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Albert VDS

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Everything posted by Albert VDS

  1. I don't get the complaint. Sure it's not going to be like KSP1, because why else make KSP2? KSP1 had/has loads of things that people wanted or didn't like. You what happened? It got added by mods. It's the reason why more than half the player base of KSP1 plays with mods and I don't see why it would be different with KSP2. If enough people want it then it will be made as a mod.
  2. As a temp fix you can attach 2 fairing bases together and only create a fairing shell for the bottom one. This somehow stops the parts inside the fairing from overheating.
  3. Contacted @DanGSun to see if I can maintain this mod, I've added some things to the API for personal use. Also a build for the latest KSP as it's not that stable for me(mainly debug spam).
  4. Is 'dVActual' and 'TWRActual' accesable through 'FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel'? I can't seem to find it. Edit: found it by doing the following: int currentStage = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.currentStage; return FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.VesselDeltaV.GetStage(currentStage);
  5. It's [1.8.x] Docking Camera KURS Style Re-Adopted (Fixed in 1.9). I took a look at the code and it does exactly what I suggested above. That code could be used. Only thing that needs to be done is to set the location of camera object to the hullcam object location. Edit: Ideally you want just extend that class or you could even merge the 2 mods.
  6. It might be possible by creating a 2nd camera object, render it's view to a texture and have that texture displayed on a window.
  7. You can actually change the buttons through the settings.cfg in GameData/HullCameraVDS/Plugins/.
  8. Can someone push in the right direction to get Javascript running with this add-on? The plugin protion works, but how do I get .js files to run? I tried the example but is says: "Error: Cannot find module 'krpc-node'"
  9. Oh I see. It's ollowDockingLong3, possibly others too, but I only need that one to work.
  10. It's BahamutoD's reusable fairing mod, which was abandoned a long time ago. It uses standard KSP modules so it's no custom code.
  11. Like the title says, I think it's a mod model part which causes it. I just can't figure out why. It's basically a tube docking port. Anyone one an idea why this is happening?
  12. Trying to make a reusable rocket, but fairings aren't really reusable.
  13. It's an old mod and never got out of WIP state, but it's fairly usable. The mod includes a docking ring to attach to a top stage and allows a engine to be connected inside. The 2nd part is a dockable interstagefaring which connects to the ring. It's great for for reusable rockets. The problem is the links doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have a copy lying around?
  14. It's an old thread, so sorry for posting in it. But does anyone have a copy of the bahamutoD-dockingRingsv0.2.1.zip ? The link in the first post seems to be gone.
  15. Found a solution: Smart Parts Continued Using conditional action group triggers to trigger the docking port when the tank is empty.
  16. After years of playing I finally found out that you can enable advanced tweakables, which is great for having the docking port in the staging. It works great as an alternative for decouplers. Though what I was hoping for is to hook 2 stages back together and then being able to fire them again, which sadly it doesn't. So here's the question, is there a way to reset a staged item to fire it again, or an other way to solve this problem?
  17. How do do I find out which name the texture has? In this case the icon for a vehicle.
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