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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. I doubt MM would be an issue. It is not active at all during actual game play. It only runs when the game first loads up or if you do a database reload. The next time you have this problem, do the following Open up the debug menu (Alt-F12) Click on Input Locks. What you want to see at this time is 'No Input Locks in effect right now' If you see anything else, any input locks at all then click the button that says 'Clear Input Locks' Check and see if the game is working again. If MJ2 is installed when this is happening, it may have an input lock listed as MechJeb_noclick. You should only ever see that if you have the mouse over an MJ window. If you see that during EVA or after a craft has been destroyed then that's a definite MJ2 bug.
  2. Sounds like you just have the probe type filter turned off. If it's not on then probes won't show up on the map. That seems the most likely explanation given that your third sentence indicates that the probe hasn't really gone away.
  3. Snark is right; you need to shift focus away from radiators and onto how you're reentering. Because spaceplane parts don't have ablative shielding they need a different reentry profile. Specifically shallowly instead of steeply. You want to do as much aerobraking in the upper regions of the atmosphere where the air is thin.
  4. I would like to see a shader that would let me do a proper gas giant being mostly gaseous with a small core. (this would let me do Jupiter properly in Real Solar System. I probably wouldn't do an Earth sized core but I would at least like an atmosphere 20km thick and be unable to see the surface)
  5. Pressurants are another factor. The tank may need re-pressurization prior to ignition. A good example being the Saturn V's S-IVB stage (third stage) which had enough helium for three ignitions. The engine itself could have been capable of more but the stage only had resources for 3.
  6. So in other words, hard coded behavior specific to the radiator and separate from any of Flight Integrator thermals.
  7. Something else that might work is pressing shift+alt+F12 I have the same problem but when it started, the only change I could think of was switching to a 20(+) yo keyboard, which didn't make much sense to me. In retrospect, that event might well have been coincidental to geforce Experience update. I didn't think of that and I didn't try changing its keybind but holding shift while pressing alt+F12 did work for me.
  8. Active radiators only 'pump' heat from a part's internals to the radiator's internals. NEVER the reverse. The only way external (environmental) temperatures would be an issue would be as a hard coded limitation. Even if the part's internal temperature exceeds the radiator's the radiator still stops pumping in that situation. And it's for exactly the reason that I indicated. To prevent OP radiators in reentry situations.
  9. Values of ?? just means that those fields haven't been changed from their default values. No code has run to update them since the debug fields were turned on for them (?? is the default string value). If they're not turned on or the radiators are not currently cooling anything then they don't update. As to why they aren't cooling it's because they don't cool if they are supersonic to prevent them from being abused in reentry situations. I think that's hard coded too unless there's an option in their config that turns that off. @LatiMacciato I think you're 'confirming' something different from what foamy is experiencing?
  10. @Alpha_Mike_741 @Sigma88 It's because KSP config nodes are case sensitive. MODULE and module are two different things when dealing with ConfigNode nodes. So MM necessarily has to enforce case sensitivity.
  11. They incremented the version number by +1 That pretty much ruined the game as far as everyone was concerned.
  12. Because nobody likes to be crushed to death under a pile of pennies?
  13. There is such a voting system already in place if you participate in the bug tracker.
  14. I don't think you really are unable to comprehend my post. You presented a four wing design as being more stable; I replied that you can have stable aircraft without resorting to that kind of design. Pretty straightforward really.
  15. You could try reducing the heat shield's heatConductivity... in the actual part config (preferably with a Module Manager patch; don't edit part files directly) Default value is 0.12 and you would want it 1/1000th of that or lower. How much lower I don't know. When the heat shield is exposed and no longer shielded (because you decoupled the rest of the craft) it will automagically change the part's heatConductivity to whatever the heat shield's reentryConductivity is set to. (default is 0.01)
  16. Yes, but when I earlier addressed plane parts I was under the impression that upgrading was on a per craft basis and it is not. So my plans for plane parts will need to be adjusted.
  17. @Kerbal101 That's why a plane's elevators and rudder are typically on the tail. The wing's control surfaces are flaps And ailerons (for rolling. They are on the far end of the wing so are already far from CoM) In short, if you want to play with weird four wing designs, that's great, but you don't have to do that to build a stable airplane.
  18. Ok guys, re: stock radiators. They aren't going to protect an ablative heat shield from heating up to its ablation point because they don't even kick in for that part until it meets or exceeds a threshold based on its max temperature. Its ablation point is considerably lower than that. The entire craft will heat up past the shield's ablation point before the radiators kick in no matter which kind of radiator you use.
  19. Now that we have part upgradeability, better insulation could happen, but radiators are another issue. If you want radiators that can handle cryo resources then you need to install RO or Heat Pumps. (RO makes the necessary changes to the stock radiator part that allows it cool parts down to the level required for cryogenics)
  20. Decrease global thermal conductivity. Lowered thermal conductivity means it can't escape from the skin to the interior as quickly so surface temperature is increased. Be careful with that one.
  21. Which is how caches work. It's not accurate to say that cache functionality is broken
  22. That's not quite true. The contents of the .cfg would have to be malformed in a way that MM tries to parse and is unsuccessful in doing so or results in an illegal MM operation. If the contents of the file contain a valid node then it will not break MM caching. Please be careful in disseminating information that can result in players coming to me about non-issues (DeadlyReentry stores its settings in an ordinary config node and it is absolutely not a problem to do so)
  23. Trying to figure out how to properly embed these again. (Imgur functionality is still broken?) Anyway zoom in close... those aren't air intakes on the front. Those are forward facing jets. It touched down on the edge of the flat area in front of the pyramids and stopped in very short distance.
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