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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. This reminds me of those keyboard stickers for Excel in the 90s. ...which after a quick Google search I found they still make today. But anyway it made me think, if the controls were on the keys themselves you could print these on sticker paper and make a KSP2 keyboard. (Example of the excel stickers)
  2. No just paste the link to the image and it shows. Has to be a link to an image, though, not a page with an image. i.e., right click, "copy image link" or whatever your browser says. I did that in the image in my signature, and it's "https://i.imgur.com/drPUGrL.jpg" which when I just paste it shows:
  3. I wish I could have the single biggest disappointment in my life be a release of a video game that didn't go to my expectations.
  4. My wife and I have been playing Ark: Survival Evolved. Coming there from Valheim has been rough; building is VERY constrained and you can't jump up on a rock more than about a foot tall. But it's a nice change and we pretty much did everything possible in Valheim. I tried Juno: New Origins but it's just not as fun as I want a space game to be. I can't exactly place WHY, but it just feels like KSP sanitized. I bought Darkest Dungeon 2 on the Steam Sale, but haven't played it yet. Why? Because I'm playing Darkest Dungeon 1 and want to finish the playthrough before I start. For no reason whatsoever.
  5. Yes they dropped all that bug fixing and science mode malarkey and jumped straight to multiplayer.
  6. Yeah it seems the only people who use that definition are those who denounce it.
  7. Thank you for being the one reasonable person in all this and also the only one who correctly surmised that they did it by mistake. Everyone would also be happy if unicorns were real and farted gold dust but if we keep wishing like this, eventually we'll get into the impossible.
  8. If they do this, they won't be doing their job. It should be more like Build a ship from scratch with the mk1 pod, launch it, put it into orbit. Build a ship from scratch with the mk2 pod, launch it, put it into orbit. Build a ship from scratch with the lander can, launch it, put it into orbit. ... Build a ship with the octagonal strut, launch it, put it into orbit. Build a ship with the cubic octagonal strut, launch it, put it into orbit. ... Build a ship with the you-get-the-idea, launch it, put it into orbit. I think this old joke is appropriate here.
  9. Applying physics to comic books is like applying lubricant to Thursday. Not only does it not work, it doesn't even make sense.
  10. Why on Earth would a company announce future sales plans? Sales are a form of promotion, to drive ... well ... sales. Announcing them in advance kills all potential sales from the moment you announce it to the moment the discount starts.
  11. As one of those people, the ESA release party streams was what informed me to not buy. Most of that came from watching Scott, the only person in that group that I watch regularly. There's a difference,I guess, between being informed and making informed decisions.
  12. So much for "they just copied KSP1's code"
  13. KSP2 is too expensive! We put it on sale Why would you do that!? ...
  14. Whomever was posting KSP2 current player numbers has slacked off a bit so I'll pick up the torch, but just this once. 567 right now according to https://steamcharts.com/app/954850 but the peak earlier today was a bit higher, 729.
  15. It's the Steam Summer Sale. If you don't put your game on sale you don't sell copies. Participating with a token discount (20% is top-end token discount but it's still a token discount) is exactly what everybody SHOULD have expected. I expected it. I might even take advantage of it. Because I'm the exact target audience for it. I want the game, but think $50 is too much. The big problem is, I think $40 is too much too. But I still might get it anyway.
  16. Don't be mad at a sale. If the game was worth it to you when you bought it, a sale now does not change that. If the game was not worth it to you when you bought it, then you shouldn't have bought it.
  17. To save them answering it on the stream... where you wouldn't see it because you don't know where to watch it https://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/videos
  18. I'm looking forward to half the forum complaining and the other half swooning, and each half nitpicking everything the other half says. And that one person posting the number of players every day. Can't wait for that.
  19. The below is not what I expect from the science update. I replied to a thread about what I want from the science update and it was merged into this thread. I want science gathering to be a logistical and engineering challenge. This means: The way I fly and where/how I land or flyby are important. A ship designed to do science will be different than a ship designed to do something else. A ship designed to do one science experiment will be different than a ship designed to do a different science experiment. This could be done with contracts/missions/whatever they're calling it. Let's say Rockomax wants atmospheric data or something or they can't make the next size engine because handwaviastic reasons. They give you a unique part that must be attached within X meters of a specific engine of theirs, and taking that part to various places and using the engines there will gather data. Maybe you'll get more/better data on Eve than on Kerbin, or maybe Duna. Maybe you can double dip by getting some data in the day time and some data at night (when the air is cooler). Whatever it is, you're getting Rockomax Engine data and when done, it lets you unlock a new Rockomax engine. Another example: The Kerbin Science Institute wants you to set up a gravity gradient experiment. They want to know how gravity varies at specific distances apart in real-time. So, they want 2 gravioli detectors orbiting Kerbin in a polar orbit, but they must be X meters apart. Ideally, X would be an uncomfortably large number, so you have to design a ship around it. It's up to you to design a launcher that can deploy a vessel that holds them X meters apart. They just want the science. What you can do with that science I'm not sure but I bet it'd have to do with unlocking parts. At no point should you have to right click any of these things and "do science"
  20. Is your orbit right over the equator? Are you only burning prograde? Once you have your apoapsis at the right place, are you dragging your maneuver node around the orbit to get an encounter? If all of the above are true, take a screenshot, upload it to an image host like Imgur, and post a link (or the image) here and we can help more.
  21. What leads you to believe that the one caused the other? I'm sure some have quit over it but is there any indication that it was significant? As opposed to - say - the game not having progression, or bugs that made interplanetary travel difficult, or anything else upsetting the players these days?
  22. Not 100% related to the OP but my favorite thing to do on the freeway is to set my cruise control to whatever I want it to be (usually speed limit + 5mph or so, but it depends on many things) and then when you reach a car that is only going 1-2mph slower than you are, pass them while remaining in cruise control. Invariably, that car will speed up to match or exceed your speed. This doesn't happen, however, if you're going a sufficiently faster speed than them. Even +5mph generally doesn't elicit this response. It doesn't bother me at all. I find it fascinating. I feel like if I was a student of Psychology I'd make this subject my Thesis.
  23. And I hope they don't handicap a perfectly good and fun progression system for fear of guiding players too much. Sometimes I wonder if the generic contracts system in KSP1 that everybody hates came from just such a (misguided, in my opinion) desire. So does a tourniquet, but that doesn't mean it's not better to not slice a huge gash in your leg.
  24. Welcome to the global marketplace. It's 50 bucks where you (and I) live. It's more ($77 for example) elsewhere, and less in even other places.
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