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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Squad is not to blame. One of two things happened. Evil hackers (Probably from a coffe shop at the Sochi Olympics) are systematically trying to hack your account, likely to get the game for themselves. Someone accidentally asked for a password reset on your account instead of theirs. Say if your account is SkyHook and theirs is SkyHook2 (because you got there first) and they forgot. The email likely says you should ignore it if you did not request a new password. You did not request a new password, so just ignore the email.
  2. Yeah I think so too. Most mods (and most software you find online) has a very clear, labeled, and most importantly high-placed (on the page) link to the download of the most recent stable build that you are expected to download. Then, if they bother to include them, they put old versions and beta versions of new builds below that. I frankly never noticed the NEW NEW NEW text.
  3. I'd been away from this mod for a while due to not using RCS very much lately, and someone mentioned that you now do engine thrust offsets so I just had to see it for myself. Well done! You've regained a thankful user
  4. Moderately. I refuse to use winches in space (Craft must be landed) and quicksave before linking any pipes. I also won't use the struts because they frequently explode on linking, so much so that even saving and loading doesn't guarantee I'll get a link. When pipe linking blows something up, it (almost) always links fine upon quickload from the quicksave I made right before linking. I've used winches in space twice to tug things around and both times the same thing has happened: The craft performed perfectly until I went to do something else and came back. When I came back, the craft was completely destroyed and the game was lagged down to 0 FPS for minutes at a time. The Kerbal was in the lower right corner but I couldn't eva/iva him. In both cases, the only solution I could find was deleting the craft from the tracking station, killing the Kerbal and losing anything on the craft.
  5. I believe his picture shows how the Docking Port Alignment Indicator shows it correctly, but the Navball doesn't show the COM in the right place. Sadly what appears to be a bug with this mod is actually a problem with the base game that I do not know is solvable. Well, I'm sure it's solvable but I don't know how hard it would be to change the way the game renders the target on the Navball.
  6. Yup, I'm good once I installed the mod from the 3rd and 4th links, and not the one from the first link, on the first post.
  7. I have no idea. Whatever it cost without any sales at the beginning of last Summer. Like $24 or something. Then it went on sale on Steam 12 hours later I don't mind, though, I'd have happily paid $50 for this great game.
  8. Is the demo still 1.7, or 1.6? The full game is a bit more optimized so it'll probably run better. I can't see it running worse. However, it (and the demo) both tax the computer quite a bit and as you get bigger (and more) ships going that will take its toll. Flying the same 50-100 part mission will be better, but in the full game you'll eventually be trying to get 300, 500, 700 and more parts going and that will bring most any computer to its knees.
  9. I would be surprised if 4 engines was necessary. If your ship is symmetrical 4 ways, it's probably also symmetrical 2 ways. I bet you could toss 2 of the engines. That said, if your craft is HONKING HUGE 4 LV-Ns isn't as bad as a lot of people say. A lot of times, adding an extra LV-N to a craft will take 5% of your dV but cut your burn time in half. That's a trade-off you should be willing to consider if not embrace.
  10. I did not! I see it now but not knowing it was needed, it wasn't clear. I think the varying sizes and colors of text doesn't make it apparent. I just installed it from the spaceport link, just put the VNG folder into my GameData folder, and the ports still don't light up. I don't think they'll function as ports either because their tweakable ranges are crazy. They are all set to -1 and if I put them over even a little they go so huge they need an E to tell me the number. Like, AcquireRange is -1 on the far left (the default when I placed the part). If I click it one little bit in (maybe 5% of the total bar) the number is 1.996555E+... (I hate to think what that ... is) There is also a "Lights Off" button and a "Lights On" button and they do nothing when I click them. "Show Colour Picker" brings up a GUI where I can pick a color but no matter what I pick, the lights stay off. EDIT: Aha! I got it. I had downloaded the first link in the first post thinking that was the mod. Apparently the actual mod is the 2nd and 3rd links, to a rar and zip of the same files? If I may make a suggestion, you should consolidate all of your download links together and make it more clear which is which, and what is needed for what to function. That said, I would like to thank you for this plugin and for making the docking ports available as well. They're exactly what my Let's Play series needs to make things stand out when I'm (as seems frequent!) trying to dock on the night side of a planet.
