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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. There are 2 main viable options: 1) Mod it 'til it bleeds. In particular a mod like KIS (or KAS, one of the two. I never remember which does what) has attachable struts that you can link together with an IVA kerbal. There are other mods that also just do struts, but that's the most prominent. 2) Build a train. You can't wobble all over the place if you pull your payload instead of pushing it. This is the way I do it most of the time. I like to build a "cage" structure with engines around the outside, and attach my payload in the middle so it's inside the "cage" and being pulled. That way, your engines can still be behind the center of mass.
  2. Spaceships in KSP are tree-like structures. Everything is attached to the root part via a line of other parts, ONE part at a time. So, your radially-mounted SRBs are not coming unattached from those other 2 radial decouplers, they were never attached to them in the first place! Also, there is no (good) way to make them be attached. The good news is, there's the Strut. Throw away those useless extra radial decouplers and replace them with struts. They'll hold the boosters in place and vanish when you decouple.
  3. I'm feeling verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic... The level 1 runway is neither level, nor a runway. Discuss.
  4. Kerbals can climb ladders sideways, I can climb from a vertical ladder into a horizontal door. Let's call it a tie and move on.
  5. In my defense, when I posted that the subject line was "Am I the only one who wants a dV readout" or something like that. Considering how often it comes up, I didn't really feel the need to elaborate.
  6. Thanks I usually suck at names but I was very happy with this one. And it just popped in there, like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. TIL that you can turn radiators on and off separately from deploying them. Good call on fuel cells too. I never use Cargo Bays so never thought of them as well. It may be a bit, I'm trying to crack the UI nut before I add anything else because the UI change will have to be done to each module individually, so why give myself more work?
  7. I turn my planes 90 or 180 degrees in the SPH before liftoff whenever I'm stuck with that abomination. It's also among my early upgrades, even though I barely ever use planes.
  8. After much (less) work (than it took to get started) I've completed the original functionality goals of the mod, so am releasing version 0.3. See the OP. I'll add more things as I (or others) think of them, but currently the only outstanding thing is that I'm not 100% happy with the buttons. I'd like it to be a little tighter and less bulky. Now it works with radiators and science. It won't automatically overwrite or transfer anything, it just does what would happen if you right clicked and ran each science experiment manually. So you'll get either a bunch of "this is already full, do you REALLY want to do this?" messages or a bunch of "reset/save/transmit/lab" option boxes, or some of each depending on how things go.
  9. You can also play Rocket League with your feet. I'm going to keep using my hands, though. And KER.
  10. Nice. I see this. I'll modify the solar panels when I go back in and add radiators for the next version. I somehow missed your last post, I think maybe we both posted in quick succession.
  11. To answer your subject line: No. (Note: This was a reply to a different post and doesn't make sense anymore now that they've been merged. They were merged, incidentally, for exactly the reason I made the post. The subject line of the post I replied to was "Am I the only one who wants a dV readout?" or something like that.)
  12. THIS IS THE OLD THREAD! @linuxgurugamer has graciously taken over this mod as he has the tools, talent, and most importantly (and surprisingly given the number of mods he maintains) time to keep up with it. Please visit the new thread here: Spoilering the rest of this as it's going to get more and more irrelevant over time. Thanks to KottabosGames for showcasing All Y'All on YouTube (why didn't I think to do that?) And also thanks to Chrizz for his review as well, that shows All Y'All working with non-stock science parts.
  13. That worked! Thank you. I have no idea how I'd have ever gotten that on my own, but I at least understand the syntax.
  14. As a player who cares more about craft mass than aesthetics, the mk1 lander can has been the only stackable (and otherwise) cockpit for years.
  15. How would I call these methods? I tried using Extend and Retract and am being told there are no such methods. Here's my code that fails to compile ("Extend" fails as well): foreach (Part eachPart in vessel.Parts) { if (eachPart.Modules.Contains("ModuleDeployableSolarPanel")) { eachPart.Retract(); } } And here's the error VS is giving me: Error CS1061 'Part' does not contain a definition for 'Retract' and no extension method 'Retract' accepting a first argument of type 'Part' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) And of course, more than knowing what the methods are named, I'm more interested in how I'd find out myself UPDATE: I got the code to compile by modifying the above to the below. I've also got buttons in flight now, but they don't do anything. Baby steps. foreach (Part eachPart in vessel.Parts) { if (eachPart.Modules.Contains("ModuleDeployableSolarPanel")) { eachPart.SendEvent("Retract"); } }
  16. Yeah, I'm the same. I dare LOOK AT EELOO while flying by and totally forget to do science. Or worse, do the science and then catch a glimpse of its far side. Maybe this is why Quicksaves are a thing. Do one pass where you gawk, and then another where you do the science.
