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Everything posted by Javster

  1. "Extra points", but how do we get them in the first place?
  2. Hey, I can see my friend in mid-air just there! I'll run and get him a parachute.
  3. edit: sorry posted in the wrong thread
  4. Happens mainly after updates which are actually held from everyone until they are "stable"...
  5. It's definitely needed. It would be cool if they were given early access to big video game releases
  6. Been there quite a few times, including before I played KSP. - - - Updated - - - Apollo 10 AFAIK
  7. So if the CSM started spinning, the CMP could bring it back under control?
  8. I had a weird idea: a pack of "classic" games voted on regularly/appointed by a committee, sold for a slightly discounted price. Examples would include Portal, Minecraft etc. The main idea would be to avoid something I get a lot: "You haven't played X?" One of the main drawbacks would be developer willingness to contribute to the project, the definition of "classic", and the overall price of this package.
  9. I play GTA IV (awaiting V, damn consoles!) I never really feel guilty.
  10. Couldn't there be something allowing access to older versions if you had the game, say, paid for on Steam/KSP website?
  11. Trying to land on the Mun with a parachute...
  12. I wrote that in August. Before the science system.
  13. Robot uprising, because of this.
  14. If you have two well-designed ship within 200m of each other, you shouldn't have too much trouble if you know the navball well, and if you take your time.
  15. There's a scene in a book I read a while ago which I'd like to re-read to evaluate the realism...
  16. Pointless, IMO. NASA's budget is too small for it. I hope it doesn't just become a way to the ISS...
  17. The Shuttle, because it's unique and was (still is) a sign of manned space exploration.
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