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Everything posted by Vorg

  1. ScanSat comes with some custom contracts. Is Contract configurator need yet for them? or are they handled in stock now?
  2. This is with KER and you'll notice that the font is a little different from KER.
  3. MM is saying I should have v2.3, but the DL version is 2.2
  4. removing KER does not remove the text. it's not KER
  5. I had a NRM working for heads before, But I can't seem to get it working now: I have kerbalHeadNRM.dds in the Default folder, but it's not applying it. I also put it with a matching (minus "NRM") file name in the heads folder and selected it in game. But it is not being used.
  6. I'm planning to use Green for colonist and when I get into putting symbols on their suits I'm thinking a 3 bladed Leaf.
  7. Not sure if this is a mod doing this or some setting, but in the upper left is some text that is overlapping the other window that is there for time warp, etc.. This text has the following when setting on the pad: Surface 0.00ms Throttle 50% Heading 0.4 G force 1.0 It doesn't seem to be KER, I have text overlays, but it is none of them. I checked.
  8. I have been seeing the problem of, the "follow" button is missing. I get the "unfollow" option for mods followed, but can't add and follows.
  9. Not really a Nertea problem, but Spacedock has been bugged I think since the 1.2 drop in that if you are not already following a mod, you don't get the option now. The place where the follow button was is also where the unfollow button goes and it is still there. I have tried emailing using the contact link on the site, I have done forum wide search's for "space dock" and "spacedock" to find the thread on it, but it is not coming up, and I tried bringing it up twice in IRC with no response. So if anyone knows who to contact about it, please pass it on.
  10. So I noticed I still had "kerbalGirl_Stock" in the list, but I had renamed that one to "S-kerbalGirl". I fixed that and now Jeb is getting "necKros_fem_001" for a head. The other guy is still getting "kerbalGirl9". There is something I am doing wrong in telling it the female heads are only female heads.
  11. I am having a problem. I think I goofed somewhere. It keeps wanting to use "kerbalGirl9" for a male kerbal. TextureReplacer { visorReflectionColour = 0.5 0.5 0.1 } CustomKerbals { Jebediah Kerman = M S-kerbalHead Green-Orange Valentina Kerman = F S-kerbalGirl Green-Orange Bill Kerman = M S-kbGeneKerman_head Red-Orange Bob Kerman = M S-wernerVonKerman_head Blue-Orange } GenericKerbals { excludedHeads = excludedSuits = femaleHeads = kerbalGirl_Stock f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 kerbalGirl1 kerbalGirl2 kerbalGirl3 kerbalGirl4 kerbalGirl5 kerbalGirl6 kerbalGirl7 kerbalGirl8 kerbalGirl9 necKros_fem_001 necKros_fem_002 necKros_fem_003 necKros_fem_004 necKros_fem_005 necKros_fem_006 } ClassSuits { Pilot = Green Engineer = Red Scientist = Blue Colonist = Grey Tourist = Grey }
  12. This mod seems to be having problems with 1.2. It tends to want to make what ever command part is the root, ant farm view. Clicking that ant view button has no effect other then to make the rest of the craft ant farm view.
  13. The link you are posting for the model rework pack is nothing but text file. Look here:
  14. Any chance the hide empty nodes patch getting merged with this one?
  15. So will these be addons to the Kerbol system? or a replacement?
  16. I would prefer to see them added to the kerbol system, not a replacement. Just a thought, but to solve the problem of planets farther and farther out, as posted above, add a small one in system and/or put something in a mirror orbit. If you have a planet that is close to the same size/mass of a planet in the game, it could be put on/close to the orbit of the stock planet, but on the other side of Kerbol.
  17. I just tried a launch and I noticed I didn't get the fuel transfer option on the 2 lower tanks ether and they are stock. I don't know what is going on. Mod List: Put craft on pad, then reverted. Didn't try to launch. Here is the log:
  18. Last night I tried using a DERP craft to rescue a kerbal. It was the ball, a frame with the inline tank, a RCS powered generator and one of the sounding rocket extending panels. And then the DERP landing from with the engine/tank combo. While in orbit, I tried starting the gen and found it wouldn't work. Seems it can't get fuel from the tanks. Tried to transfer fuel around and couldn't get the option ether between the two tanks or to the gen. I also used the frame and engine/tank combo for a sat and found I could not turn down the thrust on the engine. Option isn't there.
  19. Did you notice this part? That was at the end of the log while it was hung. The text after that was added when I closed the game. Also, I was having problems connecting to a game server last night, but that seem to be a client/server problem because when the restarted the server I could connect. Then they had to restart again because of a corruption and I could not connect again. Yea it needs a timeout/abort option. But with 53 mods, space dock being down wasn't the problem. It was able to check 52 of them.
  20. Last night it was working. Tonight it hangs at 52 of 53 plugins and the little popup box doesn't go away.
  21. Did you figure out what is up with the AVC file and EL not showing in the AVC mod list?
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