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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. If you look hard enough you'll see it. I'm not going to put more time into explaining it.
  2. This is my favorite definition of experienced players, but it falls apart when you hit F9 after every major accomplishment simply because the game might crash.
  3. I'm testing a config I found buried deep in the ATM thread (Praise be Google). I'll edit this with the config if it works. *EDIT* This config works, thanks to BigD145 back in October ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = medsouz enabled = true OVERRIDES { medsouz/KerbalKonstructs/Assets/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } } Also, it some of the icons that were causing me problems were the KerbinSide ones and this fixed it: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = KerbinSide enabled = true OVERRIDES { KerbinSide/Parts/Static/.*Icon.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } }
  4. That is one of the most hilarious things I've read in a while. It's pots and kettles all the way down.
  5. Sweet on the full release. One question: I just tried to download this and it's the same file name I got when I downloaded it from the other thread a few days ago. Is that correct? Okay 2 questions: I am having the hardest time figuring out how to keep the icons while running Active Texture Management. No matter what I put in the config, I have all black icons in the map view. In particular, what's wrong with this config and what config would work instead? ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = medsouz enabled = true OVERRIDES { medsouz/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 } } }
  6. Just having the COM show for all disconnected collections of parts (if - of course - you have the COM indicator turned on) would be fine. And yes I agree with you, I was just suggesting a workaround until someone writes a mod
  7. I hate to suggest a mod when someone is complaining about stock, but there is now a very slick modification that addresses this exact thing in Tweakable Everything. Check out the latest changelog for more.
  8. And in a swoop you instantly fix everything everybody (else seems to) hate(s) about Stayputnik and OKTO.
  9. I'm so glad the people who hated the Barn so much weren't around when Mun got procedural craters. They'd have complained so much about the jaggy crater edges that Squad would have probably just removed the entire world from the game.
  10. When I "quote" your post I see this: [noparse]http://imgur.com/a/xXuha#0[/noparse] Which is your imgur link wrapped in url tags. What you should have there is this: [noparse][imgur]xXuha">Javascript is disabled. View full album[/noparse] Note the lack of the beginning html code and also the lack of the ending #0. That puts up this:
  11. #BringBackTheBarnAndFinishTheBarnAndDoThoseInEitherOrder (It took me a long time to figure out why I couldn't have "finish it" in that hashtag with no spaces between the words)
  12. Oh boy! Though as long as I have it in the VAB I should be cool. ...should...
  13. I did this on video recently for a nasty reverse-equatorial orbit that went through Mun's SOI twice per orbit. If my technique can work in that situation it can work in any situation.
  14. You could make a ship with just that part in it (If you can't start with the part, start with a command pod, attach the part to it, then set the part to root and toss the pod) to see the COM. Make sure you empty the fuel from it to make sure you're looking at the correct spot.
  15. Yeah 1 with that much fuel, 1 nuke is hard to sit through. I'd go with at least 4. If you've got KER or MechJeb installed, toss 4 nukes on it and note that your dV doesn't go down THAT much. If you've not got anything that tells you your dV, do the math or just trust me
  16. I posted this in another thread and figured it would go well here as well. Most of the time I get over 30fps in KSP unless I'm doing something crazy. And remember, this is over a year old, almost 16 months. ASUS G75VW 17.3" monitor (The specs say 1366x768 but I've been running 1920x1080 since I bought the laptop) i7-3610QM CPU (2.30GHz) (8 cores, not that KSP cares) DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM (16 Gig, not that KSP cares) GeForce GTX 660M/670M Seagate 750GB 7200rpm drive 4 USB ports (I sometimes wish there were 5) 7.8 pounds, which people seem to think makes it "heavy."
  17. I tend to frequent the forums of games I play, and those podcasts I listen to that have active forums. So currently I'm on 3 forums (not counting this one): That Video Game Podcast FTL Invisible, Inc. (while I play Xcom it's old enough and I've not experienced it enough that I'm concerned about having the storyline spoiled for me. So I'm avoiding all non-game content for that game including forums)
  18. Same here. It was kind of lucky for me. I had vague memories of some guy walking to Minecraft's Far Lands. I thought, "I wonder if he's still doing that" and did a Google search. Turns out he was, and also just started playing this space game. So I watched 2 or 3 videos, downloaded the demo, landed on Mun (after much work), bought the game, and have been happy ever since.
  19. Remember, this is over a year old, almost 16 months. ASUS G75VW 17.3" monitor (The specs say 1366x768 but I've been running 1920x1080 since I bought the laptop) i7-3610QM CPU (2.30GHz) (8 cores, not that KSP cares) DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM (16 Gig, not that KSP cares) GeForce GTX 660M/670M Seagate 750GB 7200rpm drive 4 USB ports (I sometimes wish there were 5) 7.8 pounds, which people seem to think makes it "heavy." That's the stuff that's important to me.
  20. Yeah I haven't tried it since that stock toolbar was implemented. All I ever wanted bigger was the navball and Enhanced Navball takes care of that for me
  21. I had a very similar problem to this, and it turns out my \ships\VAB folder had gotten deleted. It's in \ksp-win\saves\<gamename>\
  22. AKA not what the OP wants.
  23. That is the current version of my laptop, which is a couple years old now.
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