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Everything posted by Patupi

  1. Dynamic Oblate Neo-Galium Lentatic Engine? DONGLE Just... Because. I like the word dongle... OK? Don't judge me!
  2. Or perhaps it just uses pepper as fuel Nice Acronym, but I think Muti-Atmospheric Cyclic Engine might work a little better. Or perhaps Multi-Atmospheric Cycle Engine. I hadn't thought of non sword one. I was trying desperately to get one for Gladius No luck.
  3. Exo-atmospheric Dynamic Gas Excitation engine? E.D.G.E? Would work even aside from sword references, heading for the 'edge' of space
  4. I've recently bought a new computer that does seem to work with KSP. Since I bought a game on the computer I did have... which then refused to work on that, I did kind of go overboard on that when I bought my new computer. Hence I'm sort of involved in XCOM Long War right now, but when that's done I'll be back into KSP again. Also the HD that said it was blank? Somehow it does work on the new comp! I've got my old save games from KSP: Colonization. I've copied them over to the new HD as there are definitely bad tracks and probably other problems on that old hard drive, but it is at least salvageable! I have a series of pics I took from the old game, so those can go up as the next bit of the story... but I've really got to go over them and remind myself what the BEEP happened. It's been a long time since I played this, and KSP was pretty much unplayable on the computer I was using till the one I've just bought. It'll be a little while, but this series IS coming back, don't worry.
  5. Actually you've caught me at an appropriate time. This was November 13th last year, but I've been having computer issues for a long time. Recently I've finally bought another computer and it seems to be working fine (and is actually quiet! Yay for Corsair PSUs!). True, I've been sort of hooked on XCOM Long War since I bought the machine, so I haven't got back to this thread (or anything KSP to be honest). I got away from KSP on my previous, seriously messed up computer as it really couldn't run it reliably or quickly. Two ships of 200 part count and it slowed down, crashed etc. Wasn't having fun. However, since things are going well I'm hoping to get back to this. Now, I thought that when my previous, previous computer died the HD was gone, and with it all the details of this tale and the KSP saves. However curiously when I got this new comp up and running the HD from the computer I was just using (the crappy, but at least working one, even if it couldn't run KSP to save it's life), didn't work, but on a whim I attempted to put in the one from my old dead comp with the KSP saves. It worked! It's a bit buggy in places with dead tracks etc, but I managed to copy off the old KSP folders to the new drive. Now I just need time to remind myself about the whole story (plus what I had planned!) and then get the time to actually play through some stuff. I already have a load of pics from the next few episodes to write stories from that I don't have to actually play through, but I've got to carefully go through those pics and remind myself of what exactly happened! *sigh* It's not going to be soon, but this tale IS coming back! Oh, plus I want to finish XCOM Long War first! I bought it when I still had my crappy computer and was ticked off when it didn't quite run. It ran, but only XCOM EU, not XCOM EW, thus I couldn't use the current Long War mod. If this makes no sense to you, don't worry. It's just an excuse as to why when I got my new comp I descended on the game and have just managed to take out the Exalt HQ... Yeah, wouldn't mean much if you haven't played that *shrugs* Basically it's a ways through this game. Long War mod makes the thing a VERY long proposition! Right now I have 487 hours of time in the game, and the vast majority of that is ONE GAME! So, basically, wait a little longer please, and I promise this will be coming back... just not right now. Sorry.
  6. Very good. I could practically hear the melody... wait, are you piping music onto my PC again?
  7. Awww, you're no fun being all fair and stuff I need to sign a petition and write out banners in crayon 'Jeb Fur Munn' or something
  8. So Wernher is going to the first trip to the Mun, but not the first landing, right? I wonder who the first two lucky Kerbals will be? Come on, Jebs gotta be on the list. Or maybe the crew decide he deserves it for all he's done and rig the random selection? *grins* I wouldn't put it past them given what we've seen so far.
