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Everything posted by Gatrnerd

  1. Can I just say thanks for fixing VesselMover?

  2. And it's finally out. Now the wait is for everyone to update their mods. Could be months before I can have my fun again.

  3. Also: "roughly two weeks" - stated March 7.

    Come near the end of April, and it's still in pre-release.

  4. You know you're cancer if: You make people update to an unstable pre-release to use your mod.

  5. Never cease being cancer, KSP modding community.

    If I had the resources and knowledge, I'd be doing better things with my nigh-infinite amount of time, but nope.

  6. I accidentally the crop. Fixed. Considering someone on the KSP forums has a Doctor Who avatar, I don't think there's anything saying I couldn't possibly have a Homestuck one...

  7. Curse is cancer and so are "holier-than-thou" KSP modders.

    1. Gatrnerd



  8. The fact people are defending Curse makes me cringe.

  9. Say, who drew your avatar?

    1. Rushligh


      long story; The artist calls himself "zen"
      I stole the pic, but he stole the character.

  10. Have you simply abandoned your mod?

    1. Scientia1423


      Is it the MK3 mod because I think he forgot about it... :( 

    2. Gatrnerd


      Nope, OPT.

    3. Scientia1423


      I think he's abandoned a lot of his mods and might need a new modder to support them.

  11. Could you please try to re-upload your content to SpaceDock? Kerbal Stuff is dead.

    1. Nertea


      I have alternates, and don't want to go through all that effort until 1.1.

    2. Gatrnerd


      Alright then. Let's just hope it comes out soon...

  12. It appears that KerbalStuff is dead...but at the same time, it's been reborn as SpaceDock. Alas, poor KerbalStuff. Always my go-to website for KSP mods.


    Let's hope SpaceDock doesn't fall to the same fate.

  13. One grievance I really have is that nobody's made an OPM mod that uses the new EVE to enhance the planets added by OPM.

    Considering I suck at textures and coding (and modding in general, to be honest), I honestly can't do it myself.

  14. And I'm back on the forums! Let's hope things don't go horribly wrong again.

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