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Everything posted by TimePeriod

  1. Has anyone heard of the game "Spintires"? I wish we could have the same physics in KSP
  2. Minmus is my current maximum distance from Kerbin. I never really found a reason to go further then that.
  3. Toggle. That's the best option for every possible addition to KSP. Don't like it? Turn it off. Want more it? Turn in on.
  4. Around 1000 parts I start to get some low fps, 10-20 fps. Around 1200 parts I'm crawling at 3-6 fps. 1200+ and I just don't bother.
  5. Scott Manly, because his form of humour intrigues me.
  6. So much epic win, this is everything I wanted to say but could not find words for.
  7. 6) Can we have a life-support based resource called 'snacks' ? Kerbals must consume at least x number of snacks pr day
  8. My brain seems unable to comprehend why anyone would not want to fly their own aircraft. Why even bother to start the lengthy process of designing the aircraft to begin with, if you do not even intend to fly it...!? If you don't even know how an aircraft operates, how it functions while in space, under various conditions, influence and piloting skill how will you ever learn if you are good at designing aircraft to begin with?! Arrrrgh >_> Knowing why the leaf fell from the tree is ½ the understanding of why the tree even bothered to get leafs in the first place!
  9. All I am reading is a lone paladin on a crusade of defending the public interest, regardless how silly he makes himself look. Sorry but, that argument is not part of this discussion it's just your own little private pathetic crusade. Back on-topic: Knowing how to pilot aircraft, why it behaves like it does is a lot better then having a computer do the testing for you.
  10. But how will you know how the plane handles if you have not tested the aircraft? Put it through stress tests, loops and everything in between? Telling a program how to put an aircraft into a dangerous situation seems counter-intuitive to me. Long duration flights yes, I agree MJ is a valid option. Short flight around KSC No, you need to learn to do that. There is no better way to figure out how your aircraft handles then hands-on approach. MJ is an option for not having to do something which takes a godforsaken long time, not a substitute for poor-flying skills. (which can be improved)
  11. Radial intakes floats more then other anything else as far as I know.
  12. As far as I know we were discussing this game and not real life. How you make that comparison, is beyond me. You cannot rationalize a game with reality. In this game YOU are piloting your own creations, thus you become the designer and the operator. So if you don't even know how to operate your own creation...???
  13. You have to learn to fly an aircraft manually. Since this will determine how you build your aircraft. If you don't know how to make an aircraft and the way COL/COM works, how do you plan to pilot it? Later when you have mastered(to a degree) the art of aircraft construction and piloting of said aircraft, you can start using MJ.
  14. Total realism? Then the spaceshuttle Challenger happened and the whole agenda of space exploration was frozen with fear for 12 years. No thanks.
  15. Its not cheating if its Single Player. You have no competition to cheat on, the only one you are cheating - is yourself.
  16. I have never used MJ and most likely never will. I don't think its a form of cheating either. I just play the game like I want.
  17. Ehh, not exactly. Photosynthesise is the process where the plant splits a Co2 atom together with H20 to form sugar (most conmen is the Calvin cycle). As for the oxygen, its just released into the surroundings. The plant does not need it at this point. Thus, 02 is a by-product we benefit from. In order to do this plants needs an array of nitrates such as; potassium, phosphor and nitrogen. Along with those are a larger group of micro-nutrients. And arguably, nitrates are a lot easier to manufacture, move and store compared to organic snacks
  18. I find a novel or something to read, go cut my beard, get a glass of milk or go outside and garden a bit during those long burns or other state of boredom.
  19. In my eyes, any kind of pressurized vapour/air would be pretty dangerous in a zero-G environment.
  20. I just use a single massive engine (mainsail/skipper) with a minor tank of fuel ½ or 1/4 orange tank and then come to a complete stop within 2-3 seconds of landing. Yeah I love drop-pod style landings.
  21. I only tinker with plants, pollen and some minor genetic stuff.
  22. You will be back. *Equips shotgun & shades*
  23. I only use space stations on Minmus/Mun to have a science collection point. Allows me to reuse my (now) expensive science-parts, refuel my lander and exchange crew once a fuel-tanker comes around.
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