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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. Looks promising Some real nice work already. Will probably test it soon. One quesiton: What about RealChute compability? If you didn't made any configs so far, I think I maybe could make some MM configs for the parts who have integrated parachutes (probably only the capsules I guess)
  2. They only thing to watch out for, is to update ModuleManager to 2.6.24 since that broke with 1.1.2. Btw, thanks for your work on Deadly Reentry, still one of my most favourite mods
  3. @sDaZe thanks, should have known that It even clearly states Album ID but I was just too tired XD
  4. After just complementing @Nhawks17 on his nice port of your amazing mod ( I know you, @pingopete already saw this particular post )I thought I should also stop by your thread and tell you here once again, what amazing work you have done. I mean I won't use it in RSS (Would like to but yeah RL and all), I must say RVE is absoluteley gorgeous and I could look at the picture for hours. Your mod truly is one of the prime example, what marvelous work the KSP Modding Community is doing.
  5. I haven't been on the forums for over a year and almost playing no KSP during this time either. Now I want to start again at least play a bit (RL still has me in a tight grip and time for KSP is scarce) I always admired @pingopete's work onRSS Visual Enhancement and followed it in the early days (shortly before becoming notoriously absent from the forums )His mod is amazing but I now have no time to really get into RSS so it is really amazing that I can have a stock solar system that is as beautiful as @pingopete RVE, all thanks to your outstanding port. Have my rep ..or like or whatever (so much has changed in the forums since I was last here. Was quite confused at first )
  6. It seems each time I'm absent an even longer time than before haha Last time I was active in the forums was roughly late March/ early April of 2015 and in this year I also played almost no KSP. Studying (and working part time since 08/2015) together with playing other games just took a tight grip on my life and scarce free time, so nothing was left over for KSP. But with release of KSP 1.1, I thought it was time to start checking in to the KSP forums more often now and maybe even starting playing some KSP from time to time. Have been reading some stuff over the last few days, but this is my first comment since 2015, so Yaaay And what thread could be more fitting than one my most favorite mods back in the day (Don't worry even now it is still one of my favorites). I will try to take the Aerojet Kerbodyne Module out for a quick orbital stroll around Kerbin at least once in the next few days. If so I will make somie pictures. Well to come to an end now, I really hope this time I will be active a bit more then well one year XD Keep on rocking...ehm I mean...modding, Blackheart! P.S. Nice you already made an 1.1 Update
  7. You gave me a good laugh there Proot This reminds me why I missed being somewhat active in the forums and being part of this awesome community xD
  8. I'm justt wanted to pop by to say how amazing this stuff is and I can't wait to try it out.I have been absent from playing KSP for a while but now with 1.0 I shall return to it again. And this mod is a absolut must for me to play with. If it would become compatible with EVE , it would just be even more aweseome. For now just have my +rep
  9. Yep, tedious describes it very good xD spend 3 hours sorting my mods , not even sure yet if it's going to wort at all xD For most mods I used CKAN but then accidentally closed it and I had to start from scratch ticking all the boxes xD and yet again messed something up.. Uff 3am here, guess I'll try again tomorrow xD
  10. Currently trying to get back to playing also of course your mod but sorting my mods is a hard task. So much happened since I last played. At least there is no CKAN Too bad at start of april my vacations are over so less time again but I'll try nonetheless to play more KSP in my free time
  11. I don't if you still remember me. Been inactive in the forums for a long time since moving for university but now I'm trying to get more active again. Especially playing more KSP again. I'm glad to see you're still at it and I'm impressed at the progress you made since I last checked here
  12. Been inactive in the forums and for a long time since moving for university in October last year , but I'ts time to get back up to date with all the glorious mods out there and play some more KSP again (Only 120+ hours playing time.. I should be ashamed of myself xD) Just wanted to drop by here and just leave some more compliments for your outstanding work you achieved so far. I hope I can come by for a visit on your thread a bit more often now XD Oh and also, you probably won't see this before you're back, but enjoy your stay in Malaysia
  13. This mod is one of those things I really wanted for a long time. Here have my +rep Keep on with the good work
  14. I haven't been playing KSP and were quite inactive in the forum for several months but now I'm slowly coming back to KSP again. Seeing something amazing like this happen is just making it even more evident that I really should start KSP again. I just wanted to say how awesome this is and give my thanks to everyone who contributed to it. Now not only KSP by also the modding scene will be beta than ever xD and also left some +rep at the OP^^
  15. Each time I look in here your mod gets better and better I really need to start playing KSP again . Just dropped some more +REP for you, since you definetely earned it.
  16. Well, when I moved and started university in a few weeks I have time again probably (at least until finals lol) problem is now is everything so stressful and when I have time to play on my PC I alway play something else (Thanks to Steam I have way too much games, that I want to play at the same time ) KSP and RL just don't get along well together sometimes
  17. Haven't checked in here for a month or so and I must say the progress you made is astonishing. I hope I find time for some KSP soon . Mods get better and better. Keep up with your good work, Beale
  18. Still hadn't time to play since 0.24 is out (It is a long time already ) But glad to see your next major update is out. It looks so good I plan in to continue with KSP soon, can't wait to play with this awesome stuff. Your project here has reached another form of perfection
  19. Congratulations for getting your parts in the stock game
  20. Havent't checked in the forums for a while and this has happened. It is amazing
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