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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Now squad needs to make an SSME and space shuttles with be much easier!
  2. Hmm it would be cool if one day we could mine the magic boulder for some futuristic warp drive? Something where you could take an EVA report or a sample collection and you would unlock a warp drive in the tech tree
  3. Make sure that the CSS mod dosen't die!
  4. That isn't what it sounds like from his post? Do you mean he is making a different version of the CSS then?
  5. Ok..... so the shuttle will now be released on a different site.... why?
  6. With the TDRS sat they should have small thrusters, "The Boeing-built Inertial Upper Stage that was to take the satellite from Challenger's orbit to its ultimate geosynchronous orbit suffered a failure that caused it not to deliver the TDRS to the correct orbit. As a result, it was necessary to command the satellite to use its onboard rocket thrusters to move it into its correct orbit." Could it just have some RCS thrusters with about 5Kn of thrust?
  7. Wow. Its amazing how fast you get things done. Before you took over the amount of work you have done now would have probably taken about a month! Edit: Also it might be nice if you included your IUS and PAM for the shuttle? If not could you at least create a link to them?
  8. Recruit them. Never really play career so I never rescue them
  9. Cool! Are you going to make a new release thread for it too?
  10. Oh also can you make the windows from the IVA clickable so you can look into the cargo bay from them? Actually if all this happens then I think it is better for the mod for raidernick to take it over Also: DO NOT MAKE THE FUSELAGE ONE PIECE LIKE THE KSO, it REALLY messes up the RCS and is not necessary. I think combining the cockpit, RCS and nose it good but not the cargo bay and rear section
  11. Definitely! Especially the missions planner thing
  12. Looks amazing but it would look better if you replaced the ET with a 3.75 meter one
  13. Just to say, you are going to keep this updated and you are going to use Jovzin's new model? If the answer to both is yes then i don't see why people are getting so wound up? Edit: Also keep this in mind
  14. Definitely a relief to hear that, will you be making a new thread?
  15. I would be happy to "maintain" this mod, I can do config files but from talking to dragon that's similar to what he could do anyway. If jovzin dosent take it up then I will (if I'm allowed)
  16. Don't play career, only sandbox but yes they are alive
  17. With the Soyuz I cant jettison any of the things on it like the periscope or wires on the side? Note: Im using KSP .25
  18. They are a bit small as its been said, bigger ones are coming with .90
  19. Ooh since you didn't specify if mods were allowed ill post this, Thats the CSS shuttle, there's a link in my sig.
  20. Yeah I dont really want to click on that link, the URL says it all
  21. BTW dragon, when this new model comes out I think you need to create a page on the mod release forum.
  22. Hmm cool, its a bit like NASAs abandoned MOL project, look it up.
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