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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Am I really the only one who had like a half dozen mods running with no issues? My mod WarpEverywhere, Module Manager (!), ForScience, All Y'All... No problems and no errors. I mean sure I pared it way down figuring there would be problems, but I was shocked after everybody said how many issues they had, when I tried Module Manager and it worked just fine.
  2. I believe the issue here is the Sepratron is way OP. I just put a Mite under an Okto with a nosecone, hit T and space, and got to space. In fact, my Ap was over 300km. The nosecone almost exploded, even. Granted, that's a pretty small payload but I personally imagine these being used for small payloads.
  3. You don't. You say what fixed it that way if someone has the same problem in the future and do a search, they'll find out
  4. Works fine in 1.8, no recompile needed. ...which is good as I don't even have a development environment installed anymore
  5. I had the same on my copied-over install even after removing all mods. I fixed it by making a fresh copy, not overwriting but instead copying into an empty directory.
  6. Awesome update, love the staging in Map mode. At least, the idea of it. I won't be able to experience it for a while (stupid real life). Also no more forcing DX11 and the mod that fixes how things look when you do. Also moar boosters are always welcome!
  7. Right click, properties, betas. Also stop playing out of the Steam folder if you don't want to be updated out of the ability to play.
  8. What if the title was just punctuated incorrectly and it's actually: Where in the world is Carmen? San Diego.
  9. Promised as Dwarf Fortress in Space, they kept having problems and then just released it as 1.0 with nothing fixed, then closed up shop firing all the programmers. I don't remember what I paid for it, but it was too much.
  10. My Early Access policy is simple. It's the same policy I use on everything I spend money on. Is the product offered RIGHT NOW worth the money they're charging RIGHT NOW, and can I afford to spend that money on it RIGHT NOW? Yes -> Buy the product. No -> Don't buy the product. With Early Access, you get the bonus of potential extra product for free, plus the potential chance of affecting development in a slight way. I don't know why that's a bad thing but many people don't like it. As the product I bought was in my opinion worth the price I paid, I never feel shafted by an EA effort dying early. Well, never after SpaceBase DF 9, the game that taught me the above policy.
  11. Nope nothing since the initial announcement and PAX videos.
  12. You have the game on Steam so you can verify the game files and it'll reinstall whatever was deleted. It won't install mods again so you'll have to do that manually. And tell your cousin's parents about it because there is no excuse for that behavior. And never enter let them touch your computer again. Like, when you're 40 and they ask if they can check their email.
  13. To be fair most engineers couldn't code their way out of wet paper bag. Most professionals in both fields though are able to discuss with professionals in other fields and come to understandings about what can and can't be done. I have to believe either they are all wrong and you're right, or you're right and they are all wrong.
  14. Why pick? You can have both! Copy your entire install of KSP 1.3 somewhere, and then update the original and start a new game. You can always go and run KSP 1.3 from the new folder. All you lose is Steam tracking your time playing. And you gain so much more.
  15. I could drink coffee all day, every day, from waking up to going to sleep. It's one of my very favorite things in the world.
  16. It's as logical as not being able to secure in any way shape or from any connections once you've launched, which is what we have without autostruts.
  17. The big problem is that waypoints only show up in map mode. It's a ridiculous oversight and I personally believe Waypoint Manager is an essential "it's stock to me" mod. Going further, your rover appears to be aimed uphill, so the direction on your navball that has the "overhead" point on it (to the right) shows you forward. Essentially, you built your rover poorly You may be able to fix it by changing the control direction (right click the probe core or rover body and try all options) but you also may have to just learn that "right is forward" for this rover and deal with it.
  18. In the first two tabs, offered and current, you have NO contracts whose names start with the word "Explore"? Then as far as I know that's a bug. There is literally a hard coded number of explore contracts and 1 is that number. I don't believe it's possible to not have one unless you've completed them all. Note: There is no "storyline" to KSP. If you want to go to Minmus, go to Minmus. You get some money (I don't know how much exactly but it's some) just for doing it, and while the game won't offer you the contract to do that thing anymore, it doesn't "break" anything. You'll still get contracts for other things around Minmus and then the other planets. Well, you would if it wasn't for whatever is happening to your save. I don't know exactly. They're not visible in the game files. but in my experience you generally start getting them once you've been to Mun, maybe landed or something. If you want (and don't have tons of mods) upload your save somewhere and link it here. I'll load it up and see what it looks like.
  19. It would be weird to have clouds disappear as you enter an atmosphere. I don't know how weird as I've not experienced it, but it would be weird.
  20. You can only get one "Explore..." contract at a time, so if you are sitting on an "Explore Mun..." contract you'll never see another until you complete it. Also, you will never get an "explore..." contract for something you've done. So if you already landed on Minmus you did most of it already.
  21. I use the forum. I have a bookmark folder for all the mods I use, and go through them every once in a while (generally when starting a new career) and check if they're updated, and then download them from whatever links the modders provide.
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