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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Yep here it is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55380-Better-than-asparagus-staging A quick google search for "orbital fuel depot" gave me this...
  2. Wow very nice replica. Must be a high part count though, I may make this again to a better standard as I'm getting a new CPU this weekend which may mean I can take much higher part counts.
  3. This scared me... It knows that I installed NASA Eyes program to my PC... BTW I have a browser that appears to be unique among the 5,018,771 tested so far. I'm not sure about installing windows 10 too. I don't like the fact that they put int that sh*ty Xbox feature and also cortana
  4. I was planning to get the CPU first with some Xmas money and then hopefully get the GPU in May for my birthday. Not sure if I should get the GPU first though... Also I should add that I get lag with just 200 part ships which is the sign of the need for a fatser processor
  5. Really need some help here Currently I have: CPU: Intel i5 3330@ 3.00Ghz GPU: Nvidia GT620 RAM: 8GB Now should I upgrade my processor to an i5 4690k to be overclocked to 4Ghz or get an ASUS GeForce GTX 750 Ti? This is mainly for KSP btw which I know is CPU intensive
  6. Not really, Bobcat said that Dragon is still working on it and i think he will tell us when its up and give us a link
  7. Yes but it is (hopefully) still being developed and will be released on a different site
  8. I think the problem is that squad are unsure if KSP is a game or a simulator and are trying to compensate by making it both.
  9. Any news on the new website? can you give us a link when its up?
  10. I think its for all ages, but squad seem to be aiming the game at 1-8 year olds....
  11. You need to install the firespitter mod..... Did you not look at the list of dependencies?
  12. For some reason when I undock the docking magnet stays on and doesn't go off even if I move well over a kilometer away!! I thought it was the tweakable everything mod but it hasn't fixed it. The log shows nothing interesting at all.
  13. I deleted all the Mk3 shuttle parts (as I use the CSS shuttle mod) so I can run better atmospheres
  14. Ah thanks so much! The robotic arms are finally fixed and work perfectly!!
  15. Also not stupid but just my favorite song:
  16. I was saying how the game runs out of memory, not becomes buggy. Also how the hell do you get into a thousand parts??? I start getting lag at around 200! and I have an I5 processor!
  17. Ever installed a whole bunch of mods? or made a giant space station?
  18. Now that's a VERY good point. Essentially they went from ALPHA to full release!! It took minecraft an entire year or more!
  19. Sorry squad but shouldn't you at least address some of the major issues before coming out of beta?
  20. ??? KSP is already released and out of beta. They should have done that all before.
  21. No, not at all. I thought before that they would fill the game with planets, more parts, a version of KAC, robot arms, shuttle engines, intereactive IVAs, more station parts, station science, something for satellites to do... I could go on forever... The reviews are going to rip it apart for its bad optimization and graphics and basically unity 4.
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