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Everything posted by TimePeriod

  1. Once I get a hold of a fuel/resource gathering mod I will use stations a lot more. More insensitive to explore more parts of the planet rather then just the specific mission areas.
  2. Not sure when this was from but it was around 300t taking off from the runway without even needing the entire runway.
  3. All the probes and space stations in carrier mode I turn into debris. Then I don't have to watch the clutter.
  4. I never stick to realism as it tends to cost far too much, excessively increase part count and reduce the rockets final payload. For all I care, realism could go hide in its inefficient cave from once it came.
  5. Hi there, another small creation I spent a few hours on. Specs as follows: LKO- 70-75km. Payload: 5.625T Total cost: ~22.000 Spacebucks. 51 Parts. (~ 2-3 parts redundant) Night/day ability. Redundancy battery power for longer flights. (z-100) 'Flight engineer' says about ~ 300 dV left at orbital insertion. I totally disregarded all aesthetics; focusing on part count, costs and dV. Launch sequence:
  6. After many trail and error attempts, after many engine configurations and balance improvements I finally retied my old warhorse "Unchosen" from service. I just could not find find a way to improve the design without completely remaking the entire aircraft.
  7. I have so many piece's of space debris that I go straight into a 90km orbit. Anything below 85km is just plain insanity to even attempt.
  8. I tend to use a combination of names depending on the mood I am in. Right now its in the cthulhu mythos, in combination of grotesque and sinful acronyms. Yes I know it does not sound very futuristic or space-isque but that is my mood, swings around like everybody else.
  9. I found it more fitting then just calling the aircraft "Failed - XXX"
  10. Dragonforge Technology's Presents: Cthulhu After having consulted with the elder gods- *ahem* I mean, discussing designs with the population of the KSP-Forums I ended up with a few designs without any noteworthy success. So here they are. DFT- Abnormal DFT- Deformed DFT-Malformed DFT-Perverted None of these aircraft are of course to be taken seriously, they are just a quick demonstration of my recordings and a testbed for future video's. Enjoy or not.
  11. Way too much, for each payload I build a new type of delivery rocket
  12. As the title states; do you config your own parts? I personally do it because I find certain parts unjustifiably heavy or cost far too much to be of any considerable use. To me at least, it opens up some more varied combinations of aircraft parts and lets me be more (at least anaesthetic) creative with my stock constructions. Justification is not really needed, this is a single player game after all (so far) and you do not have to answer to anybody except your own conscience(How do you spell that?) Cheers!
  13. Mods are the only feature which allows me to play the game how I want to. I don't care what Squad, you or anyone thinks/wants. I want to play the game my way and I'll be damned if I let someone else dictate how I choose to use the game I BOUGHT FOR MY OWN MONEY. *cough* I think I made myself clear.
  14. Nobody dictates how you choose to play your game. I for one, will play however I choose. Regardless of zealots.
  15. Once you understand the techniques, everything becomes simpler. It's better to take a risk and get rewarded.
  16. or you could just ya know... Land closer?
  17. Well well, fancy that. Wait, what was the keys again?
  18. I don't even know what the OP is talking about, my brain is directly wired into my hands and then onto the keys. When I look down on my keyboard, my hands find the keys and from there I have amnesia every time. Still don't remember what the keys are.
  19. I am the Director of Dragonforge Technology's, I do not need a reason. Jeb even volunteered.
  20. No. Because a fuel air bomb combined with a jet aircraft stuck inside the cloud is a bad idea.
  21. Couldn't care any less. Another one bites the dust.
  22. Keyboard and mouse, in particular the numpad. Plans on a left hand mouse and maybe a second keyboard embedded into my desk. Who knows.
  23. The contract does not know the first thing about science, let alone the board of inquiry responsible of the contract.
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