  9. I had something I attributed to some kind of phantom force as well with the hab modules. I had just enough RCS to get the things to lift up and move around on Minmus, but with the legs extended it wouldn't budge from the ground. If it was already in the air, fine. I assumed it was part of the 'stabilization' system when the legs were down. Unfortunately my five piece base tore itself apart for no perceivable reason when I brought the next section near. Curiously not when I got within 2.3km, but at about 700m, and after that every time I focused on it. It might be a similar condition. What files should I post relating to this? I'm not sure I have a save from before the incident, but I'll see if I can dig out the log files or something. EDIT: Oh, and just for info I'm currently on KSP 0.24.0, not the .2 version, and using 0.18.8 of MKS. Has anything changed.... Oh I'm an idiot! I've been looking back and forth between Karbonite and MKS threads and when I saw this I posted. I only have MKS installed, not Karbonite. It was the landing gear on the lower section for the hab pods I had issues with.
  10. Actually I've been pretty pleasantly surprised by the helpfulness on these forums compared to others. Mostly the KSP people seem helpful and friendly. Always nice to see somewhere break from the norm, eh?
  11. I think it's more I have a knack for docking... just not a lot else I still have difficulty landing where I want to on any planet with atmosphere, FAR or no, and as to efficient launches.... not so much.
  12. As long as they don't get to Minmus to find a giant white disk. "Hey, isn't that a Mentos?" Very nice slow docking. Makes mine look rather... rushed Keep up the fantastic work KSK.
  13. Well, renaming it 'Battle of Jool: Arrangement of forces' might help. There are going to be more posts to this so a bit of categorization in titles might help Plus allows things to expand: 'Battle of Jool: Clash of enemies', 'Battle of Jool: Fire meets Fire', 'Battle of Jool: Wait no AAARGGHH!' etc
  14. It could have been worse. Jeb could have recycled it into firelighters Loving the story, very well written Angel-125.
  15. Just as long as you don't accidentally post the cast list instead. That'd be a bit to wade through
  16. Best of luck. I've been there, still demoted with a partially working system after my old comp folded. Hope you have better luck than I did Arn1e
  17. I'm not sure how that would affect it. The ship had a central H2 + O2 tank, then directly on that were radial, spherical, mono-propellant tanks and KW 45deg RCS ports... and the point is they worked at first, then just quit later on, on multiple ships of different designs. Very odd. If it was going to fail I'd expect it to either work or not work, not work for a bit then fail. I even tried right clicking on the RCS ports individually and disabling then re-enabling them. No luck.
  18. OK, well a few days ago I mentioned that RCS didn't seem to be working well with this. Makeone gave me a solution in installing RCSFX, and that seemed to work at first, all the other RCS blocks worked again.... then, after a while, every ship I've had that used them just seems to stop working. Not the ship, just the RCS. It seems random how long it works before shutting down, but the fuel is still good and it still has electrical power so it isn't just losing control of the ship. I tried going back to the space center and coming back. That didn't restore operation, and I then tried booting the game. So far the latter has worked once, but another couple of times did nothing. Not sure what's going on with this.
  19. Very evocative descriptions, and it does spark expectation of what the Kerm/Kerman linkage will become. Great work KSK
  20. Alright, I've been attempting to use this, and on the whole have been very satisfied. However I have come across one problem and wondered if this was a problem with my odd machine and set up or if this has cropped up with the mod before. Any RCS ports that use the RftSengine plugin don't work, no matter how I configure the fuel they use, or the monoprop tanks they draw from. I even tried putting them on the same zone in case the fuel rules had been changed. I'm using LLL pack, and those RCS are as normal and use normal monoprop by default, so that seems to work, but the Squad ones or KW Rocketry ones do nothing no matter what TL or fuel I set them or their tanks for. Is this just my odd bad comp/Linux system or has anyone else had this problem before? EDIT: Sorry, forgot to say I'm using the normal Kerbal system, not RSS, but followed the rules (the second option) for dealing with that, plus I haven't installed RemoteTech2. I haven't installed the other engine plugin, just the RftS version. Other than that the essentials are in I believe, though I only have most of the KW pack due to issues with my graphics card (or lack there of. Long story)
  21. Awwwww, no awkward justifications? Dang it! Glad you're sticking with this KSK. This is an incredibly deep story.
  22. Oh, I have, with the full prototype vessel, and got a whopping 0.08g acceleration! (It was actually 0.19g, but didn't have the power even at Kerbin orbit to go full thrust for long). And that was with a lot of ion drives. Cutting the drives down (so the ship didn't look like a solar power porcupine) took it down to 0.03 ish, which I have done before, though you have to either start at a high orbit, or do multiple passes to get a transfer burn... and it takes an hour or more. Still, it is efficient!
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