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Everything posted by TranceaddicT

  1. Nathan, I hate to be a bother while you are updating RF, but I am still receiving exception errors. I have uploaded some player logs here. Each file has notations at the beginning for your reference. Hopefully, I'm just being OACRD.
  2. TaranisElsu, Forgive me, but I'm as a loss for your numbers. Not that they aren't correct, but I can't derive similar numbers back-calculating. I've calculated resource usage by meticulously whittling the values to the 10th (yeah, I did) place. I took a small MFT container zero'd out the tanks and ran the number up until each one had the same duration presented in the LSBuildAid; then I moved those to a spreadsheet. When I compare the spreadsheet calcs to the default values established, they don't match. Trying to balance the 6 resources against one another is horrid. Ultimately, I'm trying to develop a spreadsheet that I can use to calculate the resource balance I need to add to achieve a specified duration.
  3. Okay so there are a number of solar panels in our beloved 'verse. But, I've always felt that they were a little lacking some "prettiness" factor. Now, I know SPs come in all shapes and sizes and shades of blue and grey. Some are highly reflective (practically mirror like) some are not so reflective. Inspired by Yogui87's solar panels, want to create a compendium of optional graphics for solar panels. Texturing a 2D image is a cakewalk, for most. I'm learning Blender; so I imagine 3D should be a fairly quick learn. Now, there is new inspiration reflections: I haven't delved into it yet, but I believe it might be just a little beyond my current skillset. I know there is a Reflection.dll from FASA. Is this a matter of applying another "texture" in blender? Can any of the fantastic modelers out there assist? I'd like to develope this as my first CommSat mod pack.
  4. I stand corrected. My bad and apologies to r4pt0r. Even so, since Kerbin is an Earth analog and our sun is correctly referred to as Sol, I think the light and life giving analog of the Kerbins should be Kerbol. Would be nice if Squad endorsed that idea, but hey it's their game and their rules. 2.5 Necroposting Posting in a thread that has not received a new message in a defined span of three months is known as “necropostingâ€Â.
  5. Actually, it is Kerbol. Officially. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page
  6. They should be call Pasa's. Why? Well, we generally cobble together contraptions that start in the thousands; therefore, we would be spending . wait for it .. wait for it ... kPasa!
  7. So, I spent an hour or so with Bill on a science collection mission and brought him home after a few polar orbits. He was astounded by the beauty of his office and just had to snap a few shots for his keeps back at base.
  8. FYI, Firespitter needs to be updated to the latest version. This mod currently references: firespitter.dll version: 6.3.5259.41908, compiled for KSP 0.23.5 Firespitter has been updated and compiled for KSP 0.24.2
  9. I agree with your concept on the private v. public nature. (GitHub should go back to, at the very least, a single private repository. But, such is the nature of commercial enterprises.) You're putting KerbalX out there as a sharing site; not a personal repository. I believe your balancing of including the "picture-less" uploads as part of a private craft repository is more than an acceptable balance. I can't imagine a craft taking more than 1Mb. (Yet, someone somewhere, I'm sure, will create just such a behemoth to prove me wrong. Though I doubt it's ability to reach orbit.) Heck, the Endeavour from CSS just crosses 300Kb. If someone doesn't have the storage capacity for even a moderately complex craft (on their own system they really need to spend some $$ on some decent storage options. (1Tb drives run less than $50 now-a-days.) However, I would hold back on the search part. You can automatically flag an upload as a private craft file if it doesn't include a picture. Then restrict that craft from the main page display by simply referencing the flag. This would avoid the gaping holes in presentation which can detract from the aesthetics of the site. But, don't take them out of the search presentation. If I'm looking for a rover, I'd like to find roverS. I might even then be inclined to as the author to upload a picture. Once an individual reaches your 5 craft limit you could add a notification: You have reached your personal repository limit. Any further uploads require a picture of the actual craft created. (Remember: No pics. No clicks.) The required picture gets added for uploaded (you probably should include some auto-resizing if you don't already) or the upload fails.
  10. Right, okay that makes sense with the "Version=" reference. Good to know for the future. Thank you Nathan. And you as well cremasterstroke for that link to the discussion. I really appreciate it. And, thanks for the AJE tip. Didn't know about that one.
  11. Nathan, I've been rigorously going through my KSP.log and hunting down EVERY error that gets thrown to better understand what/where/when/why/how things work (or don't). Back a few pages someone commented about having something similar, but I could not find any resolution to the error. Is this: [ERR 15:14:23.449] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'TweakScale_RealFuels': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Additional information about this exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'RealFuels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. File name: 'RealFuels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' working as designed? If it colliding with the RealFuels_TweakScale.cfg (a dummy config)? Or is there more to it? Thank you for your work on this. (I look forward to RealHeat.)
  12. It sounds like either: 1) the KSP_Data is corrupted or 2) your save file is corrupted. First, create another game - default works. Check for the problem. If gone ... your savefile is corrupted. Second, create an additional KSP installation (ex:KSP_Test). Drop SR and KCT in GameData and launch. If fixed, your install was corrupted. (copy GameData from original install to new install, rename (if desired), enjoy).
  13. To clarify ... You need to have separate folders for all the Klockheed_Martin products. If you have a complete install you should see this tree: ~/GameData/Klockheed_Martian ~/GameData/Klockheed_Martian_Asteroid ~/GameData/Klockheed_Martian_CoolRockets ~/GameData/Klockheed_Martian_SmartParts ~/GameData/Klockheed_Martian_Special ~/GameData/Klockheed_Martian_SSE
  14. I don't think you can see who, just how many. It's on the mod page, second column "Followers:". EDIT: You will also want to see this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94891-KerbalStuffWrapper?highlight=kerbalstuff
  15. I understand your hesitancy to gum up the GUI. An option in settings to allow for an additional pop-up (opt-in) would be just fine. No rush or anything; like I said, it's the first time in months of use.
  16. Like I said: "I can hide it by clicking the toolbar icon, but if I change scene it shows up again."
  17. I've been having a bit of a problem with Fusebox and ATM not playing well with one another. I'll start KSP and during the loading process when ATM is doing it's thing Fusebox will cause a CTD. I have created an ATM config to handle the problem, but thought you should know about this problem. Anyway, If anyone else runs into this problem just drop the code below into a file in GameData/BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/ to get past it. ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = Fusebox enabled = true OVERRIDES { Fusebox/TB_icons/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 } } }
  18. Is there a way to prevent the Kethane window from ALWAYS appearing. It seems that no matter what scene I'm in or switch to or from that little green window is always showing up. I can hide it by clicking the toolbar icon, but if I change scene it shows up again. (REALLY getting annoying.)
  19. magico, Do you think you could add a second check to the 'scrap' option? I just scrapped a 10d build because I forgot to properly fuel it (thanks RealFuels).
  20. Or you can go Mono/Xamarin and not fund the M$ WDN.
  21. Yeah, I saw it and immediately followed you (I think I was #2). Absolutely hit your milestones. I firmly believe that, once a milestone is in progress, no additional milestone work should be added. Providing KS integration would definitely fall under that category and be a v0.7 milestone. I get emails from KS about updates about mods that I follow. TT would help to consolidate that info and management into one place is all.
  22. Wow. What a wonderful birthday present. (Yeah, you gave me that on my birthday.) Been busy with getting the homestead ready for the semi-decadal Motherly inspection. Hopefully I'll have some time tonight or tomorrow morning before the week of hell love begins. Thank you.
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