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Everything posted by Saint-Stanislas

  1. @thespeare : No, ATm is now caching his compressed stuff, so it is converting everything on first boot, super long, but then it saves the compressed and the scaled texture, so on the next boot, he's just loading the texture, cause they are already treated. When you make modifications to your gamedata (adding a new mod), ATM will detect he doesn't have a cache for these new texture and he's gonna convert them and them only, no need to go throught the whole gamedata again. So you don't have to worry about this. @Cy-one : Read the damn readme man, what you're looking for is super clearly explained in ActiveTextureManagementConfig, in your gamedata. The icons issue are classics, and it's really easy to write your own exclusions for them ! Nathen made a few one that you can download on the forum, but there's already LOTS of example in ATM configs.
  2. That's the point I think, install realchute and just delete the engine pod config from umbra.... you'll be able to use realchute on any other parachute, and the PODengine is gonna have a stock one !
  3. Yeah it look like it, I've been testing it a bit, and even thought there was a small error in the .cfg ( maximumdrag instead of @maximumdrag ) it's not causing it. I've tried putting the chute module pretty much in every module position and it doesn't change anything. So , anyway, it's one chute on a safety module that still has a working stock one... so it's not relly an issue
  4. Hey Sarbian, two questions Back in 1.6 upd, DDSloader is said to import BoulderCo/ATmconfig, just wanted to know if the access path got updated too cause it changed in the newer atm Aside from that, I'm having trouble with some icons overrides with ATM, and I was wondering if DDSloader could fix it. I'm using the ingame texture settings sometimes around a lot of parts to diminish lag.... And I noticed that some applaucher and toolbar icon where getting their textures rescaled by that ingame setting. It's not really consistent, so it might be my overrides that are just poorly written, but I can't see where is my error. So my question is ( cause you're not in charge of atm ) , this ingame setting panel, would it rescale dds textures too? It seems to rescale ''some'' .png icons, but not all of them, although they're all .png. The other thing I though about was the ''make not readable'' option, could it prevent the game from rescalling ? In the end, I'm just wondering how that ingame setting is interacting with your mod and with ATM, and how to optimize the three of them. Idealy, I would like to scale down only terrain and part texture ingame. ''Not readable'' sound like exactly it for me, but I'm a total padawan in graphics so I don't really now what not readable implies. I know also that ATM suggest to put that setting to high res and to use atm as your scaler, but I find it pretty convenient to change it ingame and to flush a few hundred of mb of RAM before crashing, and then reload them when it get smoother.
  5. heard you ! I might have the time to reinstall everything one by one tonight (missed a flight so stuck in Airport ) And then see if another mod is breaking my install. Re-installing SrvPack alone was not sufficient to fix the issue for me. RoverDude, I assumed that reinstalling meant the specific mod only... It's just unclear for me how can we corrupt an installation ? Either you're just reffering to me being unattentive and throwing files in the wrong place, or to some gamedata interaction that is breaking stuff. So, files in gamedata are writen by the game, or some mods are writing in them? Or it's just a loading process issues where ksp is able to corrupt files just by reading them under specific buggy conditions ?
  6. @ Borisbee : right it was pretty unclear, but it's the mmconfig instructions I've found the more instructive since they are covering some latest functionnalityat the same time as using old ones... For what your looking to do, a pretty easy way to do it would be to ask notepad+ to ''search in a folder'', choose Squad, look for ''manufacturer ='' and then use that list to make a mm config to replace these manufacturer by Squad.... It would work although I don't know if modders are releasing parts that are using the same manufacturer names as Squad, then it would be problematic . If it's the case, you could try to search for ''author ='' instead and hopefully modders wouldn't use the same names as Squad. I never really tried the or function, I saw it used like that : @PART[partone|parttwo] So maybe it would work like that too, but I didn't try : @PART[*]:HAS[author[C.jenkins|GinoOjick]]
  7. Well, it's mostly that Fineprint already implemented a contract gui that may be able to do that kind of stuff and that it is now vanilla(0.90).... So I would say it is just a matter of looking into FP documentation to see if there's a way to do this, and then we would not have to write another dll ? I didn't take a look at the docs yet, I don't even know if it's well documented, but you may be able to ask FB to check the bits of SCANsat maps for specific values or something ...
  8. it's not ready yet About the contract idea, it's excellent, but maybe it would make more sense to do it through FinePrint.
  9. The bug with the parachute look curiously similar to the bug with tweakscale 1.48 where you would have a thrust effect pependicular to the engine nozzle on quickload ? Unless you have a mod that add a nice horizontal wind, I would check my version of tweakscale. I edited my earlier post while you were posting. pretty sure it's mm cfg related. I read at some point that sometimes the order of the module in a part cfg may have some importance, and RealChute is deleting the Second module of the part ( the stock Chute ) and adding it's own at the very bottom of the config. Anyway, I haven't try anything yet since I'm not on my computer.
  10. I'm gonna try it anyway , but did anybody used it on 0.90 yet ? Maybe it's a really dumb question... I can't figure out if the update was before or after 0.90 ... anyway it would have been updated in the title right ?
