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Everything posted by SergeantBlueforce

  1. The Vanguard Plugin thing doesn't work, when I try to use it says it can't find a crew compartment, and when I try to enter it from EVA it says module is full.
  2. Does the magnetic field thing on this mod work with Krag's Planet Factory?
  3. This plugin causes me to constantly get the Getthreadcontext failed error, see this thread for more info.
  4. Maybe this will help? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-22-Release-1-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod
  5. What does this mod do to transmission parts added by other mods; do they still require the ship to be in range of a relay network to Kerbin on order to transmit? Also what does the D+ timer represent?
  6. Really fun challenge, I suppose I could have done better with the time, but atleast I learnt how to actually rendezvous and dock (with a tutorial as well, but the challenge helped by providing docking scenarios).
  7. Never mind, anyway your tutorial was brilliant blizzy, I finally managed to rendezvous with a station! (I'm playing scarecrow's test pilot challenge). Here's a pic very pleased Jebediah
  8. How is it possible to slow down without falling out of the sky?
  9. One of the engines on the rocket on the offshore island keeps on falling off when I launch it... (Nevermind)
  10. Does this mod work with 0.22? If so does it map planets accurately? (As they have been updated)
  11. Maybe the address any servers people start for KMP should be added to the open post?
  12. Sent Jeb to the mun in career mode to do some science and to repair the probe that ran out of power when it landed. Unfortunatley the radial fuel tanks I had attached to his ship were not connected, so I was unable to land without crashing. So I used what little fuel I had left to put him in a highly elliptical orbit round Kerbin until I can get together a rescue mission.
  13. I have a parts addon that works fine in 0.22 but it's not on the tech tree (for obvious reasons), so I want to know how to add parts to the tech tree (I assume it can be edited through something like notepad++)
  14. I still haven't worked how to do that. EDIT: See blizzy's tutorial.
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