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Everything posted by Vorg

  1. May have found a problem with the DERP Radial Parachutes. putting a pair of them on in the VAB changes the length of the craft from 2.3m to 22.8m which is greater then the 15m limit for the first level VAB.They are so small, yet make the craft too wide for the VAB.
  2. Science not transmiting is a problem with ScienceAlert. Do you have that mod? If so, there is a patch. You need ScienceAlert-1.8.9 and ScienceAlert-1.8.9-patch1.
  3. [quote name='Alshain']I downgraded back to Windows 7 almost immediately after installing Windows 10. You just can't improve perfection.[/QUOTE] Perfection was lost with DOS, though even that name was stollen by MS. DOS was Disk Operating System before MS bought one from someone for a fraction of it's value to use on IBM's new "PC" which was Personal Computer before IBM tried to jump on the TRS-80 market.
  4. I just started a new career with the new updates. Only on the second launch which was to test the flea and the TR-18A Stack Decoupler through staging on the pad. So, bottom to top: Flea with fuel removed Mk1 Command Pod TR-18A Stack Decoupler I tried both before and after staging forgetting that the decoupler was pointed up, so it stayed with the craft. I was thinking also that it was causing the problem. Confirmed. I turned the decoupler over and still had the problem. But by staging first he was able to get out and stay just long enough for the decoupler to fall back down hitting the the pod and him....
  5. Not sure if this is from one of the mods. I know it's been a bug in the past. I had a basic capsule and flea booster and a decupler on top (part testing). Doing an EVA, Jeb flew up into the air on exiting the pod. Tried several times, but couldn't get him to just exit and stand on the ladder. Here is my current mod list: KSP: 1.0.5 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit USI Tools - 0.5.3 Chatterer - Community Resource Pack - 0.4.7 Contract Configurator - 1.8 Firespitter - 7.1.5 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.5 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.0.18 KerboKatzUtilities - 1.2.8 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.3 KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 NavHud - 1.2.1 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.2 Civilian Population - RCS Build Aid - 0.7.3 SCANsat - ShipManifest - 4.4.2 StageRecovery - 1.5.8 TextureReplacer - 2.4.10 Trajectories - 1.4.4 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.4 Transfer Window Planner - 1.3.1 USI Core - 0.1.2 USI Exploration Pack - 0.4.3 Freight Transport Tech - 0.4.2 Karibou - 0.1.1 UKS - 0.31.12 USI-LS - 0.1.4 NuclearRockets - 0.1.1 Sounding Rockets - 0.3.1 USI Survivability Pack - 0.3.3 Universal Storage - Waypoint Manager - 2.4.3 OSE Workshop - 0.10.2 [x] Science! - 4.11
  6. Yea, and if on entering, the command pod was full, it would just auto move the incoming kerbal to the first module with an open seat.
  7. If it is detecting a clipping problem, then it should auto-expand when you try to go past that point. That would allow you to still stop at stages for interstage fairings. Also, for mods to tock, I have seen 2, one that turns them from shattered glass to clam shell and one that rounds angle changes a small amount. But I do also recommend Procedural Fairings. It's a nice mod with lots of options to control the shape. If auto isn't working for something, there is a simi-manual option on it.
  8. I've run into a problem where I can't transmit from the science popup window. It worked 1 or twice out of more then a dozen tries. I can transmit when right clicking the pod or antenna. I'm guessing that is also this mod??
  9. Yea, I was thinking this was the indicator mod thread.
  10. I've been playing around with normal maps for kerbal heads and I noticed that it only applies to crew kerbals. The ones in the popup windows at the start of a new game, and at the buildings don't get it. I'm guessing the game is hard coded to texture them differently? It does work for the floaty kerbals at the main menu
  11. How about a simple "ReRun" button that maybe is per craft. That way if you are recollecting data for a lab, you get the notice for what fresh copies you need.
  12. I saw in another thread just now, they are working on the balancing. There are other parts like that as well.
  13. In case anyone missed it, the Asteroid mod was also updated. There are no version numbers, but the curse page for it list some bug fixes and that it was updated for 1.0.5
  14. I thought I saw in a stream that this function is now stock. They just color the background instead of the foreground on the Icon.
  15. I always have to turn down volume levels on everything. Every game that gets released, even a clean install of windows has everything cranked too high. Are programmers def?
  16. Think this one got a bit mixed up. Is it or 0.1.1? The Kerbalstuff link seems to be which seems to be an older version
  17. Been playing around with normals map for the mail kerbal head and thought I'd share what I came up with so far along with the GIMP files I put together to do them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/seqkmvdieh9npif/KerbalFaceLift.zip?dl=0 Just put the 2 .dds files in both "Default" and "Heads" folders in the "TextureReplacer" folder and all kerbals (male and female get Teeth and a throat. Male kerbals also get ears and a nose. If you have other kerbal head textures, they will replace the colored texture and if you have any other xxxxNRM.dds files, they will provide the texture for those heads. These maps will only show for heads that don't have a matching NRM.dds file. Do with as you like with these within Squads limits since the color maps are created using their stock files.
  18. I think you just crank up the the values to 1 1 1 Note that to give it more of a gold finish, go with something more like 1 1 0.7
  19. I was trying to use the end cap and found that the collision mesh. Trying to mount stuff on it, they mount way inside.
  20. Even .5 may not be enough. I found I had to go with .6 and hope it wasn't over a mountain. Only applies to Kerban
  21. If I start with front part, then I can build it. But attaching parts other then buggy parts are tricky at best. Some of it seems to be from them changing nodes to have a top/bottom setting. Nodes might need updating. I also noticed the rear part was hard to get just right to attach while in the SPH. I Also just noticed the Science pack does not show in science tab, only the utility tab.
  22. I was just playing around the the Ratpack buggy in the SPH. I wanted to see the competed size, with another craft loaded. None of the base parts would attach to get started. Is it possible they are KAS attachable only?
  23. RCS Build aid does seem to be able to treat RCS thrusters as engines and give you a TWR and dV for when they are used as main engines on very small craft. just would be handy if not too hard to have that option in KER. Roverdude's DERP pod uses RCS Engines that KER doesn't seem to reconize as engines.
  24. I was talking about when you are not close to the port. The recover amount goes down like it should, but I thought I read in a post that getting the landing speed below a certain amount nulified distance.
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