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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It's worth pointing out that while it IS annoying when you don't know about it, it is EXTREMELY useful to be able to put docking ports on "backwards" as you did. Sometimes you build your ship, and then want to add something to it in the VAB via a docking port that WILL BE on your extension. The only way to do that is to put the docking port on "backwards" onto your ship, and then build the extension on to that. The port will be correctly attached to your extension, but you put it on the main ship "backwards." If that's too vague, Build a lander and then try to add a rover to it with docking ports, so you can undock, drive around, and then drive back under the ship and redock.
  2. Slow down the time warp before going through the SOI boundary between Kerbin and Sun. Ideally you'll be wanting to go at normal or 5x warp. 10x or 50x usually isn't bad, but 100x or more can get catastrophic. I see you have Kerbal Alarm Clock installed. I'd suggest turning on automatic SOI change alarms. Just have them slow down time and alert, no need to pause.
  3. I like cutting it to the bone. If I finish the mission with more than 100dV I feel like I wasted fuel. More than 200 and I'm wondering why I brought parachutes.
  4. Don't think of it that way. think of it this way: Just launch them all at once. It gives you more time to spend more effort doing the actual mission part of your mission.
  5. If I owned the game on Steam (I bought it from the store) I'd never launch from Steam. I'd use that install as my place to copy the game to the real folders for my FAR save, my Remotetech save, my YouTube save, my other YouTube save, my testing save, my stock save, my...
  6. Not sure what this has to do with the OP but the problem is you're going though the SOI at a time warp greater than 1. 5, 10, and even 50 will only set you off by a few meters (Maybe a couple dozen for 50x) but higher than that it can get crazy. The stock solution is to slow down manually as you get close to SOIs, and wait for this "warp to" thing HarvesteR is talking about. The correct modded solution is to use Kerbal Alarm Clock and set automatic SOI changes so every single ship, every single SOI change, you get an alert for.
  7. Try adding -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded instead of the opengl force. Works wonders for me. Also, turn off groundscatter, it exacerbates the memory leak problem even more than mods do.
  8. You left a : out of your link. Here it is fixed. Warp unlocker.
  9. I'd accept that but I'm stuck on this (From the OP): That right there sounds like a bug.
  10. Nothing I've seen addresses the fact that the OP had 8 xp but didn't get to level 2. Is that a bug, something weird just with that save, or do you actually truly need 9 xp to get to level 8?
  11. If you leave your ship at any point, you lose the chance to revert. I don't think there is any other restriction.
  12. Wow that seems pretty harsh. I can't tell you what to do but for me personally I didn't see the original post, only your reply. Might have gone well with SETI but I'll never know now.
  13. Sometimes it's nice to work third shift. I'll be able to read them at any time (assuming they come out tonight of course)
  14. Here let me fix that for you... I know it doesn't do that for everybody, but it's worth noting that it DOES do it for some of us poor sods. I've had a lot of luck with forcing dx11 though.
  15. Also keeps people from posting 1024x768 animated gifs of their rockets exploding. Because 750 is WAY too tall for a signature. Signatures - once you see them - are noise. Posts are signal. The signal should always drown out the noise.
  16. Rename some of those variables and I think you've figured out how they set Kerbal professions.
  17. Life sometimes teleports you into the Sun when you step out of your car?
  18. This should be a pretty accurate first-order approximation: function stupidpost(null){ return true } (My pseudocode knows no language)
  19. persistent.sfs (your main save file). Open it and search for "Roster" Make sure you do these 5 things: Back up your save before doing anything Search for "ROSTER" to find where your roster is. Don't change applicants, only hired crew. Don't change the names of anybody who has done anything. If you really want to, change their name EVERYWHERE in the file. If you change someone you rescued from orbit, you must ALSO change their name in the rescue contract. After you make the change, before doing anything else in-game, go into the Astronaut complex and back out. If your game freezes, you messed something up (Likely not following 4 or 5 correctly). Restore from your save and try again.
  20. Nothing so smooth (and that woudln't work). I want a specific name (Say Freddy) to be a specific occupation (Say Engineer). I go into my persistent file and rename a bunch of Kerbals to "Freddy." I'll make Freddy Kerman, Freddy Berman, Freddy Terman, etc. I'll then load that save and see which last names give me the correct occupation and then use that one to name the "real" Freddy. I actually have a whole sandbox save dedicated to this simple task, so I can just search/replace the first name and have all the same last name possibilities, because I'm doing it for my YouTube series and have about 30 viewers who have submitted their names to be on the roster. And to be clear, this is not something I designed to work this way. The GAME works this way. This is just my workaround to get Kerbals with the correct first names and jobs.
  21. It doesn't. I rename my Kerbals to give them specific professions by changing the "Kerman" in their name to "Ferman" or "Berman" or (in an extreme case) even "Pferman."
  22. I picked the option closest to my experience. I love the idea and they're totally my cup of tea, but having to set them up myself means I've not gotten around to it yet. But with mods like Karbonite, ELP, and KAS I'm starting to really want to get some sort of organization down.
  23. 10 Sweet! 20 goto 10 Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Swe et!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!S weet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Swee t!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sweet!Sw
  24. Personally I think anything more "difficult" than Normal mode is just masochism. I personally take Normal, uncheck all the checks except the top 2 (saving and reverting), and enjoy the game. Am I capable of playing with 10% gains and 1000% losses, and starting with 0% of everything? Yes. I've done it. It was fun the first time. Any subsequent playthroughs, though, it's just a grind through the exact same stuff so you can get to the fun part.
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