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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. I have to agree with you about the reviewers... they are harsh...
  2. I know, but I came to KSP because it was realistic and different from all the other space games and I'm sure at least 70% of the people who play it are the same
  3. What I mean is that the fun was figuring stuff like that out for yourself. It dosen't sound much but its like giving a player in Skyrim loads of weapons and potions at the start.. sort of...
  4. Not too sure on the "tools for newbies" as long as you can turn them off I don't care, but what was fun about the game is how challenging it was. Also this: Agreed.To be honest is continuously feeling more and more like a kids game... its kinda putting me off playing...
  5. Yeah, I know. I managed to fix it, You need to create an MM config file that only has the resale parameter.
  6. No idea whats happened here... Nothing worth noting in the log. It happened after I quickloaded or after I reload the game.
  7. Just got the whole RO pack! Incredible with the CSS shuttle. Cant wait till the RSS Visual Enhancements pack is updated again!
  8. Quick bug report: The Lazor robotic arm is not working. The UI is not showing up.
  9. Just started playing with RSS and FAR. Im using the 10X kerbin system mod and its amazing. Never used it before as it was always too hard, but just really started getting to grips with it and stuff. It kind of makes just getting into orbit so much more rewarding as it is harder and takes much longer (about 6-7 mins IRL time) My shuttle in orbit
  10. No idea how you can say that this works with FAR. Impossible to control on reenty, it just flips nose up and *somehow* remains stable SIDEWAYS??!! any idea how to fix it? Edit: Sorry for my rant, fixed it by adding spoilers underneath the wings.
  11. Yeah it really needs to go, especially since if you enter map view and then leave it again it resets it to 50% again.
  12. NOOOOO I accidently clicked no.... Any way to change my vote??? My iPads fault...
  13. Will Dragon also be maintaining the ISS and russian mods on his new website?
  14. Wait is that a gas giant orbiting a gas giant? Could you separate them in a different release and spread the moons between them? I kind of find with these planet mods that people tend to crowd all their planets into one planet system. No offence just me being picky
  15. Yeah for some reason the game decided to replace the mun with a few asteroids
  16. I created a separate KSP install and decided to see what would happen if I slowly took out items from the KSP_data folder. First I removed the file sharedassets5 Everything loaded fine and I was able to create a new save. However when I went into the VAB things got.... weird. I was able to attach parts but they would not properly and would still be grayed out and could not be taken off. Next to go was the file sharedassets10 This seemed to have no affect what so ever. My only guess was that this was one of the upgraded buildings I next took out the file level2 Still no affect Now Im going to take out file mainData If nothing interesting happens I will take out large chunks of the files Hmm this just stopped KSP from launching entirely so I will take out 2 or three at a time PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE - yes a lot of purple is around now In fact that was MILD in the VAB the borders were just purple Also the game got confused and didn't know if I was in the map or not Oh and kerbin vanished too 0_o After I went into map view I could not leave Oh and apparently thats the VAB Oh god the asteroids are coming!
  17. Im taking this too Duna! The LV-909s have the ISP and weight of a nuke and they had their thrust reduced slightly as well for balance. A crew of six are going and the shuttles are meant to land on duna tail first with the aid of chutes, flip over and then take off like a plane.
  18. Would it be worth upgrading for me? Current: CPU: Intel core I5 3330 @3.00GHZ GPU: GeForece GT 620 RAM: 8 GB http://www.novatech.co.uk/products/components/nvidiageforcegraphicscards/ Would be grateful if you could have a quick look here as I have no idea what anything means Price range is about £100 Something like this maybe? http://www.novatech.co.uk/products/components/nvidiageforcegraphicscards/nvidiagtx750series/gv-n750oc-2gl.html Oh and just to say I only really want it for KSP as most other games I play run fine with it. (apart from skyrim maybe)
  19. Hmm I timewarp and then send up the crew a few days in advance. When returning I leave them on the surface of whatever I landed on.
  20. You make no sense. If all planets and moons had an atmosphere then the game would be stupidly unrealistic and far far to easy.
  21. http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=62486.0 "22,000 Miles LOL! Judging by that launch photo, they started hooking a little early. ;D" I mean seriously? How can you be that stupid? If you ever feel thick just read some posts on the flat earth society forums.
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