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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. TIL that the stock toolbar scrolls. I'll still not use it any chance I get because the mod toolbar is better in every way. Including that it doesn't scroll so the buttons are always in the same place and are forever clickable.
  2. In real life do they ignite the engine while it's still inside the fairing? Or is the problem that your engine remains unlightable even after the fairing has slid away? In any case, here is yet another (and a far better) example of something that should have been caught before release.
  3. It seems that you want to do about what you did for FAR, maybe slightly more aggressively. My old "30 at 30" seems to work but not be *quite* as efficient as maybe "30 at 25" would be. FYI "30 at 30" means you want to be aimed at the 30 degree marker (so over halfway to the horizon) when you Apoapsis (not your altitude) is 30km. I'm still testing, but it may be better to be aimed at the 30 degree mark when your apoapsis is at 25km.
  4. Ha! You found a bug. THe game is set to allow up to 9999 of them You can also get a large number of "Plant a Flag" contracts, and a few others like part tests. If you edit GameData\Squad\Contracts\Contracts.cfg and search for "9999" you should find this: MaximumExistent = 9999 Several times in the code. I'm changing the 9999 to 2, to match most of the other contracts.
  5. I'm feeling that the glass is about 95 percent full.
  6. I can attest that they must survive. I can also attest that they can't pull their own parachutes But yeah, if the contract says "sub orbital" then all you need to do is take him up, get him into space, and bring him back down safely (and recover). However if they want to go to Mun or something you have to do that. AND get them back home and recover them.
  7. Right at launch, any TWR less than 1 and you feel just that 1 G from gravity. After that, you're accelerating + feeling gravity so you get G equal to TWR. It gets more complicated once you're not going straight up (and once you're farhter from the surface and feeling less gravity) but that's the gist of it.
  8. Sorry, by "that metric" I was addressing the OP's reliance on atmospheric efficiency. 1.8G is probably about what I'm at a bit after launch, considering I start at a 1.4 TWR and it goes up from there.
  9. I think that's the bug. And I think I didn't see it because my return craft was 3 parts: Pod, chute, shield. If you have a pod, with a service bay, with a heat shield then the COM is all wonky.
  10. This by the way is exactly what I've wanted physicsless parts to do since they became a thing.
  11. I finally got some real time to play and here are my impressions: I love it. Every re-entry has been a nail biter, yet every one has been successful. Except that time I found out that tourists can't find the lever to pull the chute Every launch has been a learning experience, like when I first started playing and like when I first started using FAR. Things feel "wrong" but really they're just *different*. Which is fun. There are problems, sure. For example, my first time to orbit (which was my 2nd launch) I completed something like 17 contracts which is kind of ridiculous. I spent all that money on a few building upgrades which balanced it out I suppose, but still. But the problems don't matter for me, right now. I still remember my first re-entry ever, where I was terrified about heat and exploding and anything else and then finding out, later, that heat just wasn't a thing. Now it is. And now I'm happy.
  12. When you say "no matter what" do you mean with SAS off? I just returned from Mun with a mk1 pod with a single radial chute on it (so it wasn't balanced) and a heat shield. I've not done any hacking to add physics to parts. I left SAS on so I could angle it just right so the parachute wouldn't get heat but neither would the capsule. And I came down with no issues whatsoever. My periapsis was right about 20km and my apoapsis started out a bit higher than Mun, as I was coming back from a free return flyby.
  13. That metric is no longer useful. Now you should go as fast as you can while not blowing up or flipping out of control. Or both. I've found that 1.6 TWR (which was my benchmark in pre-1.0 stock atmo) is too much for me. 1.4 seems a lot better. I have a rocket that can get into orbit with less than 3300m/s of vaccuum dV and I think it's TWR starts at 1.4 exactly. There is a far larger emphasis on finesse, now, and far less on punching hard and/or following the same formula for every single rocket.
  14. I can't see previous stagings, but in both pictures it looks like the fairings were not staged during separation. Does this occur if you stage the fairings at the same time as the decoupler and/or the engine?
  15. Oh no exposure to a large audience might taint our precious forum! I've seen several PewDiePie videos, and never understood the abject hate. He's annoying at the start and end and if I never hear the word "bro" again I'll have still heard it to many times, but dude's just doing what he likes and getting paid for it. I wonder if this is the real reason they rushed to 1.0 [/conspiracy] [/notreally]
  16. Sweet, xEvilReeperx. With the balance in stock shifting towards actually needing to do science to get science points (a radical thought!) your mod is even more important now.
  17. Actually that explains something that I've been trying to figure out: Why instascanning doesn't bother be, yet I like how drilling and processing takes time. For scanning, I just want the info. Drilling and processing I do at a surface base while I'm setting up the orbital base and then sending ships out. I don't mind that it takes time because I'm doing other stuff anyway. Plus I hate missing 2% of the planetary surface even though I don't need to know it.
  18. I added: kerbalspaceprogram.com to my hosts file and it worked. Downloading now. It says 19 minutes. I would suggest if you do this, you remove it once you've successfully downloaded the game.
  19. Haha no I'm not paid. I call Squad out when they deserve it. Here is a part from what I quoted: "it seems the best game to play is not the one SQUAD makes" Not "I think" or "For me" no. This was set down as a fact. It happens far too often on this forum and I am merely sick of it.
  20. You seem to be under a misconception, that your opinion of "best" and "worst" is fact. I prefer what I've seen of the scanning to Scansat. I prefer what I've seen of aerodynamics to FAR. I prefer what I've seen of re-entry and heat to DRE. I feel no need to mod these in. This makes it better than modding. For ME. Squad did not fail. They implemented a system that some people will like and some people won't. For those that like it, great. For those that don't, Squad thought ahead and left everything as open to modding as can be reasonably expected (and then some).
  21. I keep hitting "last" to jump to the last page, but there's always another page there.
  22. Clamber would have allowed my (so far) only "successful" Eve land-and-return mission to succeed without hyperedit. Everything worked great except the Kerbal kept falling off the top of the ladder backwards instead of forwards. So I'm personally excited about it
  23. In a large part of the world, it's still 'Today.' They never said what time, only what date. They technically have until 11:59:59 in the final time zone before the international date line.
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