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Everything posted by Sirine

  1. Thumb Up. I will contribute my test for your server.
  2. Challenge Invitation! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58264-Dancing-Jeb-Christmas-is-near-Jeb-decided-to-practice-his-dancing-skill And the challenges near the end of 1st thread. Each challenge can be done in 5~10 mins or so, depends on your skill. Please try out. Thanks.
  3. This http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_Sheet tell you all you need to know about how much Dv you need. More over, It is recommended that you took that MechJeb "off" until you fully understand the NavBall, and Yeah the NavBall is more important than the Dv.
  4. Congratulation on your Eve successful mission. Now, Do it without MechJeb. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60331-Eve-Misison-Report-Live-update-with-persistent-file-along-the-way
  5. There are few mods that you wanna avoid for the rest of your KSP play. Hyperedit, MechJeb (Auto-pilot), Protractor Or any autopilot mod.
  6. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25111-FRAK-1-From-Zokesia-Skunkworks
  7. All of them can fly to space...try study them. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71015-BSC-Aeris-4a-AND-THE-WINNER-IS
  8. You can wait for protractor (two) for asteriod capture purpose. Or learn it the hard-way...learn to rendezvous manually, and learn to read and fully UNDERSTAND the Navball.
  9. Do you MechJeb previously? Its interests(fun) killer.
  10. Any object that is moveable such as rocket parts.
  11. Is there a way to plan flag on object instead of soil?
  12. Sirine

    I Exist!

    Me exist? Only history will tell, but, seems that not much left in the history to be told. Unless you are a legends. So, make yourself a legend. Ultimate good or ultimate evil that does not matter, "Existence" thats matter.
  13. The KSP forum does not support picture attachment from itself. They pull link from other website. So, 1) Go to http://imgur.com/, register yourself a free account. 2) Upload the photos to imgur. 3) Copy from the imgur photo link. 4) Place it here, via using the [imgur*]XXxxXX[/imgur*] Remove the * and XXxxXX is your photo album code.
  14. The STREAM output are JPG. The offline game play are PNG. Just give us the option to choose for output picture format, especially offline game play. Thanks.
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42877-CPU-Performance-Database At 600 parts, even the i7 max, will only run at about 30 fps. Edit: Ninja'zzz
  16. Let it die. Just forget it already. Good example of a failure on leadership that does not consider 'other' member/collab that wish to continue.
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37352-Exo-s-Rubberband-and-Duct-Tape-Emporium-SSTOS-Weird-Space-Ships-and-more! This is the best you can get for a 100% STOCK craft.
  18. I present... Leisure With greater margin for error, 'most' of the player can fly it to LKO (~70km) and still have plenty of fuel left. Please refer to craft file description for example ascend profile. You may fly it the way you like. I would say many will "unlikely-can't-make-it" to Kerbin orbit. It can fly to space, and land back to Kerbin surface, please don't expect too much from it. This craft is design for 'more fuel' in mind, that makes space-plane-proof-people enjoy flying space-plane the way they like. Main goal are carry 1 Kerbal to space and back. It does not optimize for atmospheric air-control, so, don't expect it to be very aerodynamic. Fly it and hope you discover the potential of this craft. Craft File : Leisure
  19. For currently game-play vanilla (Not including MechJeb). + NASA Pack. Which is the age group of player do you think 'SQUAD' is targeting for? IMO: Junior player, are highly dynamic group of people, they come and go as easily as bird. They don't have high spending power (money), and do not dedicate times for a single game. Many of them tend to play 3~5 games in a time. And may switch to "any games" that their friend play. Mature player, are people who love to explore the very deep of KSP, and squeeze the very juice of fun out of it. And if no more, they create it (They do Modding). Of course, this is just my personal opinion. What say you? Please restrain yourself for quoting others opinions. Just tell us what you think. This is not a debate, and there are no right or wrong answer.
  20. I don't know. But since this is a collab, it should have been co-effort of completing a mission. And if you have signup for the task. Please shows your sportmanship by atleast telling us your deadline, or if you have totally giveup on this. Having others to wait for you is not a good way of doing coop-mission such as this one. This is taking forever.
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