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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Kragrathea
Ah yes! We have hit upon the perfect tribute to the great Devo. Our planetary engineers have latched on to (pit bull aint in it) that hat you wear in your most excellent video. We shall make an erection of that hat upon the planes of Ares. So high that it towers above the atmosphere (assuming we can pull that off of course). Fingers crossed.
And Mr. Shifty. Apparently we have jaded you. Alas. You were so delightfully innocent when we agreed to allow you to negotiate. Well in this case you are embarrassed for not trusting us. You shall have either option (map orbits or no) free of charge. And whats more I have persuaded the finance department (the sods) to throw in the two timewarp levels for free! Free I tell you. I think you will realize now how silly a kerbal you were to doubt our good will and sincerity.
Greetings Devo! Radio waves from your 80's have recently arrived and we are most pleased with your "Whip it". Very good indeed! May we have a blessing to name a moon in your honor?
Hmm. Your delightful manure nodes would still pick up encounters. And the keen sighted could spot the little spec moving across the sky. Mmmm. Should I put you down as a "Yes" for orbits then?
Hello Kerbals! An interesting question has just passed across my desk. Oh yes, quite interesting. We are computing the cost of various options and we have encountered a quandary. Should we charge for the option or for the absence of the option? Let me explain... No. Let me sum up... Do you want to know where your new planets/stars are before you discover them yourself? You see we can display them in your delightfully primitive map from the very start. Or only after they have been "discovered" (entered SOI if you want to be pedantic (whatever that means)). Ideally we would charge you for whatever option you would prefer. But I can see we have made a cockup of it. So your choice Kerbals. No charge. Orbits from start or not. Discuss.
Ah! Welcome back Kerbals. I think we can agree that this Kimberley is an absolutely appalling human being (whatever that is). And aftokinito you hang in there my friend! You are like the little planet that could, you know. Now back to this Eve business. I confess we never even considered you would give it up. Its such a delightful purple after all. But we are going to survey it and should have a counter offer tomorrow. I also hear from our marketing department that a new video is in the work. Maybe that will cheer the Kerbals a bit eh? Never thought I would look back on all the jaw flinging with fond memories... Now I suppose I should get back to work on the Ares twins...
I suggest everyone who enjoys the Kragrathea stuff stick around, and the rest can check back after 0.21 is released. I won't be giving a class on how to make planets here. AK turned it over to me because I convinced him I could do something interesting with it. aftokinito you keep going on about how easy it is. You are right. It is easy. So go do it and stop pestering me. I am incredibly selfish remember. Itsdavyjones its enough ram that it crashes after a few loads on my 32bit Win 7. Soooo. Eve you say, hmmmmm.
Fine. I will try to speak as a Kerbal for the moment. Tho it will be difficult. -The code is more or less done. Just bug fixing remains. -The bulk of the time remaining is going to be "terraforming" the duna and tylo class planets with unique surfaces and atmosphere. -I hope to have something ready about the time. 0.21 comes out. -I am removing planets for two reasons. One to save ram. These suckers are huge (unless you want crappy low res textures on the new planets). And two to retain an element of balance to the game. And three because it is fun. -This will be released as a Scenario. Only when you are playing that scenario you will have the altered system. I am not deleting Jool from your harddrive or anything. -Yes I am fully aware as soon as I release something it will be disassembled and repackaged over and over. But until then its my sandbox. If you don't want to play in it make your own. Or wait until the clones arrive. BTW my real name is Kimberley, from Van Nuys. Go Wolves!
We have already agreed to Laythe. But I take your point about Jool being a "brakepad"... Trillian was originally named "Airbag" for just that reason. Hmm. Maybe we leave Jool (gas is cheap atm) and just take the moons other than Laythe. Plus Ike. But I'll paint the rest of the minmus class moons. Deal?
