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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Cool so the mk3 parts can take 2.5 meter cargo!? Also i hope they will do an IVA Since unity is being updated im guessing that that will break saves?
  2. It works quite well unless you have a ship with almost every part on or have a lot of ships loaded at once... then it dies...
  3. I don't play career, only sandbox. I probably wont upgrade as well since it dosent add much to SANDBOX (it does to career, don't yell at me) Ill see what comes in the next update.
  4. How did they do it in the lazer pack robot arms?
  5. Hey any news on updating the robot arms pack?
  6. Ok if you say lazor works... I'll give it another go... Hmm it does seem to be working... Seems to good to be true. Ill play with it for a bit and report back again Nope... its still broken got into orbit then instantly spammed with nulls
  7. Wait a sec... Does Canadarm work for you then???? Whenever I try it it gives me tons of null errors???
  8. Could you update them please? they look great Thousandth post!!!!
  9. For the rotating panels could you make an option so that you can choose how long the panels are?
  10. Hmm.... thats rather more than i imagined...
  11. Done. Your videos seem pretty cool
  12. Acutally I have lots of safety stuff for my shuttle missions and all other ones... For the shuttle I use the vanguard parachute mod for lift off and landing safety and I always have a shuttle on one of the other launch pads (I have three) For my warp drive ship I will have a small Pteron shuttle docked so they land quickly and safely if they need to
  13. Hmm never mind I'll just launch the drive with a rocket and then build the rest with the shuttle
  14. Hey sorry to keep asking but how do you make the warp bubble bigger? I found this BubbleSize = 400 But chaning it to that number had no effect? And before you say anything about cheating... I just want to be fit my space shuttle XD
  15. Not to derail this, but this is the first I have heard of this??!! are you sure??
  16. How easy would it be to re-scale this part to fit into the CSS carobay?
  17. Hey dragon, do you want me to make a full manual for this mod? like on the forums in the tutorials section? This would basically say some of the specs and how to operate it.
  18. What bugs? Apart from the white SSME, the windows are meant to be like that... Also the shuttle is not ready for RSS yet, there are a few hacky configs for it with FAR but they don't work very well
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