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Everything posted by TimePeriod

  1. Clocked in 500 hours so far. I don't see a reason to quit
  2. Nightwish - Dark Chest of Wonders. I didn't know what I was doing, just messing about with an aircraft and suddenly realized that this thing can fly! It even fly well! Will add video of take-off later. No idea what came over me, I just got an idea and got going! Anyone else experienced this strange type of phenomenon?
  3. I've just learn form experimenting with rovers and wings that my rover will have a marginal top speed increase if I add flaps to it as it accelerates. Anyone else could tell me more about this?
  4. Community Project Dreams of Flight I've found a song on Youtube*1 and figured I'd go for a community Project. If you wish to be involved feel free to send me a message on this forum. Now introductions are over, I'll show you what I had in mind: Denny Schneidemesser's - Dreams of Flight. It is 21 minutes long classical song and will need 21 different types of aircraft form each a unique artist. What type of aircraft you choose to use is entirely up to yourself, that be an SSTO, a conventional aircraft, a turbo-prop or even an ion driven glider. Just remember, you can only contribute ONCE. If you want you can record your own 1 minute of flight or simply give me a link to your craft file (via message) and I'll record the video myself and add it to the footage. Your forum name, any cooperation's you may be in and possible contact information (if you wish). If I have to do the footage you will have to abide to certain restrictions: - Max 400 parts total for the craft. - Max 3 mods total. List of contributes Editors Note: I'll retain the right to edit this post at any possible date. All your craft will remain intact and not be changed so any faults in design will be your own If you are using any mods, please list them else I'll be spending a silly long time trying to figure out what you are using. Duh- Wrong forum, pl0x move.
  5. I just guesstimate every now and then. I know how much fuel one engine can lift and then simply add or subtract a number of fuel tanks to increase total payload into orbit.
  6. I believe the stock version of the ion engines takes one XL solar panel, simply add more.
  7. All depends on the payload, objects size and number of RCS ports, its locations and the total weight. Many factors. 40 liters don't last long when I dock +100t payloads.
  8. I forgot to check clearance between my engines and reserve fuel tanks for my mission to Eve.
  9. I'm wondering if there is a visual que when my time-warp can be changed from x4 to 5-50x. This is mainly on Kerbin.
  10. I personally think it takes quite a while to shut down KSP. Having to return to the space center, return to the mission selection window and then finally to the main menu. I'd prefer being able to shut down KSP from the pause menu during gameplay. As reference Civilization 5 allows you to shut down the game straight to desktop.
  11. I can't see it, to me it's not any lighter then the others... >_< Halp?
  12. I can't seem to find it, I looked up the Biome map on KSPWiki but I can't "SEE" it on the map. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/w/images/5/51/KerbinBiomeMap.png
  13. I use refuelling stations on the Mun rather then on Kerbin as the Mun has much lower gravity to deal with.
  14. Face it mate, one does simply not play Kerbal Space Program.
  15. Option 3: She admits her own addiction and our OP is left single anyway...
  16. I use the kethane mod for interplanetary travel. Gives me the option to refuel on the mun rather then back on Kerbin, with much less gravity to deal with.
  17. - Screw realism. - Screw staging. - Screw asparagus Add more boosters.
  18. I just did the modification and by god what a change, back to 60 fps again
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