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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've bumped into this one several times, too. Also, if you plant a flag under an overhang (Bridges in the space center for example) the flag goes on top of the highest thing. I suppose it could be just "how Unity does it" and "how Unity does it" might have changed in version 5. We'll know in a few weeks. Or, if anybody who has Steam gets the prerelease version when it comes out and tries it, and reports back here.
  2. Dun. And I noticed on a rewatch that I landed near that Mun arch I commented on above. It actually shows up in the videos for a few seconds. http://www.twitch.tv/5fhhorseman/v/52164362
  3. I'm streaming this right now on Twitch. http://www.twitch.tv/5fhhorseman
  4. Sorry for the triple post You landed VERY close to a Mun arch. Highlight between the quotes for spoilers. "Next time you're in that area (north of that big crater, near the northern lip) look around."
  5. Okay so from the video, it looks like you get: Mk1 Capsule, Stayputnik. 1/8th tank, 1/4 tank, fuel lines, small radial rcs. Reliant, Hammer, Flea 4-way RCS, small reaction wheels Struts, Starter girder, inline decoupler, launch clamps, starter radial decoupler. Starter nose cone, second tailfin (Not the new yellow one) Starter landing gear, parachute, one of the fold-out solar panels (1x6? 2x3? Dunno), non-extendable ladder, and the smallest battery. Antenna, Goo, Science Jr. The game seems to be 1.0.0 as well, though I bet 1.0.5 would be harder due to extra re-entry heat, no? In any case, I won't be trying this in 1.0.0 (I don't have it anymore), nor will I bother getting the demo. I may try to get to the mun and back with those parts though. I don't really think it'll be that hard, actually. The big problem will likely be not having a Terrier to be light and quick once in space.
  6. No. I will happily donate my time. I just won't pay a company for the privilege. My time and hopefully verbose bug reports are my payment for trying the new stuff that may or may not be buggy.
  7. I am morally opposed to paying someone in order to work for them.
  8. Apparently you have to give Squad your Email address and they email you the demo? What is this, 1997?
  9. It's getting old (But someone recompiled it, check the last page) but I prefer GPO Speed Fuel Pumps to all other fuel balancers.
  10. If you want to actually watch a gravity turn on Eve, I start testing an Eve launcher right at the start of the below video. The "successful" launch that gets into orbit starts at 7:30. From what I've read above I was too aggressive so may have been able to keep going straight up to 20km. I may try that and see if it's better. Note: This is a Twitch stream, so some of my random things I say are responses to chat. Also Note: I don't actually make orbit, but started much lower than expected and got really, really close. I'm confident the ship would work from anywhere I'm likely to land.
  11. Correct. Also, the saves folder setup and persistent file location and general structure has been consistent for years. I wouldn't expect those to ever change.
  12. I have - I think - all the pieces in place to attempt this. I did a 4-hour Twitch stream of testing all the pieces. If you want to watch 3 very long videos I also uploaded them to YouTube. I don't know when I'll be starting this, but I'll be starting the actual mission soon. Mission parameters for me are: Orbital construction, but after that the whole mission is (mostly) one ship. The ship always enters and leaves a PLANET'S sphere of influence in one piece. The only thing that need land on every world is the Mk1 Lander Can that has 2 docking ports on it, one on top and one on the bottom. Ideally no resupply missions at any point during the mission, but if necessary so be it. I'm not starting this over after I'm 90% of the way done! My current plan is to go to Eve, Moho, (back to Eve if necessary), Kerbin (for Mun and Minmus), Duna, Dres, Eeloo, and finally Jool. I can also do Eeloo last but would like to slingshot home so I have lots of fuel to slow down at Kerbin on the way back. The reason I'd go to Eve twice is to refuel at Gilly if necessary, and the reason I'm going to Mun and Minmus second is that the Mk1 Lander Can is inside a fairing on my Eve lifter, so the Eve part of the mission must be the very first thing I do.
  13. I'm not quite so hurt as you, but I do feel a bit slighted because I specifically chose to purchase from the store to support the developers.
  14. Where we're going... We don't NEED a regulator. </DocBrown>
  15. Wherever your gamedata folder is, there will also be a saves folder. In there is a folder with the same name as your save. In THERE is a persistent.sfs file and quicksave.sfs, and maybe even some others too. There's also a ships folder. You'll find ask your .craft files within.
  16. Well yeah, but in its defense that's not what it was designed for. Similarly, the Spark engine won't be good for moving them around.
  17. If I'm sharing a craft I use that to detail what the action groups do and/or any oddities of the craft. For my own ships, I use it for notes like "This doesn't actually work" and the like.
  18. As a long-time Holodeck lover, I'm excited to try this. Looks very snazzy. This would have made the testing for my Grand Tour ship much easier. I spent about 4 hours on Sunday night simulating things with Holodeck, where the very first thing I did upon launch was hyperedit things to other planets.
  19. Haha I came here to report a minor bug in Holodeck, only to find it's being rebuilt and repurposed as KRASH. Very cool. Now I'll head over there (If you're curious, there's clickthrough on the 3 buttons in Holodeck. If you simulate or launch it's no big deal, but if you cancel you also grab whatever part is below the cancel button)
  20. I thought I read that clickthrough was fixed. I still experience it with a mod (Holodeck. I should probably report that...) but not on the stock menus. It could also be that it's been fixed in 1.1 Though there are more ways to accidentally click the wrong part than clickthrough. I don't recall them saying you'd be able to lock parts. I like the idea, though.
  21. Very cool looking mod. I love Extraplanetary Launchpads but agree that a lighter version would be nice. I'll be sure to give this a try next time I'm do any offworld building!
  22. Play another game. I know people here hate to admit it, but playing the same game for hours a day, every day of the week, for years is going to burn you out, even when the game is as fantastic as this one. Remember those games you used to play in 2013? They probably have sequels out right now, and they've probably been out for a year so are like $30. Get one of those, and come back to KSP when you're excited about it, instead of trying to hammer excitement into your third millennium of hours.
  23. The problem is, when you're sitting on the launch pad 99% of your orbit is underground. And a burn to orbit isn't a "maneuver" in the game sense. A maneuver as described by the node is a 0-second burn at infinite TWR. Burning to space is a multi-minute burn most times. This would require more than a simple addition of an ability to put a maneuver node on your "landed" orbit, which is why there's no mod for it. The best we have for this so far is what MechJeb does, and what GravityTurn does, which is essentially to do it for you
  24. I streamed on Twitch.tv for about 4 hours last night, all prep work for an upcoming Grand Tour. I finished testing of my Eve lander/ascender, built my ISRU ship that can land everywhere I need ISRU (including Moho and Duna), built my non-isru lander for landing on places that don't actually need ISRU (including Tylo), and built my Laythe plane because if you're going to Laythe, you can't not bring a plane. I'd say it was a pretty productive 4 hours.
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