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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Did you try either of the things suggested for just this problem, 3-5 posts above yours?
  2. Not to be pedantic but you're squabbling over a 10% difference in performance increase (1 fps out of 10), which any software dev would be estatic about (or bemoan, if it was a 10% lack).
  3. I agree that this would be nice, but there's a workaround. Radial decoupler, girder, then attach the SE to the girder from below, like this:
  4. Career mode is for advanced players only. New players who start in career mode are unnecessarily shooting themselves in the foot. When learning the game, you should have the LEAST number of things to deal with at a time, and in my opinion that means you should start in Science mode. Science Mode has very few parts to start (the same ones in career) and teaches you how to build (at least moderately) efficient designs without having to worry about money or upgrading buildings or earning the "right" to place maneuver nodes. Once you know the basics of the game, the unlocks you need in career mode are small and are the first things I do in any career.
  5. Yeah this is an old issue that still bugs me. I just use Mk1 lander cans for everything I possibly can. Because it's the most efficient for every purpose, with the *POSSIBLE* exception of planes.
  6. I made a series of videos on rendezvous and docking. It looks like you want the 2nd one:
  7. I don't think so. That sounded like a high end GAMING laptop which would have a dedicated video card just like a proper* computer. *note: I have a laptop as well. A gaming laptop. It has its own video card with its own memory. I was making a joke. Please don't flame me for hating on laptops.
  8. Cool looking. Any chance of a moon with a moon? I've always wanted Tylo with - say - Bop orbiting it.
  9. "Frankenbox" is the common term for a machine cobbled together from parts. Oh dear now I've gone cross-eyed.
  10. I don't have a link or anything but I distinctly recall that being asked and answered: Yes. Your near approaches to Duna won't suddenly vanish just as you get them down near the atmosphere.
  11. I would like to take 100% of the credit for getting Clamshell fairings into stock. YOU'RE WELCOME.
  12. Crazy. I get sick, like, once a year. Last time I was sick was the weekend that they did the prerelease Twitch party for 1.0. This weekend (actually most of this week, and it shows no signs of stopping before the weekend is through) I'm sick again. Hopefully this isn't an omen that the streams are going to suck.
  13. I'm moderately sure you can get your spaceplanes into orbits with less than 0.5 eccentricity. That said, "Noob" is among the words that must die a firey death and I give the OP no quarter for using it.
  14. You are mistaken but no more than I was. I have an excuse though, I've been quite ill for the past 2 days. A full ore tank is 17 tons, while a full orange tank is 36 tons, or just about twice as heavy. And 4x as long. The 14.4 is 81 tons, or over 2 orange tanks, or not quite 5 ore tanks. My point still stands. If what you're doing is easy, you're not doing enough.
  15. If it's too easy you're not trying to do enough. A single Orange tank? How about 7 of them? Or 7 14.4s? Or get them to Moho? Or all of the above? I just recently needed 7 full 14.4 tanks in orbit and decided to do it in one ship. I named it the "Why God Why" and with good reason.
  16. Freaky. I scrolled up to @tg626's post to see how many more he's gotten since now, and found his rep to be 666 now! Frea-ky.
  17. I haven't tested it but I thought the 22.5km bubble was only for things FLYING in atmo. I distinctly remember having a conversation with someone about it. It's where I learned that the bubble is better thought to be around every other ship than around your own. They draw if you're in THEIR bubble, not they in YOUR bubble. That pretty much describes every situation in this game involving 2 craft where 1 or both of them are landed.
  18. I'm assuming it's on the surface of another world. If it's on Kerbin, just get within 2.5 km of it, switch to it, and recover it
  19. The claw works on the surface as well. I'd put it on the bottom of a large lander and land on the item, but that would require pinpoint accuracy. Perhaps something with wheels? I'd also consider not even taking that contract EDIT: Also, hit V a few times when trying to grab or dock until you're in "locked" mode. Makes everything much easier with the IJKLHN keys.
  20. I hope I get this right Does not explode on launchpad: 10 + 157 Lifts off successfully: 15 + 157 Suborbital trajectory: 15 + 157 Orbit: 50 + 157 Return one Kerbal to Kerbin safely: 50 + 4 (pod, ox-stat, parachute, heatshield) Return all command pods (including the command chair, not including any probe core.)(They don't have to be crewed) to Kerbin safely: 70 + 4 Mun fly-by: 100 + 12 (chute, pod, ox-stat, heat shield, decoupler, 2 fold-out panels, fuel tank, terrier, 3 landing gear) Mun orbit: 125 + 12 Mun landing: 175 + 12 Minmus landing: 150 + 12 Craft is a spaceplane: 0 So that's 10+15+15+50+50+70+100+125+175+150+(157*4)+(4*2)+(12*4) or 1444. Easily beatable if you bring more parts to all the places.
  21. I have (well, had. I'm going to change it right now) one of those videos. I didn't go back and so change it because it never occurred to me I do recall thinking I'd take it down or put up an alert if I ever put up new ones. Call it a hole in my common sense processes.
  22. I second the "Put it in your .sig" suggestion. I put my videos in my .sig and now I have dozens of viewers. DOZENS I say. Regarding the mods, I can't say why they've not impinged on me in particular, mostly because you've no links in your .sig
  23. The accepted numbers for Minmus are 180 to low orbit from the flats and 160 from low orbit to to a trajectory that will intercept Kerbin's atmosphere. That mans it should take about 340m/s. In my experience this is pretty right on. I'd be surprised to see someone do it for 300, surprised enough that I'd want proof It could (and probably is) a simple case that Nich rounded down while you round up. I mean, in the whole vast scheme of things 300 m/s isn't that much.
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