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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. Ok going on your landing example, the radar altitude is not the issue there. It is the fact that kOS doesn't know it is over water. Also it wasn't a 'problem' so much as a convenient thing. Now if your flight code is rather complex and depending on alt:radar you can save several lines. Take my missile code for example. It handles pitch by taking the desired cruising altitude above the ground and figuring out the error between it's current radar altitude and that. It then multiplies that by 90 to get the pitch setting. It does this with the following formula: lock pitch to ( ( targalt - alt:radar ) / targalt ) * 90 Now without the new alt:radar i would have to add at least five more lines of code to that. And I am using a VERY simple pitch control code.
  2. Try adding SAS to it. It seems right now to have a hard time using nothing but fins right now.
  3. And I can understand that. My only observation is the fact that at 500m even a computer doesn't get much time to react if something were to go wrong. So at the moment it appears as though the new way of it working won't cause any issues. However as you pointed out my test only confirms that it will work in that case and similar ones. I will admit I would like to get the depth below the surface as well for running subs. Also I have not seen any unpredictability in the alt:radar function. Could you explain what you mean by that?
  4. Oh I know that. But if a craft can fly, safely by the way, from KSC to the Island Airport using the new alt:radar function while hugging the ground at just 500m then it is safe to say that it won't have an issue.
  5. The post about the change in alt:radar causing possible errors
  6. Already tested with my cruise missile and no errors occurred!
  7. If I understand it right, alt:radar will return the altitude of the ship. So it should give you that number even when you are in space. I know I would like to get a reading for depth BELOW sea level for use with Hooligan Labs Submarine Mod.
  8. Rotatrons only have one node by default. Telescoping Pistons have a second node inside of them. The unpowered parts show up in the servo control inside the VAB/SPH but do not actually get any control.
  9. LOVE that radar altitude now will not return -1 over water or at super high altitudes! Will make cruise missiles SO much easier to fly!
  10. Haven't you noticed? Even the STABLE laws of physics don't end well for kerbals! XD
  11. Next thing you know somebody will make HAL9000...
  12. Check has inspired me to make my own kOS powered missile!!! and a flight program! declare parameter targ. clearscreen. set targalt to 500. set target to targ. set turn to target:heading. set pitch to ( ( targalt - alt:radar ) / targalt ) * 90. lock steering to heading turn by pitch. lock throttle to 1. stage. print "Starting Countdown.". set i to 10. until i = 0 { print i + "...". set i to i - 1. wait 1. }. print "FIRE!". stage. print "Distance to target:". print "Current Pitch:". print "Radar Alt:". until target:distance < 1500 { set pitch to ( ( targalt - alt:radar ) / targalt ) * 90. print target:distance at (22,12). set turn to target:heading. print pitch at (18,13). print alt:radar at (14,14). }. unlock throttle. lock steering to target. print "Final glide.". wait until i = 1.
  13. No clue. I know mine was for a test program I was making to land a probe. I was having to write it to account for Kerbin's gravity rather than Duna (Where the probe will be landing for real)
  14. Congrats on Necro-ing a thread that has been dead for a year and a half.
  15. Ok I tossed the pod into my game and found something odd with it... When I try to target it for docking i get THREE targets to pick from! O.O Also it seems to have several more redundant items on the right click menu for it.
  16. Is it just me or does anybody else look at this and think Escape Pod?
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