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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Do you mean going from -8 to 8? I'm all for that. I think 16 (Well, 17 I suppose) levels would be welcome. But just the act of using negative numbers doesn't really mean anything. I think it'd be better to go from 0-16 (or 15 if that's easier to code). 0 is a more memorable endpoint than -8.
  2. The smallest fairing will look exactly the same. The larger fairings will look the same, only each piece will be a half circle instead of a 3rd of a circle or a quarter circle.
  3. One of my favorite things about KSP is that once something's in orbit, it will stay in that exact same orbit forever. This is a diversion from realism that I fully, totally, 100% support.
  4. [noparse]this is what will show up.[/noparse] - - - Updated - - - And may I suggest you add ore to the config? @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Ore],!MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]] { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } }
  5. I've been predeploying at .25 (8km) and fully deploying at 250, but I like that .5 and 50 idea. I'm'a give it a try. Just don't try that at Duna
  6. In spite of the hyperbole expressed in this post, I looked at B9 for the first time in probably a year and I'm pretty impressed. I am going to download that at literally light speed when I get home.
  7. I think a procedural system exactly like the one for fairings should be available for wings, only you don't make conic cylinders you make a 2-d plane that the game turns into a wing. In my mind I imagine you place a base that is a certain width. It goes radially onto the fusilage of the plane and is 1, 2, 3, 4, whatever meters wide, front to back of the plane. Then you move your mouse away and a triangle gets drawn. Moving the mouse around causes the vertex of the triangle to follow it, drawing the wing under it. You click, and it drops a verterx there but you can still move the mouse elsewhere and continue to draw he wing out. When you're satisfied with the wing, you right click or something and it's done.
  8. Okay instead of prepping for my next episode, I "actually" did this and guess what? It worked like a charm. The only thing you said that would happen that actually happened is that the converter did get really hot and therefore took longer to convert the ore to fuel, but all that means is it took a few days instead of a few hours. My ship was so poorly made that I had to convert ore into fuel *3* times for my Jool ejection and I still had time to do it all in one go, counting waiting for the converter to make the fuel. It was not the most elegant process, but that had far more to do with the fact that I slapped it together quickly and the ore tanks aren't the size of orange tanks so I had to do a lot of clicking to move ore around so I could toss empty tanks. When I modify things so the GoodSpeed GPOSpeed pumps work on ore, it'd be much easier. I have no idea why you think the converter won't work in time warp. It even works when the vessel is in LKO and you're time warping at the space center. EDIT: All that said, I won't be using this "overpowered" system. I don't think its OP. I think it's a lot of busywork for a little gain.
  9. You obviously don't want to converse about this. I was musing while not in a position to play the game and test, based on how the system was described to me by the person who wrote it. I plan on testing it when I have a chance, but I actually have a life outside KSP so must sometimes prioritize how I spend my time.
  10. I'm kicking off 1.0 right*, with a new series! In KSP Contractor I'll be focusing on contracts - both stock and modded. My mantra in this series is, I won't do nuttin unless I'm gettin' paid! Check out episode 1 below, or ! *I also grammar right.
  11. You could only hire males. The pool of recruits refreshes on occasion. Also, you could do a search and replace on your persistent.sfs file. Search for gender = Female and change it to gender = Male They'll still have feminine sounding names but you can either change those as well or embrace it as truely neutral to gender. If Kerbals are androgynous, they should not consider Valentina (for example) to be any more feminine than they'd consider Bob to be masculine. Also, I think the females look less female than the males do male. I'd suggest trying out making them all female in game. Might look more androgynous.
  12. I made a modulemanager config that does what I personally want: It gives everybody the abilities of an Engineer, and gives engineers the ability of pilots (in addition to their other abilities). This makes Pilots and Engineers swappable, and gives scientists the ability to change tires. It doesn't seem to work with mods. I think the mods acutally check the profession, not the existence of the module. It works fine for all stock stuff I've encountered though. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117530- It would be trivial to just add all 3 modules to all 3 professions, making them all essentially the same (except for mods).
  13. She's died in sandbox a couple times but that doesn't count. In my real career save nobody has died. Yet.
  14. First, thank you! This will make multistage spaceplanes far easier to fuel manage. Also, I just love this mod in general. Now that ISRU is stock it's even MORE important. Second, thanks for making a page. It'll be easier to find and reference. Third, I'm pretty sure you need the license link on your forum post to be legit here.
  15. You need to be more specific. Are you in career, science, or sandbox mode? Do you have a pilot on board? Do you have any probe cores? Do you have SAS turned on?
  16. The Claw needs a reskin to look like an attachment node that won't tear your ships apart. Maybe even just have 2 modes for it, "Claw" and "Refuel". Both do EXACTLY the same thing but look different.
  17. The map screen does show profession and level. But I do wish there was a way to tell at a glance. I'd love it if each type had a different colored stripe or helmet or something, and each level gained put a star somewhere on the Kerbal as well.
  18. What about launching to orbit, running the converter (with solar panels and engineers to keep heat in check) until the tanks are full, burning to eject to your destination, using the hundreds of days travel time to convert more ore into fuel, then burning at the destination to enter orbit?
  19. I think you should start a new thread. As soon as this thread gets to the next page nobody will see your mod.
  20. I think it was done to kinda reveal that female Kerbals were new, and to make her stand out. But I agree it almost looks like she's segregated from the others :/ Maybe she's sulking because she's sad that no females work in the admin office.
  21. I'm seeing those as well. I *think* that it's because I'm orbiting over small slivers of biome so by the time I get out I've passed over it.
  22. Where did you buy it? The KSP store has it still available. Steam has a way to download older versions but I don't use Steam so I don't know the steps. But really I think you'll be far happier in the long run if you keep at it, ask specific questions, watch some youtube videos (I launch a rocket to orbit in my first video that I released today, and Scott Manley has several very informative videos up already). 1.0 is far closer to "real space flight" than any game ever released, when you count the need to launch those spaceships from the ground. Going back to .90 means you're going back to an arcade game.
  23. Don't know about Moho, but I've heard tell that EVAing on Eve is instant death for a Kerbal.
  24. Can you see asteroids around Kerbin? Maybe you need to upgrade the tracking station. The only other thing I can think is maybe you need to bring scanners with you (like the new ISRU scanners) to get them to show up.
  25. I don't care how they do it. They could add Flapdoodle=Joozimiwhiz to mean that someone is a scientist. I just want to be able to modify it.
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