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Everything posted by Vorg

  1. I think wheels and struts are hard coded to auto-strut in stock.
  2. What is this new option that is on all parts?
  3. Ok, I don't automaticly delete old folders unless I see a notice requiring it because a number of them have configs that you ether have to hunt down and save or redo settings in the game.
  4. It currently does an AND/OR check for science on the craft and KSC right? So an option to remove the KSC check at the module ether for that module or shipwide and just leave the color as is. Then it only checks the craft for the science and lights up if not regardless of what is sent back to KSC. The only reason for the color change is a reminder that you don't need that one back at KSC.
  5. There is a tourism contract offered to take 3 kerbals on a sub orbital flight and make them black out from G forces. The contract is listed as from Tokamak Industries which is the corp name used in one of the mods. But that mod doesn't seem to have any contract cfg's. Since the game will pick names from the list of corps and put it to a contract, I don't know if this was added by a mod or is now stock since kerbals blacking out is new with 1.2.
  6. Started game, went into sandbox vab, pop those 2 tanks on a command pod, opened the info windows and then exited. trying to keep the log down to more useful info. Log seemed to be about the same size as when I had been in for over an hour.
  7. Is making Tourist blackout a new stock requirement or a mod? The one that came up is for Tokamak Industries, but there seems to be no contract configs in that mod tree and I don't see mention of it in the CC Tourism.cfg.
  8. It does allow the creation of maps through orbital scanning over time instead of just sticking the sat in a "polar orbit" and clicking a button for a near insta scan. But yea, now that you mention it, it does seem a bit redundant now. At least for what I used it for, getting a biome map.
  9. I cut and pasted the URL "http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=2" from the file and the site that comes back has: {"NAME":"KSP-AVC Plugin","URL":"http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=2","DOWNLOAD":"http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/ksp-avc-add-on-version-checker","CHANGE_LOG_URL":"http://ksp.cybutek.net/kspavc/Documents/CHANGES.txt","VERSION":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":1,"PATCH":6,"BUILD":2},"KSP_VERSION":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":2,"PATCH":0}} So it links to something.
  10. This is strange but some how I had ended up with only 2 folders, Parts and IRActiveStruts. I'm guessing IRActiveStruts should remain also?
  11. The edit window on the left is for the upper tank and the one on the right is the lower tank. I get a different window for single fuel tanks vs dual fuel (LFO) tanks. I looked for dupe DLL's but there are no DLL's in the configurable containers tree. Also, I looked at the other 2 early tech LFO tanks and same thing.
  12. Maybe wrong, haven't gotten far enough to check, but I put up a sat with 2 HG-5's and 2 16's using I think it was the HECS (first core after the ball) and once in orbit, The game marks it as a relay sat. Are you sure you need relay antennas to make a control link sat? Or just more then 1 antenna and the right core?
  13. I agree that the T1 runway is WAY too bumpy. And being raised up like it is just makes it even worse to use. Basicly, it's in the way. Better off using the ground around it. More room, no steep sloped edge and smoother.
  14. I noticed that while the USI 1.25m tank is slightly shorter then the FL-T100 fuel tank, when using this mod, the T100 provides less space the the USI tank. The USI tank holds up to 500 food and 500 fertilizer while the T100 holds 469.1 Colony supplies and 432.1 fertilizer. Also, are the tanks hard coded to have 2 sections with a fixed ratio? because there are 2 edit buttons on the tank that need to be used to get that much. Edit, ok, this is a bug. I can use 2 edit option to give the full normal amount of LFO while using the second to give it other stuff without reducing the amount of fuel it can carry. And I see the USI tank only holds 10 fertilizer. Though they used to hold equal amounts. Might be a change for 1.2
  15. I had a thought a few days ago about indicators for science. The way it is now, if the science has been collected and is back at KSC, the lights stay off. What about an option to have the lights come on, maybe a different color If you have it back at KSC, but not on the local craft. This would be handy when re-collecting new samples to be stuffed in a lab.
  16. Give it the stock name and put in "default" folder. EVAjetpackNRM EVAtextureNRM kerbalHelmetNRM kerbalMainNRM
  17. Ok, face normal mapping seems to be working, but the mouth inside and teeth are still broke. Here is the test file I have been working on: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rk6wv3tvhl0l39a/kerbalHeadNRM.dds?dl=0
  18. Not sure if this is an over sight or intended, but the small probe core doesn't seem to work any more. Made a rocket with the SR probe core and reaction wheel and I could not effect it's flight. Reverted the flight and on the pad kerbnet shays no connection. Put a com 16 on and still nothing sitting on the pad until I extended the antenna. Then I had a link. It seems the SR payload fairings may not be protecting ether. Would need more testing, but the com 16 gets broke by areo forces shortly after launch even with the first stageTWR turned down to 2.5
  19. Stock has the option to not shatter now, but not the rounded edge option (that I know of). Is a update for 1.2 planned/needed?
  20. Yep, put a Mk1(nothing else) on the pad and it had the error. Changed in map view to ship and it was turned off
  21. I think a change in the numbering for this pack has broke spacedock. It is still listing Konstruction-1.2 as the newest.
  22. Attacks on DNS servers can effect anyone by way of who their ISP is using.
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