyone else is using. No one else seems to have this problem. Most of the planets in PF were made from exported SE textures. You must be exporting them wrong. Compare whatever you get out of SE to existing textures. Ctrl-U will toggle UltraWarp or shut it off in PlanetFactory.cfg. How did you manage to destroy a ship? It shuts off below 18000000000m. RE:Atmosphere Most of it is not yet exposed in CFG. You could use RSS until it is. One parameter that does work is atmosphericAmbientColor in CelestialBody CelestialBody{ ..... atmosphericAmbientColor=1.0,0.5,0.1,1.0 }
  24. Well something is wrong with the texture. Try one of the stock ones and see if it works.
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