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Everything posted by TimePeriod

  1. What's the point of launching such massive payloads? Is it not the point of trying to find the optimised launch rocket with a given payload?
  2. Long story cut short, I was watching some TV-show and was shocked to discover how blissfully ignorant we are with the lives our Kerbals. We throw them away without a thought and leave grieving widows in our wake, spread across all Kerbin with the only memory left of them; a burnt out booster stage. So it came naturally to me that at some point our Kerbals would refuse to put themselfs onto our rockets. I would ask of you, what have you done to prevent the death of a innocent Kerbal or have you haphazardly thrown away the lives of your ground crew like rice at a wedding? FACE YOUR INNER DEMONS!
  3. My with the Tac Life Support mod I now have a reason to track time. Thou it does not prevent me from forgetting my kerbals, which in turn gives me reason to get the Kerbal Alarm Clock mod so as to notify me when my crew onboard a station or ship in orbit runs low on supply's.
  4. Sent Bill on a suicide mission to save Kerbin from a class-E asteroid. From the reports I have gathered he succeeded. As his supplies drained empty he cast himself out of his cockpit, embraced the asteroid and crashed into Kerbol, the last words of the com-chatter was inaudible but distinctive.... " I am with you, always..."
  5. I don't normally build space stations but I sometimes make a temporary 'Orbital platform' when building larger ships. Once I am done I just de-orbit it.
  6. Why is this not in mission control? o.O
  7. 3.000.000 tons of helium3... xx.000.000 million tons of hydrogen... No no! Nothing to do up there at all...
  8. Scott Manly recently released a video listing all the mods he is using including all the pathces and updates to them. It has a lot of good mods.
  9. Space stations on their own, not really. However dragging on a orange tank of fuel to use near Jool or any body with multiple biomes is a valid reason.
  10. That may not be a bad idea assuming ofc that the asteroid does not have a 40k PE/AP or something like it as it would reduce the amount of fuel needed to get out there and raise either.
  11. I would assume if an asteroid got into a areocapture of some kind it may be enough to slow it down into a kerbin orbit.
  12. 5 by 5 Checklist. 1) Learn to orbit. 2) Learn to dock. 3) Learn to SSTO. 4) Learn to planet encounter. 5) Mix/max of it all above.
  13. I like em as it gives me something to target for. Then I can see how close I'm going land when coming in for a docking.
  14. I managed to build my first working SSTO yesterday, I needed it to return the science from any mission I had thought out. (RP-reason, no logic needed)
  15. Mods will maybe help you, or use two half tanks. No reason to state the obvious people.
  16. Worked on some secret rail-gun mod, shhh...
  17. Never did and never will, too much mass for too little use.
  18. Find a mod which turns kerbals or adds kerbal-robots.
  19. Capsules because part count at +400 for me lags so darn much.
  20. I reset my carrier mode and tried again.
  21. Bragging rights is only obtained if you have something to brag about, this is not it.
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