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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I totally missed this joke. First off, I'm not very observant so probably wouldn't have noticed. Second, I almost never go to the actual forum page and instead my bookmark takes me directly to the "new stuff" page. 9 times out of 10 I don't even know what board I'm reading a post in.
  2. The most recent thing I built was a large SSTO rocket for the "One with Everyhing" challenge. Before that, it was big rockets for an upcoming Grand Tour. Since 1.1 pre, I've pretty much been launching those aforementioned Grand Tour ships, mostly to make sure they still work in 1.1 and integrate the new inflatable heatshield for my Eve ship. As to that heat shield, I don't think I'll use it more often. I don't see a need for it in most cases. Eve's an obvious reason but most of the time other than that, all aerobraking/capturing will be at Kerbin with a small return vessel.
  3. Remember, kids. It's April Fool's Day. So you can't trust anything you read on the Internet. ...just like every other day of the year.
  4. It happens in 1.1 and has happened in every previous version of the game since Maneuver Nodes were implemented.
  5. 100% agreement. It doesn't affect 90%+ of the nodes (those where you don't normal or radial more than 15 degrees or so) but those it DOES affect can easily get to the point where they're not fixable.
  6. Roughly speaking, when you come to near-stop 15km over the Mun's surface, note how much fuel and/or dV you have left. Then, when you're landed, note it again. Whatever you used falling down, that's what you wasted. It's actually a *LITTLE* bit less than that, but not much, and for most moons and worlds it's significant.
  7. I finally got my hands on a copy of that there snazzy new 1.1 prerelease and man. It's nice. My 400-part Grand Tour ship DID cause the timer to go into the yellow, but the seconds ticking down were very close to 1-per-acutal-second. Granted that was with no mods, and in particular without KER which is essentially required for me, but still. THE HYPE IS BACK.
  8. I sometimes do it on non-KSP pictures, even.
  9. Not until the heat-death of the Universe. (see what I did there)
  10. No. With all the Steam Sales, I would assume I paid more. It's been years though and I don't have data on what the game cost on Steam when I bought it from the store. Unless they paid less, which they likely did. So they paid less, gave Squad (even) less money, and are getting a benefit for it. Tell you what, while I would appreciate the check Squad can keep the difference and just give me the key. It's a win-win!
  11. Your diligence is insanely appreciated. This is one of the few mods I will NOT play without.
  12. Correction: We're the unentitled crowd. Like, as literally as is possible. We are literally not entitled to it.
  13. You know what? You win. You're right. The KSP universe is magical unicorns and bears less resemblance to our universe than an old tire at the bottom of the ocean does to Thursday. Squad's efforts in crafting this totally unique universe with its own wholly arbitrary laws that don't actually correspond to anything in the real world have been nothing short of amazing, considering how difficult it is to create a whole new working set of universal constants that mesh together in such a way to create a universe that - as you insist an I now agree - works on 100% totally different terms than our own in spite of looking like it in so many compellingly tangible ways. I'll never launch another rocket again. I'll just Hyperedit my stuff around because that's the law of the Universe. Whee!
  14. I'm sure it's #2 there. There are no technical reasons. I think it's totally because Steam won't give Squad a discount on Steam keys. Which I also understand. Why give away a whole bunch of bandwidth? They're not a charity. Let me make this clear: I totally understand why Squad is doing this and also that there is no other viable choice at this time. I still feel slighted and no argument other than "here's your Steam Key" will change my mind. I don't expect it. I'm not demanding it. I'm not stomping around and taking my toys and going home or anything like that. I just feel slighted.
  15. What do you think powers fuel pumps on Earth? Someone call OPEC and find out how they built their perpetual motion machine.
  16. Sounds like a typical session of testing a rocket to me, just the software crashing this time, and the report isn't accessed by hitting F3.
  17. And yours is that if the wind knocks over my king, you win by Checkmate because that must be how the game designers wanted it and not - as is actually the case - just a result of an imperfect setup.
  18. I'd say somewhere around half speed. Once it gets down to 2 in-game seconds per 1 my-time seconds, I start to really feel the weight of my 500+ part ship. Hopefully this will change in 1.1, and I'll then be able to complain about 800 part ships
  19. That's not part of the simulation. That's a bug due to how it's iterated. You can verify this by restoring from a quicksave and rerunning the simulation at a different (usually lower) time warp level and seeing that the phenomenon is not 100% repeatable.
  20. Well years ago there weren't enough parts to need it. And back then the game wasn't complete so any work on an otherwise working (albeit poorly) system was not efficient work.
  21. Because it was part of the UI and they weren't revamping that until this update, because they knew they'd have to anyway to upgrade to Unity 5.
  22. Reverting is exactly like restoring from a quicksave, because that's essentially what is done. When you revert to launch, it's like the previous launch NEVER HAPPENED because it DID NOT HAPPEN in that save. When you revert to VAB, it's like you never even rolled the ship out for the same reason.
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