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Everything posted by JewelShisen

  1. Will update the FAQ with this info shortly. Edit: nevermind~
  2. Ah ok then. I was mixing it up with the old float code that makes EVERYTHING float... >.> To quote monty python: What else floats in water? LEAD!
  3. Ballast tanks SINK you. By the nature of the coding everything floats, so to make the objects sink you have to add ballast, or weight, to the object so that the total weight of the object versus the total displacement is greater than the density of water. The ballast tanks allow this to happen by both redoing how much things float as well as giving you an object or set of objects that you can effectively control the weight and mass of. When empty they float as well as any other part with the new code. As you increase the ballast slider, they increase in mass (On a normal sub this is done by taking on water) thus increasing in density until they are more dense than water and sink down pulling the rest of the craft with them.
  4. Oh that's ok. I made one that had six big rocketpart hexcans on it and it was only going to take about 14 parts... for a ship storing 1300 rocketparts... >.> Broken anybody?
  5. Here you go: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31706-0-20-Modular-Fuel-System-1-3-realistic-fuels-reconfigurable-fuel-tanks-and-engines
  6. Simple. They either used an old version or they modified to base code for the mod.
  7. Excelent~ Going from 2 textures to 6 is FAR better than going from 7 to 21!!
  8. Well time to redo my texture recolors though this time it shouldn't take as long I hope~
  9. If I may give my two cents on this? Don't remove the debug printing. It's one of the biggest tools you have for finding errors. But perhaps alter it so it doesn't print to the in game one?
  10. I'll get right on it! EDIT: Added a piece to the FAQ now that should address that subject!
  11. Answer: Use something like KAS to attach to the ground so you count as 'Landed' according to the game.
  12. Alright! Tried to take my basic airship design and swap the kethane tanks for Metal and Ore tanks (Medium sized still) and found that it can barely get off the ground at just 25% load of ONE of the two! >.< Not saying anything is wrong though! Just baffles me... Lifting off with 24k units of kethane takes 24% lift... Lift off with 2400 units of metal or ore? A whopping 86%!!! And this is on the runway of KSC.
  13. Well here is my updated Kethane Airship. Can take 24k units of kethane anywhere using electric props and four RTG HexCans!
  14. Awesome. And thanks a ton for this awesome parts pack! Been in love with it ever since I first found it. I'll post some photos of my new resource tanker/airship as soon as I get it done! Just need to add the KAS grapple anchors and make sure that I have my center of mass/lift/thrust correct.
  15. It's ok if we retexture them right? I'm just changing the colors for the metal and rocketpart tanks so i can tell them apart.
  16. Ah ok then! I'll go and correct my cfgs. Also I love the new Xenon Tanks! So pretty!
  17. Hey um not sure if this was intended or not but the two sizes of medium halfsphere tank for EL have different storage amounts. The 1E model holds 6000 while the new 2E only holds 2400? Was this intended or is it just a small error?
  18. Not a bug... You have the debug set to true in the cfg file.
  19. Guys there is already a retrograde steering command so you can easily drop your HVel to zero for landing by doing what MJ does and just burn retro until it matches the UP direction.
  20. Also if you are having issues with it flipping over, just add a few tanks on the bottom or top~
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