So Kerbals, Moho is a done deal then? And how about Jool? Consider this:, Laythe is the only interesting moon, and we have already agreed to leave it _and _re-orbit it if you choose. Are you really going to miss the rest of them? Given you will have 5 brand spanking new stars and plenty of planets to play with! We think that's a pretty good deal!
Razchek, there is no technical reason my friend. It is just good business.
Drunk in some bar I expect. Arm chair lawyers debating every detail was his undoing. Poor lad...
I do believe our friend Ascensiam was "joshing" us. After all his profile includes a join date of 2106 and a location of Nordic Kingdom! Good show! Ascensiam good show! haw haw haw!
Oh, This is most alarming. Most alarming indeed. We have very strict rules about engaging in commerce with repressive societies. If the right of free speech is not guaranteed then we must break off all negotiations and contact. That would be most terrible. Can this thing be true???
Deceitful Kerbals. Trying to make claims for lost structures. My meteorological team has just informed me that all of your bases are belonging to us.... what? Oh, no thats not it.... Ah yes.. Ehm... All your bases are about to be wiped out anyway by something called a version increase. Sounds dreadful. Do batten down the hatches.
No, We are going to bring Moho back to our factory and try to get to the bottom of that bloody hole everyone around here cant shut up about.... Then either fill in or slap a plaster on the hole, maybe a new surface, certainly a new coat of paint and ship it off to a new system. no idea where. maybe someplace that needs a car dealership. Whatever that is....
As to your outposts this could be a marvelous opportunity for you. We have no use for Kethane, mine as much as you possibly can and just leave it on the surface. When we take the planet it will remain in stable orbit around your star. Boom a huge fuel depot in orbit with no deltaV to get it there. Nice eh?
You will be given plenty of warning to get your dealership off planet, but perhaps you would consider moving with the planet? After we probe the hole... the fish again... it will be re purposed around another species star. we could look for something that might suit you.
Ah, Cautious Kerbals! Good, good, Cautious things tend to live longer. We think the initial offer was fair. Your getting five suns, two gas giants, a tylo class moon, a arid planet with atmosphere and lets say an even dozen minmus class, and I will throw in custom paint job on 6 of the minums. And all you give up is a small scorched planet that, and now lets be honest here, have you ever even been to? Now Jool I admit is a bit of a looker. Maybe I can take some of the sting out if we leave Laythe. Maybe move it in a bit. Make it easier to get to eh?
Generous Kerbals! Most generous indeed. However the only currency we take is planets. What else could be worth at much as a planet eh? Moho will do fine as a down payment, our planetary engineers want to probe the mo hole. Hrm... why does that set off the "taboo" warning on the fish. you are a strange species... And then Jool for the balance. Paid on delivery of course. Then there are the options but we can put together a generous package for say Ike. We do look forward to doing business with you delightful Kerbals!
Ah! Mr. Shifty. Finally someone steps forth to discuss terms! Most excellent! Do you speak for your species? Because you (delightful!) Kerbals will only get one (thats right ONE!) system from Kragrathea. We have projected that is all your species can afford at this point in your evolution. But even so, I think you will find we can put together an affordable system that will please almost everyone (except the rif raf of course. there is no pleasing that lot....) Lets do lunch?
Labour? Ha! We use vast machines to assemble planets. No unions its true, but even so... every once in a while... one of them goes off on a "bender" as we say. Usually its a management shuttle. But they don't make much of a mess and leave the shuttle largely intact so...
OF COURSE!* But you could not possibly, even in your wildest dreams, like, even if you became really CEO/Rapstar Rich, afford it. sorry.
Oh, no, a Rocheworld does not offend! Quite the opposite. I love when the ocean sloshes about. hmmm. soothing... But its clear you meant no offense by your outlandish suggestion. So all is smooth Kerbal.
Naughty Kerbals. You have hijacked our hijacked thread with mundane details. Lets get back to the central issue. What do you want, where do you want it, and (of course) how much of what you want can you actually afford? I meant afford of course. Again I present our menu. I should get marketing to gloss it up a bit...Well.. it will do...