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Everything posted by Corw

  1. If you are losing your main stage engines to boosters, you are placing both your decouplers and sepatrons wrong.
  2. BTSM disabled all those things (personally, I think removing part offset tools is retarded).
  3. This is half-true, because the mass of the vehicle changes as it expends fuel. Shedding fuel mass is main factor in TWR change during flight.
  4. If you actually want to cheat fuel in, there are so many easier ways to do it. But for the launch eyecandy, this is just beautiful.
  5. I always for for the low part count/complexity, but not because of the game performance. I just like to build efficient. As a side effect, I have no experience with game performing badly :|
  6. It is a free fuel only to a point when you stage the clamps, so basically you are not doing anything but adding nice visuals to your launch.
  7. It might have something to do with part clipping. Those can do funny things, especially in conjunction with cargo bays.
  8. Two words. Tungsten rods. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment
  9. Sorry, I don't do MechJeb. Yes, I'm one of those people But it is good to know it actually has the option to create node, I'll have to look into that. Thank you.
  10. Hi. Thank you for your input but I don't think you've read the thread. Let me summarize. There are indeed tools/mods to give you information about your inclination and to help to adjust orbit, but none of them (or combination of them) tell you when exactly and how much. You can't just burn anywhere to change inclination (perform a plane shift). It has to be precisely on the intersection of your current and desired orbit, in our case on equator. There is a possible workaround with Hyper Thread and positioning a satellite object at desired inclination and use that as target reference for the maneuver. I may investigate additional options, but this is satisfactory for now. I consider thread answered and will change its status accordingly.
  11. I don't have this problem when ascending from the body, problem occurs when I'm transferring to it then circularizing to anything but Kerbin. The HyperEdititing solution of positioning a navigational beacon sounds very reasonable and quick fix. I've never touched Hyper Edit before, but I'll try it out. Thanks for that idea, 5thHorseman. Another thing I have in mind is making a plugin to insert a 0 value contract with desired orbit. That could be interesting and extendible.
  12. Congrats You really did one of the hardest things in game. Feel free to feel smug a bit. Now practice till it becomes easy
  13. I want it because simply sometimes I'm annoying pedantic person. At other times I'm just annoying You know that feeling when you have the orbital lab in say, Minimus orbit. It is in perfectly round orbit with apoapsis that is dividable by 10 that you tuned to perfection with RCS puffs for ages (only 5 meters difference between Ap and Pe!). Yet again, you are not happy. The accomplishment is completely ruined. The damn orbit has 1 degree inclination... That doesn't look right... It is not always just equatorial orbit, but it is the most common case. I would like to plan ahead and see how much the correction maneuver will cost me in delta v etc... And I would like to do it in one burn, not incremental correction over several orbits.
  14. I do use both KER and Precise Node. KER does tell me how much my orbit is eccentric, but I didn't figure out where to place the maneuver. Precise Node does not give the resulting inclination of the maneuver (I may be mistaken and/or blind).
  15. In Kerbin orbit I can use Mun as a target for aligning and I use that a lot. I usually place my bases/landing sites at equators for ease of access (as the Apollo program did). But more often than not my orbits are eccentric and I don't see how I could easily and reliably align them. Eyballing is really something I do not like. Is there a technique or mod I could use? Maybe there is a mod that allows you to place something like contract orbit that you could use as a reference for placing maneuver nodes? -------------------------------- Thread summary There are indeed tools/mods to give you information about your inclination and to help to adjust orbit, but none of them (or combination of them) tell you when exactly and how much. You can't just burn anywhere to change inclination (perform a plane shift). It has to be precisely on the intersection of your current and desired orbit, in our case on equator. There is a possible workaround with Hyper Thread and positioning a satellite object at desired inclination and use that as target reference for the maneuver. I may investigate additional options, but this is satisfactory for now.
  16. It is possible to align fairly easily in stock, as mentioned before, by rotating ship to point to vertical axis. You can see the example here: The best advice I can give you is to do it slow and practice. Use the NavBal and learn how to use it well. Docking is not something you can just yolo on visual. There is a reason why docking to ISS takes hours
  17. It worked so far. If it didn't, I wouldn't be using it. If I had to spend that much effort in order to browse internet and play games on my home machine that is not work related and has nothing important on it, I would either find a platform that does not break like that or I would disable updates completely. It is just another appliance, not meaning of my life and most cherished possession.
  18. Well, yes You must understand that I would never sift trough every update and its description. If I have to personally oversee every thing someone is pushing, why am I using their service to start with? But hey, that is just me If it was work related and this was falling under my job tasks, OK. But for my home personal use? No way.
  19. Considering I'm 35 I don't think I fall into "completely new generation of gamers". And it is quite the other way around. I used to fiddle and tinker everything to get it just right I wanted, now I want it to be how I wanted right out of the box or I will not use it to start with. I don't have patience or time any-more as I used to. Job/wife/kids tend to cause that. Steam makes this work for me (or I wouldn't be using it ) Your perspective of it it is an aggressive marketing machine and I can appreciate that, but I look at it more as "apt-get" for games (or in KSP analogy, CKAN. Love you CKAN! <3). It can try to sell whatever it wants, but I consider myself to be a grown up man with free will so that I can decide to buy only what I want. And for those things that I did bought they are all here, in one place, always available and always updated. No, I don't care to be personally managing that part of working of my computer. If you have updates, bring those updates. And they do not download while you are playing something else so they can't mess with your bandwidth or such. But if you want to, you can turn them off completely. So the choice is still there. One more thing that is important to me is that I'm waving my credit card only in one place at reliable and safe store. Or that is my experience with them so far. Funny enough, I avoid like plague any other software of same design (Like Origin, don't even get me started on that Uplay thing), except GOGs Galaxy.
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