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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Hmm Jovzin, could you make the shuttles heat tiles a bit more... brighter, I mean so they stand out more like on the KSO or Pteron shuttles? Also did you get the ET doors to work properly? Loving the new ET textures though !
  2. From the inside or the outside? They are meant to be from the outside like in real photos of the shuttle
  3. Ohhhhhh yay, heres mine! I might use your one as my new screensaver!!
  4. Hmm this is a really good idea, however these will add a LOT of parts to large stations making a ton of new lag... Could you make a part which goes around 2.5 meter parts? or one long hand rail? I do like the idea of this but hand rails made to fit parts like that would be amazing, I just wish I had added these to my ISS
  5. Btw make sure they point inwards like this: Also when you animate the cargo bay doors could you animate them separately so that you can open them independently of each other.
  6. Hey jovzin, could you add the space shuttle ET door underneath the rear fuselage?
  7. Since I use sandbox mode there is very little difference between these versions. I had to turn off destructible buildings since the launch pad kept exploding if I put a shuttle on it. I already had a crew transfer mod too so really the only difference was being able to turn surface attach mode on and off in the VAB and SPH
  8. STS-101 launched with Nauka: Anyone still interested in this? Anyone got any ideas of what I could add to it? (with as few parts as possible since its getting very laggy already...)
  9. No way. DO NOT scale down the shuttle, that would make it useless at carrying decent things into orbit (the main reason I don't use KSO) Anyway I see no problem with the MLP-RSS, It may be a bit bulky but It looks ok
  10. Ohhhhh looks cool! Could It work on KW rocketry fairings?
  11. What do you mean? How big is the shuttle? I think it should be kept the same size it is at the moment, the only reason I like this shuttle is its size.
  12. I don't mind a powered landing but PLEASE don't add an extra engine to the plane just for this. An unpowered glide is quite easy as long as you get the right reenty.
  13. I don't see any problem with old threads? why bother closing them. If someone posts in them then you can close them
  14. So a few weeks ago I got the occasional out of memory crash, however last night I did a defrag of my hard drive and also got Razer booster. So now I open with task manager and it says 668, 127K!!!! I'm not sure if it was a combination of both or just one or even wrong, but its very strange... Edit: when in play it goes to about 881, 132 K Edit2: Hmm it seems that turning Razer booster off and on again seems to clear up a lot of RAM (well what it displays anyway, might not be accurate)
  15. Wow... What a noob XD Not really that long ago too Shows how far I have come too, with all the stuff in the sig.... well I didn't make the shuttle
  16. Some guy called "Dolin" made it... He hasen't even been on the forums since May... Also if you want I could make the proper fuels for the OMS engine with a MM file?
  17. Not to rush you but is there any more news on the model? Also are you aware that there are "holes" in the IVA XD
  18. Why the hell is this not available in my country....
  19. Yeah that's what I mean, its hard to explain. I don't want arm rotation to be "on" and "off" I want to it to SLOWLY stop, not stop immediately
  20. My ISS replica. All the separate parts were launched a the CSS shuttle See my sig for extra stuff
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