  17. That's an easy one: Passing an SOI boundary at full warp (which non-active objects will happily do in the stock game without any warning or indication) can still cause their paths to shift. If it was shifted into Tylo then bam, it'd also be destroyed (and also not notify or warn the player in any way). This is why I won't run more than 1 mission at a time until KAC is updated for 1.1.
  18. That's the pseudocode in my head It's all the fiddly bits that are getting me. I'm hoping after a solid day's sleep I'll be more in tune with my inner coder tonight.
  19. I don't want to make a part. I want to modify the right-click menus for parts. Kind of like how GPOSpeed Fuel Pumps modifies the right-click menu of fuel tanks. Specifically, what I want to do (to start) is to modify all deployable solar panels so that they gain a 2 menu options "Deploy all solar panels" and "retract all solar panels." Eventually, I'd like to extend it so - via a config file - you could add similar things to any parts you want, including perhaps command modules. Imagine right-clicking a command pod and having "deploy all solar panels" there.
  20. About 3 hours ago, I decided that an idea I had was simple enough, that even I could mod it. 3 hours later, I've successfully followed the steps in the tutorial in the wiki and gotten a fake RCS block to log "Hello, Kerbin!" to the log file when I add it to my craft. I kinda get how it works, but am by no means confident enough to do much more than change the text string that is logged. In looking through the modder forum, I see a 3-year-old topic with 5 tutorials from the guy who did TAC fuel balancer, and I can't help but think maybe they're a bit outdated. I'll still look though them, but I'm a bit scared considering I don't really see any other tutorials out there and - frankly - I'm feeling a bit like a fish that was taken out of water and put in an Advanced Calculus class, and then was expected to be the teacher's assistant. I quite literally have no idea what is going on or how to even ask questions. Are there better (or at least newer) tutorials out there? Are the TAC tutorials still valid? Are there some really well documented mods that anybody could suggest I look at (the simpler the better). What I do NOT want is someone to write this for me. I'd rather do without than have that. To keep up with the fish analogy I want to learn to fish, not get a free fish
  21. Calculating? No. But you can plot maneuver nodes and just add them up. Of course, any long burns from those nodes will get less and less accurate, with your low TWR. Were I to do this, I'd just aim to get my Mun slingshot to throw me out of the Kerbin system prograde and a bit radially away from the Sun. I would just be happy for the free dV it provided, however little or much that ended up being.
  22. Short answer: A lot. Long answer: The burn to Jool from outside Kerbin's SOI is frighteningly close to the burn in LKO. So a lot of the fuel you burn to get out of Kerbin's SOI is wasted. Longer answer: You can't both have fuel constraints AND terribly low TWR. The whole point of having low TWR is because fuel is cheap so you can bring as much as you want. I'd find a way to add 30-50% more fuel and make that burn 3 hours instead of 2. EDIT: actually I wouldn't do that. Like @Plusck I don't do these kinds of burns. What I'd do is find a way to add about 10x the engine power to make the burn 10 minutes or so instead of 2 hours.
  23. One other option is to do it the way that's wrong but that most new people do: Burn just enough to get out of Kerbin's SOI (I suggest using a Mun slingshot for this, it'll save you some of the dV you're wasting doing it this way) and then once in Sun orbit plot and execute the Jool transfer. An hour+ burn in Sun orbit isn't a problem as the fraction of the total orbit is so small. If you go this route, just make sure you leave Kerbin's SOI somewhere on the front half, preferably heading a bit away from the Sun. So, heading in the direction you'll be going when you burn to Jool. That way, you don't re-encounter Kerbin during or after your transfer burn.
  24. Oh I thought KEO was "Kerbal Equatorial Orbit" I suck at acronym. KEO (hey I'm using it now!) is 6 hours, and you need to burn for 2 of those hours. That's about 1/3 of the way around. I'd say that's too much. I'd personally be more comfortable burning at the other side of the orbit, raising my Ap up maybe double, and then doing the burn from there. And again, that's super inefficient, and will cause your burn to be even longer. No matter what you do, WATCH YOUR RESULTANT SUN ORBIT instead of the maneuver node as you near the end. Your maneuver node marker will be TOTALLY WRONG as you get farther and farther from it, and you're far better off just holding the line and watching your Sun Apoapsis. Incidentally, splitting the burn and doing it in parts, each time at Pe raising Ap, isn't an option here as you'll need like 800m/s to leave Kerbin's SOI, and another 1000 or so to get to Jool. That 1000m/s would need to all get done at once, and would cost you about an hour of burn time. It's not QUITE as impossible from Keostationary, but it's still a pretty daunting burn. And out there you're not saving nearly as much from Oberth so not doing that isn't quite as bad.
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