  11. Yeah it's pretty much exactly that mod thank you I posted on the bug thread to refresh it and I'm gonna try the fix tomorrow, but I am not sure it could still fix the issue since it was meant for 0.23 ... I'll get back tomorrow anyways Also... RoverDude, I assume you don't have that bug since you suggested a bad install, so would it worth it to give you my log to try to figure wich other mods is causing this? Since the bug seemed to be linked to the amounts/absence of specific ressource/module, I'm gonna check at MM log too to see if a cfg is modifying your part. Hopefully it's as simple as that ... but then it mean that the vanilla bug is still on and that the fix discussed earlier is still necessary . EDIT: after a quick look, the part has mm cfg from Deadly reentry, RealChute, and Tweakable everything. Vandros I don't know wich mod from that list you have in common with me, I'm gonna try without Tweakable Everything since both DR and RC are much more popular and therefore there would have been probably more report of that issue. RoverDude, from this point on sorry for poluting your thread for an issue that is most probably not yours, but it seem that you made one of the only part that could reveal this until now, I haven't seen it on other threads yet
  12. I'm having this issue again on 0.90 with U.S.I. survival pack - DEPT propulsion module. I'm gonna try the fix to see if it still work for 0.90 probably tomorrow
  13. Ok thanks I'll reinstall ! oh and off topic totally , but I won't start a thread for this : Whats your opinion on the doability of a mods that would override the main thrust control so you could set multiple thrust control, that can be linked to the main thrust or not. Like with a proportionnal mode linked to main thrust and an independant mode where every engine has totally independant control, with a IR like screen to set keybinding (choosing a modifier key would be even better ) and I guess a module for the engine to set thrust control number. I know thrust limiter is kinda of it but not exactly .... mostly for overheat management, vtol design, and stuff
  14. I have a strange bug I use to have with some other mods in the past, and that I got fixed I don't remember how (probably got fixed by somebody else ) So whenever I hover my cursor over the propulsion module, the description window start flickering and the image of the part start zooming in until it take the whole screen and then disappear. The Debug menu is showing [Exception]: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index as long as I keep the cursor over the part, It didn't make it with anything other parts either from your mods or others. Let me know if you want my game log, i'll boot it without nolog just for it, but I'm pretty sure this issue have already been seen with other stuff and it might be a classical code mispelling or something
  15. Thanks, I was about to report funk's bug too ! Trying the fixed version !
  16. Hi, I'm trying your mods for the first time, and ... i'm not sure if it's coming from your mods or something else, but I have that issue where chute are detaching from vessel pretty early during the flight, but at the same time they stay a part of the ship. You know, the camera fall down and focus on a middle point between the actual vessel and the freefalling chute. I'm pretty sure I read about similar issue on vanilla somewhere else for previous version of KSP but now it seems I can't find it anymore ( I though it was in the stock fix but it's not so I'M a bit confused ) EDIT: Ignore this, my installation was badly done at 4h in the morning ( gamedata:gamedata: ) RE_EDIT: yeah it was my installation... Great Mod ! Thank you ! Also, I guess the game is going to generate the file on the first proper start, but there is a config file in plugindata where we can change windows dimension ? (maybe it's not necessary, i'm fixing thing I saw on a badly installed one but i'm restarting now, it might as well just be well sized from the start)
  17. your supposed to unpack each mod main folder in your gamedata as GAMEDATA/EPL/*NOT ANOTHER FOLDER NAMED GAMEDATA, GO DOWN MORE* So you have a zip, inside of it there is a folder, and then it goes down to gamedata/mod/, its a copy of the arborescence of KSP, so you can merge things, not mix them up more I saw some package that are like that MODNAME/GAMEDATA/MODNAME/ACTUALMODFILES&FOLDER I'm sure you can do the rest of the math... if you have PART,PLUGIN,SPACES,PROPS or stuff like that directly in your main data you went to far down ....
  18. Woohoo you guys are all done on the first day! Thank you ! (perfectly timed for relaunching with ATM) I assume that the rework are probably compatible... I'm taking the chance !
  19. Yay! Btw the cfg of Stationpartexpansion and WildBlueIndustries dont have .cfg. I'm not sure if ATM will read them without it ? ( anyway, i'm not using either of these ) Thank you !
  20. step one : ksp 0.25 = atm 4.2 ksp 0.90 = atm recompiled ( wich is not out yet, but sounds like it's coming soon : ''working on this tonight'' are the keywords here) step two : choose between whatever you want : 0.25 with ATM, or 0.90 without ATM, but you'll add it later Actually, I get pretty good performance without it, the game seems to run way smoother than 0.25 ... well I definitely have a better FPS. And a little 600mb in the RAM that was not there, even though I removed KSPInterstellar until it's updated! I can't wait to add ATM over this performance increase ( maybe my computer is just ... something ) EDIT: I admit that their explanation is unclear for somebody who never heard of the power of unity argument That's what they we're refering to, you should read it if you didn't already
  21. Ouch , that's a first post ! In fact I had the same issue with 8.0 on 0.25, but my installations tended to get corrupted because I was messing a lot with the textures, setting up tons of exceptions both in atm and ddsloader, and changing part config for nicer effect ( .... pffff.... total padawan modder ). Anyway, it's now irrelevant, I'm trying 9.3!
  22. Woohoo!!!! Spaceplane are back before I unlocked any wing in the tech tree !!! Thank You
  23. 0.90 has been out for like one day, and nobody talked about it yet here. So I would say try it and report! then the next one who is wondering if it is compatible is gonna go at the last post wich hopefully is gonna be yours saying that it is working perfectly fine ( haha hopefully yes )
  24. few pages back by sarbian http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-2-3-5-%28Sept-14%29-Loading-Speed-Fix?p=1416253&viewfull=1#post1416253
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