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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Things don't instantly explode on crashing. The ship may just break apart into its component parts if you're going slow enough. Also, things don't seem to slide as much as they used to, at least on Minmus. - - - Updated - - - Yes. We know that they were likely to be delayed. And now that we see no indication of them in the game on the streams and vids, it's safe to say that they're not "likely" delayed, but actually delayed. At best. - - - Updated - - - Planes look really controllable. Which should infuriate the realism crowd but I'm excited to try it.
  2. Aaaaaand RoninPawn doesn't know that F3 tells you what destroyed your ship. *facepalm* - - - Updated - - - Whatever engines RoninPawn is using, they seem to sue more LF than they do O.
  3. Actually you can't. You can only to up about 5 meters or so before you have to click to drop a vertex and make a new panel. But still, this seems like a lot of fuss over something that doesn't matter.
  4. I know you're all disappointed, but come on. Is it seriously so terrible? Try this: Blink as you hit the spacebar. You'll then not see it.
  5. Based on tetryds' thread, I think it would, but I doubt I could do it.
  6. Actually as the fairings aren't real parts once they disconnect, they truly are nothing like Kessler Syndrome
  7. "Chase" camera is now called "Locked" and is just a camera mode :)
  8. Nuke runs on LF only! And lost gimbaling.
  9. Decouplers are tweakable stock now Clamshells are not a thing I found both of these from WinterOwl's video. The stream was killing my hype
  10. Just came here to point this out as well Oh well proc fairings it is.
  11. There is an "edit fairings" button but the streamer steadfastly refuses to actually explore new things. Example: someone just asked in the chat if you could make them clamshell. The only guy who's ever publically played 1.0 answered: Probably.
  12. The streaming has (finally) started. http://twitch.tv/ksptv
  13. I am curious about this as well. Obviously, asteroids don't just hang around Kerbin and in the tracking station we only see those that our astronomers happen to find with their telescopes (which is why they are all opposite the Sun from us). I wonder if the whole mechanism has changed.
  14. The millisecond it's available. Unless I'm sleeping, then about 30 milliseconds after I awake.
  15. I made a pretty compact ship that took a glider to Duna and had the beef to get back home in my Kerpollo series. You can see the ship on the launch pad within the first 60 seconds of the below video.
  16. To get back to the actual question ("can you sell mined, processed, and returned fuel for profit?") there is no functional difference between: Mining the ore, transferring it to a space station, processing it, and returning the processed fuel to Kerbin. Mining the ore, processing it, transferring the processed fuel to space and then to Kerbin. In that second case, yes. You can make money doing that. Note that it'll likely take longer and be more involved both time-wise and infrastructure-wise than just completing a few contracts. But it'll also likely be a lot more fun, and that's what this game's about. It's not even cheating. It's exploiting the natural resources of the Sunar system to fund your space program.
  17. I'm surprised too. I thought the Embargo would lift tonight after Squadcast. But apparently that's tomorrow. Or today. Whatevs.
  18. Hey I'm an ideas man. You all could code this up you'll be super famous. What if it wasn't Kerbal SPACE PROGRAM? What if it was Kerbal PROGRAM SPACE where you were like in TRON world and stuff explodes it becomes energy and you have to suck that energy up and multiplayer pew pew pew and I think this game needs dogs. Don't thank me. Just mod it in guys. More seriously, no, I don't think it'll be all that bad. Having survived through the real Endless September (which did end BTW) it was about 1% as bad as everybody said it was.
  19. Also it'd open the door for the concept of deformable terrain. We could crash stuff in just such a way as to level out an area for our Mun base.
  20. Actually there's an Easter Egg in the picture I made that either nobody has seen, nobody has commented on, or I missed the comment about.
  21. Days, months, and ultimately years of iteratively: Doing it wrong. Realizing it was wrong. Realizing what was wrong. Figuring out how to fix what was wrong. Fixing what was wrong. (repeat)
  22. "Many eagles betray doves." "...many doves KILL." dun dun duuuuuuuun. iokeqsaz
  23. So according to the EPA it's okay to let someone die in a fire if you can save a briefcase with $7 million dollars in it. And they're better than the PSC because the PSC thinks it's okay for a briefcase with $2m in it.
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