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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Wow. That IVA is amazing.... can't wait to see it in game!
  2. Wait whats going on? If this is a discussion about wheather or not we should ditch dragon then I have to say yes.... He has done nothing for over a year and has only slowed down progress for the new shuttles. (even before Mike appeared and people were trying to fix it) It may seem a bit harsh but it is the truth....
  3. Sadly I doubt much memory, defiantly FPS though and I would be more stable too (as in less likely to move not crash)
  4. Oh my god... You could make the pad a non part thing and put in on the KSC with Kerbal Konstructs mod thing!!! Also can we have a close up of the heat tile texture!
  5. Yeah.. its a desktop and I had "tinkered" far too much and had to reinstall . Works fine now though thanks to a PM from someone!
  6. I would be playing 64 bit if my Ubuntu partition would stop nuking itself or failing to install the Nvidia drivers... (some help would be nice )
  7. As my GCSEs are now complete I have all the time in the world to help with the project. I will literally do anything you want me to , apart from coding that is. Happy to do config files and texturing too. (since I live in the UK I'll be asleep during your daytime ) Tell me what to do and ill have a look at it, I'm happy to work on the ISS as I have experience fixing broken mods...
  8. So Squad now have a nice new website that looks amazing. However if you scroll down the the bottom you can see a picture of a rocket from about .18 or so???? The website is amazing but seriously... use updated images (this goes for steam as well) https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/
  9. Actually I meant the outside, the thermal tiles around the cabin and underside. The IVA looks excellent as it is
  10. Hahaha... right?Also I think high res textures would be brilliant, something similar to the KSO in quality
  11. No mean to rush anyone but are the new heat tile textures being worked on?
  12. Yeah its a nice touch. Don't forget the ET doors when making the new heat tile texture!
  13. To be honest I would rather have an immersive IVA with RPM than being able to see kerbals from the outside... You could make two cockpits, one with the clear windows and one for the RPM IVA?? (Actually i think you have that already)
  14. Hmm command seats may work but it might mess up how they go on EVA and crew transfer ect. Also how will you actually view the IVA if you use command seats??
  15. Im pretty sure the shuttle dumped OMS fuel through the RCS ports. I think it fired the left and right ports at the same time so it didnt affect direction
  16. Sorry what I meant was so you can see into the cargo bay from the IVA view
  17. Hmm, have you looked into adding an airlock yet?? I think the most important atm is textures as these date back to about 2012. Also windows that let you see into the cargobay and the top ones for docking. The robot arm might have to be binned as that would take some serious scripting and stuff. Basically more *immersiveness* (yeah its a lot of things so no rush XD better quality > time taken) Wait... Have you done canadarm already???? Sorry not keeping up at all, your work speed is amazing.........
  18. Lol I see its already taken care of then! Looks amazing!!! (I'll still be happy to test stuff?? I want to help somehow XD)
  19. If you need someone to go through the config files, setup the thrusts, fuel usage even aero dynamics then ill be free after next wednesday (my second to last GCSE) Just wondering if you need someone to sort out the more boring parts so you can concentate on the texures IVA and body flap. I could take a look at the heat tile textures if you tell me what program to use This also goes for the ISS pack and dream chaser Edit: lol for some reason your shuttle photo didn't load XD, I would be more than happy to have a shot at this
  20. Urgh. This is making me want to play KSP again. Just 6 more GCSEs to get through A nice idea once this is all done would be to make some ISS style parts. Mainly truss sections as the rest can be done with stock parts or pre existing mods Edit: I don't think you realize how old that ISS pack is! It needs a MASSIVE update, since 1.0 is out it might be worthwhile as its very unlikely it will need to be remade again, with smaller updates and stuff
  21. Any chance of more detailed thermal tiles and panels? It would be great if they looked like the ones on the KSO! (no rush the IVA is much more important)
  22. Your new model might be best as it has added extras like the ET doors and cabin crew door. Also if its not up to standard then the textures can just be improved
  23. Any news on the solar panels in particular? Just starting a new station so it would be cool to have them I understand if you have work and stuff as that comes first
  24. I think this might be a bit of a big request but could you look at making something of an ISS mod? At least maybe the truss sections as a lot of the parts already made can be used for it.
  25. I would really build it yourself, The price is not bad for what it is (actually its really good) but the GPU is pretty poor. The CPU is not bad and should run KSP decently but will get bottle-necked by the GPU
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