  11. This is a fantastic idea, but I'm having trouble with the docking ports included in the first post. The ports show up in my VAB and seem to function as docking ports just fine, and they have a gui to turn on and off the lights but the lights never turn on. The default inline part DOES turn on and off. And looks great However I really like the idea of replacing my docking ports with lit ones moreso than just having lights on my space ships and stations. I browsed the past few pages and I don't see anybody reporting problems so I'm hoping it's something simple that I'm doing wrong. The zip file only has 3 files in it. I didn't know what to do with them so I put them in the GameData\ASET\SIL-02--25m_lw directory, along with the part.cfg for the working light ring.
  12. That's really weird. From the moment I heard contracts/missions would be in the game, I never once thought that the people who created the sandbox and current career modes would try to railroad us into some set story line.
  13. My personal Kethane operation on Minmus is a great starting point for interplanetary missions. It takes a LOT of work but it's really satisfying hitting a correct ejection to another planet from a Minmus orbit. Ideally, you'll start (at Minmus) between 6 days and 2 weeks ahead of time (So you want to start 9 days or more from Kerbin) so you can leave Minmus, come in for a low-altitude (80-100km) pass of Kerbin to tweak your orbit so you'll come back at exactly the right time in the window, then at Apoapsis you can burn to set your ejection angle. Most any ship that can get to Minmus with empty tanks, can get from Minmus to any other destination once you've filled those tanks up. It's a tweak on that "Once you're in Low Earth Orbit you're halfway to anywhere" line that some famous guy said once
  14. I don't see how that would be useful. You're never going to burn exactly how the node is set up (I don't even think MechJeb can do that) so each subsequent node will still be off.
  15. I think he means, if the scanner scans - say - 10 times per second of real-world and in-game time at 1x warp, why doesn't it scan 1000 times per second of real-world time when you are warping at 100x in-game. That is a very valid question and I don't know the answer but I assume it's a limitation of the game.
  16. Yeah they've managed to snap a couple photos. And even make pretty strong guesses as to its composition.
  17. That is a really cool idea, but I fear that to control a rocket you'd need about 8 square meters of desk space.
  18. Did you check out my link? If all else fails, stare at that animated gif imagining what would happen to ball bearings you placed in various places, and why they'd last longer if you placed them on the Lagrange points.
  19. They're hard to explain without resorting to some scientific explanations, but I find whenever I need to wrap my brain around something and don't have the technical or mathematical background to understand the specifics, that a trip to Simplified Wikipedia is in order. Here's the Simplified Wikipedia entry on Lagrange Points. They explain it far better (and simpler) than I personally could.
  20. I have no idea, but one problem is that if your base is too large, it will explode. 2.5km is the physics limit but well under that people have problems. Also, I don't know if the drills extract kethane from where they are, or from where the ship's COM is. I also don't know how granular the Kethane deposits are. Do they exactly end where the hex ends, or do the hexes just show roughly where it is? I suggest you try it and report back
  21. Pipes won't transfer fuel automatically. You have to transfer the fuel the way you would transfer it around your craft normally. i.e., right-click a fuel tank, alt-right-click another fuel tank, and use "out" and "in" to transfer the resource. Or, use one of the 3 automated balance mods linked to in the post directly above yours
  22. LOVE it. I want it for all my things. Good work! Here's a trick: Quote the post (or go to someone who has already quoted the post. 2 people had already done this by the time you posted) and your (or their) quote will contain a link to the vid instead of the embedded vid. Then you should be able to use that link to view the video on your tablet. If you still can't, get a new tablet
  23. That only works if the current refinery has fuel/oxidizer tanks that can be filled. If you leave the VAB with a Kethane refinery that cannot fill any fuel tanks, you are essentially screwed. One thing you CAN do that works in a clunky way is to modify the converters to have a tiny amount of fuel and oxidizer storage. Then you could set it to pump out using another mod like those you link to, or one I've been liking lately the Goodspeed Fuel Pump. I don't think it's cheaty at all to add a 1 liter storage of each to the converter just to get around this problem. One thing I don't know is if or how badly that would bottleneck production.
  24. Science first. It not only unlocks something that can get you tons of science around Kerbin (Not to mention Eve, Duna and Laythe) but also gets you closer to other science parts that will give you even more science later. It's the classic 4X strategy: Get the stuff that will get you the resource (in this case science) first, because the longer you have it the more of that resource you'll have by the end of the game.
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